*Remember if you are not comfortable coming in, but feel fine, you should still be working out. We will gladly provide you with one on one online coaching. We can make anything work. No equipment, no problems. 1 set of dumbbells would be more than enough for most, if you have a home gym we can get really specific and work those weaknesses. For many of you one on one coaching would include guidance with getting started on the M word… Macros.

*At home workout posted below
Warm Up:
2 Rounds
100m Run or 10 Cal Row/Bike
6 Inchworms
10m Duck Walk
10 Crab Walk
8 Leg Lifts

Push Jerk or Split Jerk
((Videos posted for both below))
Working at one weight for each set.
Weights should be around 70-75%

12 Min EMOM
Within The Same Minute
5 Deadlifts 225/155 INT- 185/125 BEG-135/95
5 Bar Facing Burpees
–Coaches Notes–
CAN YOU HOLD ON?? I think you can. The weight listed above are NOT meant to be heavy, think more moderate weight so that 5 reps can happen either unbroken or SUPER fast singles. If you are at a weight that is between those listed,then use that weight you are comfortable with. Depending on class size the burpees might be bar over burpees but either way those should be no problem to finish out your minute.

Optional Accessory Work:
Option 1:
6 Min EMOM
All for 30 Seconds On 30 Second Off
a. Single Leg Toe Touch
b. Bird Dog Planks
c. 6 Inch Hold

Option 2:
Overhead Squat
Stay light and work on form

At Home With Equipment Version
All pieces of today’s workout can be done with dumbbells if you have dumbbells.

At Home Workout, No Equipment Version.
6 Rounds of:
Wod 1
30 seconds Handstand Walking or Open floor HS hold OR Pike position handstand hold off a box (or couch or chair, video here)
20 second side plank hold, R-side
20 second side plank hold, L-side

Wod 2
10 Rounds of:
30 Jumping Jacks
7 Tempo Push-ups (7 second descent, explode up)

We are continuing to disinfect several times a day. Keeping your distance from each other is always safe.. no matter if its this or the flu. Always check the private facebook page for more details.
Spread the word, I will be opening the gym from 7am to 9am for open gym and the posted workouts. I want to run a class a 9am and 10am to help cut down on crowding. Open gym from 11-2.
**It’s very important to note that if you are not comfortable coming to the gym all is not lost. Please reach out privately and we will be happy to remotely coach you. Yes its more involved and takes us more time than if you were with the group, but are more than willing to put the time and effort in to keep everyone happy and healthy.
***no partner workouts for awhile
***Entire workout can be done outside if you want! Its good to get some sun
***at home workout at bottom of the page

Warm up
2 rounds
20 Single Unders
200m Run
Grab a barbell and start warming up for these movements.

Workout: *yes you can take barbells outside if you want. we will set them up so they don’t roll
7 Minute Amrap
15 Deadlifts 185/135 INT- 135/95 BEG-95/65
10 Front Squats
5 Push jerks

Rest 5 Minutes
10 Minute amrap
5 Pull ups (if you want to be outside sub in dumbbells rows)
10 push ups
15 Squats

Rest 5 Minutes
14 Minutes Amrap
400m Run or row
30 KB Swings

At home workout will be the same only you will sub in dumbbells in the first wod. If you don’t have dumbbells the workout is as follows.

wod 1
EMOM 20 minutes of
10 Burpees
**Very tough to make it through this entire emom. When you miss, take one minute off and try to perform 6 burpees per minute for the duration of the time

Wod 2
7 Rounds of:
20 Air Squats (or jumping air squats if you feel fired up)
7 V-ups

Just to keep everyone updated. Gym is being cleaned at least twice a day. Operating as normal. We are basing all decisions off of facts not hype. We have plans in place for every scenario. Every second that passes is one second closer to all of this being behind us and getting more normalcy back into your lives. We are trying to keep things as “normal” as possible here. Health and safety are our two biggest concerns, always have been. Enjoy your hour here. We are going to keep it as normal as possible.

8am Endurance: slow and simple
Option 1- Accumulate 45 minutes of slow steady state cardio.
What does that look like.
1. a very slow run for 45 minutes. a pace where you could talk the whole time
2. A row with the damper set very flow, heart rate elevated, but able to talk.
3. A bike at what will essentially be at a cool down pace
Choose one, or mix it up.

9am Mobility

10am Workout:
Solo Saturday
****Partner workouts will not be happening for a couple weeks. If you are practicing for a competition try to use separate equipment for each person. Yes you will have a ton of equipment out but at least you wont have to share.
13 Min AMRAP
55 Deadlifts 225/155 INT-205/135 BEG-185/115
55 Wall Balls 20/14
55 Calorie Row
55 Handstand Push-ups INT-Extra Mat Progress. BEG- DB Press
Rest 5 Minutes
12 minutes AMRAP
20 Kettlebell Swings 50/35
400m Run
Rest 5 mins
2 Rounds
50 Double Unders Or Singles
15 Knees-to-elbows INT-Leg Raises BEG- Knee Raises
15 Push Jerks 155/105 INT-135/85 BEG-115/65

We are monitoring the Coronavirus situation closely and doing everything in our power to keep the gym sanitized. We will try to keep ahead of the situation. We are planning on staying open until the local, state, or Federal officials tell us to close. Here are some steps we are taking, besides non-stop cleaning, to keep you healthy and fit.
1. Starting today the gym will be open all day on weekdays and this is something we will most likely continue after this all passes. For now the reason for this to help reduce the number of people per class. Social distancing I believe they call it. we will have regularly scheduled classes and now we will have Open Gym from 7am to 9am and 11am to 4pm daily. Feel free to come in and get the workout in. chances are you might be told to work from home in the next few weeks and this would be a great opportunity to come in when it isnt so busy.
2. I do believe the panic will subside soon, but we will be posting at home workouts for you to do that will be similar to the daily Wod. If you are feeling even a little sick but well enough to work out please do the workouts at home.
3. In the unlikely event that we are ordered to shut down for a few days we will move to remote programming. I know a lot of you have some equipment at your house if not you might want to think about getting a set of dumbbells that is a normal weight you use and some bands. If we have to move to remote style of programming for a few day we will be sure to keep everyone engaged and I can promise you your fitness levels will not drop. You will have all the coaches available to answer your questions via text or messenger.
Here is the link to dumbbells.
Here is the link to bands.

Lets hope it doesn’t get to this, but if it does be prepared. You might at home for a days. You are going to get bored, might as well work out.

Warm Up:
3 Minute Run(800m)-Bike-Row
3 Rounds:
6 Walking Lunges
5 Empty Barbell Deadlifts
5 Empty Barbell Hang Power Cleans
5 Empty Barbell Front Squats
5 Empty Barbell Shoulder Press

Clean & Jerk
*Optional 3 sec pause at the bottom of the jerk.
Use the heaviest weight you can for each set, but working no heavier than 85%. You can Push Jerk or Split Jerk but remember if you are using the pause you have to do it with either version.
Rest as needed between sets.

6 Rounds
12 Wallballs 20/14
30 Double Unders or Singles
–Coaches Notes–
a nice simple couplet to finish out the week. These rounds should be nice and fast throughout all 6, with the wallball being a normal working weight 12 each round shouldn’t seem impossible or unreasonable. If you are feeling good maybe try using a heavier ball for the day for a challenge.

Optional Accessory Work:
Option 1:
3x800m Run
Rest 1:1

Option 2:
Double KB or DB Overhead Carry
Rest as needed between

Option 3:
Wall Walks
**add in a 10 second hold at the top for “fun”

AT HOME WORKOUT OPTIONS *dumbbell option

Warm up:
Run 200M
3 rounds
15 air squats 15 push ups.

Dumbbell emom
Every minutes for 6 minutes
2 Dumbbell deadlifts
2 Dumbbell hang cleans
2 Dumbbell push jerks

6 Rounds
8 Dumbbell thrusters
30 Double Unders or Singles
At home no equipment options
5 minutes run warm up
Then 3 rounds
15 air squats, 15 push ups.
If you have no equipment you can’t really clean and jerks, so we can work on two wods.
Wod 1
10 Minutes
Even minutes run 40 seconds
Odd Minutes 10 sit ups

Wod 2
6 Rounds
25 Squats
8 push ups (preferably inverted push ups)
30 Jump ups to very a low box/ledge anything about 4 inches tall. the ledge in a garage is usually this height.

Shadin’s Birthday Wod!

Send all Birthday Cards to her. When you finish the wod (if you finish) send all complaints to her as well. You might not be wishing her a happy anything after this… all joking aside, have fun with this one, pace yourself as its not a sprint, and try to pick weights and movements that will allow you to finish under the time cap.
This is going to be a tough one.

Warm up
Start with a 5 minutes bike or row. Get all your equipment ready and do rounds of this wod slowly cutting all the reps to 5.

32 minute time cap
4 rounds
16 Bike cals
16 Box jumps
16 Deadlift 135/95
16 Clean 135/95
16 Bar over burpeeĀ 
16 Pull up toes to bar **** see videos below. can also be split into 16 pull ups THEN 16 Toes to bar
16 Sit ups

*** there are two ways to do pull up/toes to bar combo, the top way is how most of us will do them. The bottom video is more technical but will save you time.

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