If you haven’t heard we were forced to close THESE doors by the State of Florida over concerns surrounding the Coronavirus.

I feel at this time that this the correct choice.

THIS IS TEMPORARY. You’re health and wellness is our number one concern and we will continue to be your coaches through this tough time. Now is not the time to stop working out! You have built up an amazing buffer against sickness by choosing to do CrossFit.

Stop in today and we will set you up with equipment for all at home workouts. A coach will be contacting you daily to tailor the workout to your needs and help you with whatever you need including getting you started on a sensible nutrition program.

With that being said here is tomorrows workout! Let’s rock and roll!

Warm up 4 minute run
3 rounds
10 push ups
10 sit ups
10 squats

Wod 1- 5 rounds for time
10 Cleans
10 Shoulder to overhead
10 Lunges

*please refer to our facebook page for demo video of at home options

5 Minute break

4 rounds (12 minutes)

1 minutes Max doubles
1 minutes max squats
1 minute rest

Warm Up:
800m Run
30 High knees
30 Butt kicks
20 spiderman lunges
10 Paces of Sampson stretch

Hang Power Clean with barbell or dumbells
Bar Facing Burpee (No Push Up Burpee Also Allowed)

At Home Version:
If you have the equipment available go through as it’s written but change the burpees to lateral bar over burpees to save space.
If you have no equipment find something in your house to put weight in. a backpack, heavy ball, a sandbag left over from hurricane season and perfrom cleans with that.

After this wod, complete the accessory work.

**Accessory Work**

WOD 1:
“Death by”
10m Shuttle sprint
*run a 10m print (30 feet, about a driveway length) every minute on the minute. add 10 meters every round.

WOD 2:
Hand release push ups

Warm Up:
3 Rounds:
1 Min of Run(200m)-Bike-Row
10 Second Hollow Hold
10 PVC Pass Throughs
5 Push-Ups
15 Second Handstand Hold Or Overhead DB Hold(or Wallball)
6 Shoulder Taps Or Alternating Overhead Press

For Time:
200 Double Unders or Singles
75 V-ups(Video Posted Below) or Sit Ups
50m Handstand Walk INT-25m HS Walk BEG-50m Bear Crawl
–Coaches Notes–
Little core work to get done. With the volume of all 3 of these movements being high proper working sets/rest sets are going to be important. If you are not overly confident in your doubles (knowing you’ll get at least close to 100 without stopping) pick a number to hit and stick to it. It will be a working set like any other movement. Take some time after the warm up to nail down the V-Up position and rhythm, if it isn’t happening you can always switch to sit ups for the workout. Don’t spend too much time there or trying to force stringing doubles together. As it’s written the workout should take close to 10-12 minutes, if you are adding in some progressions or trying new ones it might take closer to about 15-17.

At Home Version: *equipment and non equipment
200 Double Unders or Singles
75 V-Ups or Sit Ups
1 Minute Handstand Hold or Pike Hold
If you have your rope and have an extra mat available try to jump on that to save your rope(If a mat is not available cut the double under reps to 100 and 50 Singles). The Pike Hold can be done off of a chair or anything to support your legs while being upside down. If being upside down needs to be scaled then go through a minute of an overhead hold of anything weighted.

Rest 5 Minutes
Wod 2
Death by push ups (scale to knee push ups if you struggle with push ups, we are looking for max amount of reps here)

**Optional Accessory Work**
Option 1:
Single Overhead Carry
Using either 1 HEAVY DB or KB you will walk with it above your head in one arm then switch at the 50m mark

Option 2:
Suitcase Carry
3x50m EACH ARM
Using either 1 HEAVY DB or KB you will walk with your shoulders and hips as square forward as you can keep them

Wod 1:
3 Rounds:
400m Run(2 Minutes if Distance Unknown)
40 Air Squats
20 Dips off a box or bench.
If you have the equipment to do the dips on Rings or Supports do that for those reps if not like it says find a box or bench/chair to use.

Wod 2:
28-22-16-10 reps for time of:
KB Swings
If the KB is not available then you can substitute with Good Mornings with just yourself or if you have a pipe/broom/anything to hold at your shoulders.

Warm Up:
2 Run(400m)-Bike-Row
3 Rounds:
200m Shuttle Run (2x 100m Increase the pace each round)
8 Squat Therapy Reps
8 Empty Bar Stiff-Legged Deadlifts
8 Glute Bridges (No weight or empty barbell)
6 Good Mornings
4 Broad Jumps

Tempo Deadlift
Explode Up>Pause 1 Sec. At Top>10 Sec. Down>1 Sec. Pause At Bottom
Use around 50-70% of your Deadlift 1RM.

6 Rounds
Within 1 Minute
25 Air Squats
Max Reps Clean and Jerks 155/105 INT-135/95 BEG-95/65
Rest 2 Minutes

Home Version
With Equipment: Follow same set up and use either 2 DBs or 2 KBs for the Clean and Jerks. DB Cleans will come from the ground, the KB Clean will be from the Hang. MedBall Cleans can also be used, use the heaviest ball you have.
**If you only have 1 DB simple do alternating DB clean and jerk! good stuff.

Without Equipment:
6 Rounds
25 Air Squats
10 No Push Up Burpee

5 Minute rest
12 Minute EMOM (4 times through each movement)
**40 seconds of work 20 seconds rest every minute
Minute 1 lunge jumps
Minute 2 Hold a plank
Minute 3- Inch worm with a push ups

–Coaches Notes–
You are going to have to keep it moving on this workout. Those 25 Air Squats should be as unbroken as you can keep them, or VERY short rests, to give yourself enough time to get to your bar. The weight on the bar should be very very manageable for those max sets. Something easy to touch and go and to hang onto in that short window of the minute. You will have more rest than working time so use that to your advantage.

**Optional Accessory Work**
Option 1:
DB Bicep Curls
Option 2:
DB Tricep Extensions

11 Minutes of Walking Lunges((Vested Option Use 7 Minutes))
Accumulate 2 minutes of an L-sit or 6 Inch Hold(keeping your heels 6 inches off the ground while laying on your back with straight legs)

Tabata Heel Touches
Rest 1 Minute
Tabata Tuck Jumps(Video Below)
Rest 1 Minute
Tabata Plank Hold-Holding on your hands like the top of a push up

Warm Up:
3 rounds
100m Run
6 Forward Lunges
6 Lateral Lunges
10 Arm Swings/Circles
10 Wrist Circles

5 Rounds:
400m Run
15 Overhead Squats 95/65 INT-85/55 BEG-75/45
Home Version-
5 Rounds
2 Minute Run(if 400m is unknown)
15 Air Squats (or Single are DB/KB OHS if available)
–Coaches Notes–
Nancy is a benchmark workout, so for those who have done this workout before you should be able to have a goal in mind. If you haven’t gone through it yet set small goal within the workout. Maybe try to do the 15 OHS unbroken, or for at least half each round, maybe you will try a new weight. If the OHS is something you are working on STAY SUPER LIGHT to work on quality reps, front squats should be a very last resort option. The volume of this workout does add up but it should still take you under 20 minutes, I would say from around 12 to 16 minutes.

Optional Accessory Work:
Option 1:
Push Ups
Try to keep elbows close to your body, not flared out, and lowering all the way down so that your chest hits the ground. If you need to go to your knees that’s fine. Focus on Having your shoulders and hips fall and rise at the same time, no wormy reps.

Option 2:
Russian Twist
3×20 Reps
Unweighted reps for quality

If you have DBs or KBs the “*” movements can be weighted. If equipment is limited then do the workouts as written.
WOD 1:
20 Min EMOM:
*10 Burpees
10 minutes of burpees

WOD 2-
12 Rounds of:
*20 Air Squats (or jumping air squats if you feel fired up)
7 V-ups or Sit Ups
12 Rounds of:
15 Air Squats
7 sit-ups or hollow rocks

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