Hi everyone,
Thanks for following along at home! We’ve been going pretty hard the past two days so were are going to slow it down and control it a little bit, put a 30 minute time cap on this. PLEASE DO NOT HESITATE to reach out for anything at this time. Questions about nutrition, workouts, specific movements, how to improve in those areas you are having trouble on.

There are two options today, this first one (don’t hate us) and an all cardio option below this. Let’s start the day with a warm up though.
5 rounds
5 push ups (elbows in, chest and hips all they way down, lock out at the top)
10 squats
15 jumping jacks

Wod 1 (choose one or two)
Even you don’t want to do this, even if you won’t get through it in 30 minutes you should still try it, get out of that comfort zone. you can use anything for weight including a jug of water if your dumbbell is too heavy. Try with an empty bar, don’t drop your bar.

100 Turkish Get-Ups for time: (Lighter DB today. 20/15+)
Every 3min. Perform 5 Burpees.
*Start with the 5 burpees


Wod 2- 30 Minute Emom (choose one or the other)
Even minutes- Run, bike, row at slower pace for the entire minute
Odd minutes stop an do 10 airsquats (you have the rest of that minute is for rest)

Enjoy. Here is a mobility piece for everyone. This is Tom. Get to know Tom over the next days. You will be seeing a lot of him

Time to have some fun. This is going to be tough.
For the warm up lets do
5 rounds
100m run
5 pull ups (or barbell rows)
10 squats
5 dips on a chair or bench.. be careful!

*please read the several versions of this workout. They are similar but equipment will effect rep count

20 Minute Emom (5 rounds) This entire version can be done with 1 Dumbbell
Min. 1) Max reps of DB Floor Press (right arm only)
Min. 2) Max reps of DB Bent Over Row (right arm only)
Min. 3) Max reps of DB Floor Press (left arm only)
Min. 4) Max reps of DB Bent Over Row (left arm only)
Rest 3-4min.
15min. AMRAP:
30 Double Unders
10 DB Burpee Deadlifts 45/30s
**Here is the version if you have just a barbell
20 Minute Emom
Min 1 Max Reps barbell floor press
min 2 Max Rep bent over rows with barbell
Min 3 plank Hold
Min 4 Air squats

Rest 3-4 minutes
15 minutes Armap
30 Doubles or 30 weighted steps ups , 30 jumping jacks
10 deadlifts. moderate weight
10 burpees over your bar!

Warm Up:
We really want you to take time to work on mobility over the next few weeks. Here is a short mobility piece before the workout.

After this upper body mobility do 5 fast rounds of
7 push ups
7 leg raises or candlesticks
7 Squats

Please read the options below as we know people are working with different equipment.

DUMBBELL or Single KB wod
For Time:
10 DB Hang Snatch (right arm) 45/30
10 DB Hang Snatch (left arm)
10 DB Thrusters with both arms (if you have one DB alternate 5 left, 5 right.
… Then 9 of all that… Then 8… All the way down to 1.


Barbell Version
Warm up to your working weight for the wod. As there are several different variations of weights out there I am basing RX of time domains and stimulus of the workout. This workout should be on the lighter side. The first 10 reps of both should be unbroken, yes the reps go down by one every time but there will be a time, probably around 5 or 6 where you might have to break these movement. You should be on the struggle bus with a one way ticket to Pain Town

Barbell version
10 Hang Snatches
10 Thrusters

Then 9 of each, then 8 then 7.. all the way down to 1

Post times to the facebook, tag the gym. We’ll keep coaching and providing you amazing service, you keep being the awesome community you are!

Warm Up:
3 Rounds
10 Air Squats
30 Double Unders or Singles (Ropeless Jumps or Calf Raises are subs)
8 Ground To Overhead with Plate
6 Push Ups

For time:
1000m Row
50 Thrusters 45/35
30 Pull-ups

At Home Versions:
With Equipment:
If all equipment is available then go though the workout as written. If you don’t have a rower substitute that with an 800m Run(4 min Run). The workout is prescribed to use an empty barbell so even if you don’t have plates that fine. If you are working with DB/KBs use 53/35, if you only have 1 of each then go through single arm thrusters and switch to get 25 on each arm. If you don’t have a space/set up for pull ups CLICK HERE to see plenty of options to choose from.

Limited Equipment:
800m Run
50 Squatting Tuck Jumps
30 Towel Pull Downs
(Take a hand towel and hold it tight between your hands at shoulders distance. Start with the towel above your head and make sure it is pulled apart tightly. As you hold your shoulder blades together bring the towel down to your chin and return it above your head. The most important part is to KEEP CONSTANT TENSION in the towel. It should never have slack in it.)

Accessory Work:
Tuck Crunches (Video Posted Below)

Follow Mobility Routine Posted Below

Extra HomeWod:
5 Rounds
1 Minute at Each Station
-Mountain Climbers
-Push Ups
-Flutter Kicks
-Air Squats
Score is total numbers of reps

For the warm up today 3 or 4 minute jog then go through the following dynamic warm up.
40 High knees
40 Butt kicks
20 sampson stretches
40 lunges

Wod 1 today

21 Minute EMOM (7 rounds)
Minute 1- 40 seconds of harder cardio fast run, hard row, fast bike, jump rops
Minute 2- 12 Toes to bar, 15 sit ups, 10 candlesticks
Minute 3- 2 push jerks *add two push jerks every round

Rest between wods
100 Russian twists for time

1 306 307 308 309 310 539