I pulled this explanation of how to attack your strength portions of workouts straight from the CrossFit mainsite as its the best summary I have seen in a long time.

Strength- Back squat 3-3-3-3-3
How should I approach this??? Read on my friends.

Let’s start the week strong! We are crosfitters, we love heavy squats. Today is a day for a proper, longer warm-up. Make sure you are sweaty, and your heart rate is high before getting to the barbell. Make sure your hips are open, your ankles are moving well, and your shoulders are loose. Today, no matter if you are a proficient squatter or if you are a beginner, your task is the same: to keep adding weight while mechanics are 👌. Today every set is heavy! Now, if your butt shoots up to the sky, your upper back rounds, or your knees and ankles are collapsing hard, that’s your body telling you: “you’ve made it, no need to keep going up.” That is it. If early on, you find a load that is challenging your form, deload to the previous weight. Then perform the rest of your sets at that intensity. Today is an excellent day to find your best movement and express it at a heavyweight. Find loads that allow you to do exactly that.

Warm up for these heavy squats!
3 Rounds
250 M Row
10 Glute Bridges
25 Feet spiderman lunges
25 Feet of 3 air squats plus 1 broad jump (hold last squat 3 seconds)
10 Bird dogs, 5 each side
30 seconds each leg of foam rolling
15 seconds of ankle stretches on the rig each ankle

Then grab a bar and start a movement specific warm up by performing 10-8-6-3-3-3…. Back squats while adding weight to the bar to work towards your first set of heavy 3.

Strength 5 sets of 3 heavy back squats
Scaling strength is easy if you are not comfortable going heavy.
do this 5 sets of 5 back squats
Scaling for injury is easy as well. In that case focus on high reps, light weight, and perfect mechanics.

**when your form or depth is compromised it time to take weight off and fix that.

*this strength can and will take some people the entire hour. that’s fine, if you have extra time here a fun wod

1000m Row for time-
*if you are not rolling off the side of the rower when you finish you attacked this wrong. This is an all out effort, drive through your legs as hard as you can and finish with a big pull in the arms. Long, smooth, powerful pulls!

Sunday Funday Team Wods!
Last day to order shirts! We are taking the order sheets in tomorrow!
Driven Nutrition Sample Day is TUESDAY.

As a team, on a running clock, complete the following 3 benchmark wods AFTER completing an 800m run buy in

Wod 1 Grace
30 clean and jerks for time

Wod 2
Double Helen *try to split work evenly
3 rounds
Run 400 together
42 Kb swings
24 Pull ups

150 wall balls for time

8am Endurance
All Running Option-
8x400m with 90 second break. Over on the post office road
Option 2- Partner Chipper
100 Burpees
150 bike cals
200 Rower Cals

9 am mobility

Partner wod

For time: Split work however you want
*run the 400s together
*scaling options available
1000m Row Buy In
35 Thrusters, 115/75
35 Burpees
400m run
30 Thrusters, 115/75
30 Burpees
400m run
25 Thrusters, 115/75
25 Burpees
400m run
20 Thrusters, 115/75
20 burpees
400m run
15 Thrusters, 115/75
15 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups
400m run
1000m row Cash out

Ready for a fun one? Hope your legs aren’t too sore from yesterday!
Warm up-
5 minutes of run bike or row
Then 3 rounds of
10 air squats, 200m run

Take 10 minutes to review the med ball clean

3 rounds for time
50 med ball cleans 30/20
800m run
*scaled versions will be 2 rounds
*if you aren’t currently running sub out an 800 m row

Accessory work- choose 1
1000m row for time
or 60/50 cal bike for time

Coaches notes. Watch the video closely to prepare for these med ball clean. Yes you will have time practice. This wod is not a sprint, its going to take awhile. Stick with it an chip away. Pick a med ball that you can get sets of 10 to start out with. By the 3rd round those sets will probably be fast sets of 5. Don’t get caught up in “rx-ing” it. quality reps at a steady pace.

Warm up
4 rounds
1 minutes bike
5 strict press
5 push press
5 push jerks
10 empty bar deadlifts

12 minutes Emom (4 rounds) *try to increase weight each round
Minute 1- 2 strict press
Minute 2- 4 push press
Minute 3- 6 push jerk

*take 10 minutes to practice wall ball lunges *as in the video below* and work up to your working weight for deadlifts

5 Rounds for time
14 Wall alternating lunge wall ball lunge shots 20/14
10 Deadlifts 225/155
***Coaches notes. If you are fighting these wall ball lunges, drop the wall ball weight or sub out regular wall balls. Pick a weight on you deadlift where you fighting to go unbroken every round. 10 minute range is what we are looking for

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