Check out Tanya’s Facebook page for mobility today at 9am

Tabata Sunday
-20sec of work by 10sec of rest x 8 Rounds.
Set up the
-Stay at the same station for all 8 rounds. NO REST, and go right into the next station.

Dumbbell version
*each station takes 4 minutes
*this whole workout will take 20 Minutes

Tabata 1- Single Arm eye level kb or DB swings
Tabata 2- Single Arm Alternating DB snatches
Tabata 3- Single Arm Deadlifts
Tabata 4- Front Rack Lunges (hold in a goblet squat position)
Tabata 5- Single Arm Front Rack Squats- swtich every 20 seconds

Barbell version
Tabata 1- empty bar curls
Tabata 2-Empty bar tricep extension or close grip floor press
Tabata 3-Empty bar good mornings
Tabata 4-Front rack lunges
Tabata 5 empty bar or air squats

When you set up your “Smartwod timer” ap it should look like this

*You do not have to do both workouts listed. If you go all out on either the endurance or the Filthy 50 It should be sufficient.
Endurance work i
8 x400 sprints with 90 seconds break between. Do NOT go all out on your first 2. The goal of this is to run each one fast, but 8 within a few seconds of each other. if you go out too fast on the first 2 or 3 you will not be able to maintain that pace for all 8 even with the 90 second breaks. 400m is .25 miles if you are trying to measure with your cars odometer

Warm up today
3 rounds
Run 100
15 Push ups
15 squats

“Filthy 50”
50 Jumps onto something 20-24” high. OR 50 Tuck Jumps
50 DB Swings Or KB swings or Empty Barbell Snatches
50 Push-Ups
50 Walking Lunges (Bodyweight)
50 Sit-Ups (Use your DB if you want to make it harder)
50 DB Push Press Or 50 Light Barbell Push Press
50 Super-Mans
50 Air Squats
50 Burpees
50 Double Unders or 5o singles or 50 Jumping Jacks
*Use 45/30s… Advanced 50/35+
*Go as FAST as you can!

Warm up-
5 minutes run walk bike
Then 10 minutes of squat therapy against the wall, get at least 20 squats in with holds against a wall.


Remember the other day when we did Run + 2 rounds of DT? Remember how enjoyable that was?

Here is another fun one
**GO light please this is a minimum of 140 squats, it would be difficult enough with just air squats
Every 5min. x 7 Rounds:
Choose 1 (400m Run, 500m Row, or 25 Cal Assault Bike)
*Adjust the run so it’s about 2 minutes. You want about 90 seconds rest
20 Goblet Squats with a 1 DB 1 kb or empty bar on your back

*29 squats per round is rx plus
If you finish the round before 5 minutes is up you have the rest of the time to rest. If you don’t just change this into a 35 minutes AMRAP

Extra core work
3 Rounds
20 Tuck ups or v ups
20 Russian twists (Back and forth counts as one)
20 situps+

Warm up today. Get outside for 10 minutes, walk run jog, no phone.
After that go into 3 Rounds of
20 jumping jacks
20 push ups
15 squats

These workouts are written a little differently, we are using specific time domains to keep you moving. You don’t have your classmates there to push you or your coaches there to say keep going. These specific times and “to failure” are something to guide you. Best bet is to just keep moving!

Workout 1 Dumbbell version *this is similar to workout we did last week. See if you feel you have improved on your floor/bench presses. We don’t bench often in the gym, time to get some of this type of work in.
4 Rounds
DB Floor Press to failure Right arm, pick a weight where you can get at least 10 reps
DB floor press left arm to failure
50 Double Unders jumping jacks or single unders
1 minute of Max DB Bent Over Rows (right arm)
1 minute Max DB Bent Over Rows (left arm)
Rest 2 minutes before starting next round.


Barbell Version
4 rounds
Floor press or bench press to failure (at least 10 reps)
50 Double unders
1 Minute max push ups
1 Minute max bent over rows.

Rest 2 minutes between rounds

Rest 5 Minutes

Wod 2 Dumbell and barbell verion
For Time: 50 Devil Press *can be done with 1 DB or two
*barbell version
Pick a lighter weight and do 30 rounds of
1 Burpee
1 Clean and jerk

Warm up, no overhead squats are not an April Fool’s joke. We all need to work on these. After watching this video and doing the mobility toward the end go into
3 Rounds.
10 overhead squats with a broom with a 1 second hold at the bottom
10 Pass throughs
10 push ups

For Time:
50 Single Arm Overhead Lunges (25 each side)
50 Lateral Lunges (left + right = 1 rep)
50 Goblet Squats
*5 burps EMOM until finished *Start with burpees

*If you can do Handstand push ups do 5 HSPUs on the min. instead

Barbell version Light (no weight or 10)
50 Overhead squat with empty bar of very light weight
50 Front Rack Lunges
50 Back squat

Barbell version-Heavy 135/95
30 Over head squats
30 Front rack lunges
30 back squats

Extra Credit: Holding the DB in your right hand, do 50 Calf Raises. Repeat on the left side. then; Complete 50 Russian Twists with the same DB. (left+right = 1 rep)

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