Sunday Funday! Outside in front. Wod starts at 10am. Bring your scarves and mittens.
Partner wod

Wod 1- 10 Minutes Amrap- 1 Partner Working at a time
30 Air Squats
20 Burpees

Wod 2- 10 Minute Amrap
20 Slam balls over the shoulder
20 lunges with your slam ball overhead

Wod 3
15 Minutes Amrap
20 Cal Row
20 DB thrusters
200 M Farmer Carry (both walk on the farmer carry, one partner holds both dumbbells but you can switch as needed.

The gym is being used for a USAW level 1 seminar. Please meet in the front of the building. Thanks.

All 3 classes will take place outside today! There is USAW Weightlifting seminar taking place in the gym.

8 am we will be running 400’s on the post office street. I will have rowers outside to sub rowing.

9am mobility in the parking lot, only 30 minutes worth

10am outdoor partner wod with rowing, running, kb swings and farmers carries, air squats, push ups.. everything but the kitchen sink and barbells.

Do you follow our programming from your home gym? That’s awesome! That’s why we post it. Post a picture of your home gym or where ever you workout and tag the gym on social media! Stop in for a class!

Warm Up:
3 Rounds:
1 Min Run-Bike-Row (increase pace each round)
10 Leg Swings Each Leg
8 Kang Squats with PVC ((Video Posted Below))
10 PVC Pass Throughs
7 Burpees

“I really need to run more.” -Everyone weekly
Now is your chance. Safety first, wear your lights

5k Run INT-2 Mile Run BEG-20 Minutes of Running for Distance
This is an all out effort for time.
Other Equipment Conversions:
Replace running with 10 Miles on the Assault Bike, 5k on the Concept 2 Rower Or Ski Erg

*Fine print
Workout alternative is
20 Minute Amrap
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 air squat

–Coaches Notes–
Don’t skip put on cardio day!! We have the other options for distances that you can pick from if they are more comfortable for you. If the 5k is a distance you are okay with then go at it for time and try to keep a fast pace. If you are those who run the distance often then you have an idea of how long it should be taking you. If you haven’t done a 5k or not sure of time, try to aim for under 30minutes. Again if you know your 5k time will be way over 30 minutes than pick a distance goal that will keep you under that.

**Optional Accessory Work**
Option 1:
Chin Over Bar Hang
Use whatever grip is best for you.
Build to 2 Minutes
Option 2:
Push Ups
40-50 QUALITY Reps
If you want a challenge use a band during your reps. Focus on form and make sure your hips and shoulder are in one line the whole time and your chest goes all the way to the ground before pressing to the top.

Do you follow our programming from your home gym? That’s awesome! Post a picture of your home gym or where ever you workout and tag the gym on social media! Stop in for a class!

Warm Up:
2 Rounds:
50 Single Unders
10 Good Mornings With Empty Bar
10 Low Ring Muscle-Ups (LOTS of Leg Assist)
1x Burgener Warm-Up With Empty Bar

Read carefully, there are two options today. one is more strength based, one is more metabolic conditioning based. Need a break from the barbell, do option 2. the are both great options!

Workout: Option 1
Take 15 minutes to build up to a working weight for the snatch. clock will be set for this warm up
Then the wod is for time
For time:
7 Squat Snatches 185/135 INT-155/105 BEG-95/65
11 Ring Muscle-ups/Bar MU INT- Low Ring MU or C2B Pull Ups/Pro. BEG- Ring Rows
100 Double Unders BEG-100 Singles
11 Ring Muscle-ups/ Bar MU INT- Low Ring MU or C2B Pull Ups/Pro. BEG- Ring Rows
7 Squat Snatches 185/135 INT-155/105 BEG-95/65

Workout option 2 –
15 minutes (5 rounds)
Minute 1- 10 sit ups
Minute 2- 20 walking lunges
Minute 3-8 burpees

Then the wod is for time
30 Alt dumbell snatches
25 pull ups or ring rows
200 singles or 100 doubles
25 pulls ups ring row
30 Alt Db snatches

–Coaches Notes–
With this barbell being heavy and written with the full squat snatch make sure you pick your weight wisely. These might end up being singles but they shouldn’t be feeling like 1 rep maxes each pull. The Muscles up have a ton of options for progressions if we aren’t at ring muscle ups yet. You can go through those low ring drills for your reps(using less leg assistance), you can switch to Bar MU and then add in all of those progressions as well, as long as you are working with the harder progression for yourself it will fit the workout. The whole workout should take less than 20 minutes so of course keeping that in mind when you decide on a progression and weight.

**Optional Accessory Work**
Option 1:
10 min EMOM
Evens(Including 0)- 12 Heel Touches
Odds- 7 V Ups or Leg Raises
Option 2:
5 sets 200m Sprints
Rest 1:1 (Rest as long as it took you to run the 200m)
Option 3:
Squat Therapy Reps

No vests today- looks likes a rainy day. What would a vest workout be if we couldnt go out and run in them?

Warm Up:
3 Rounds:
1 Min Run-Bike-Row (Increase Pace Each Round)
5 Sit Ups
10 Lateral Lunges Each Leg
10 Squat Therapy Reps
10 Glute Bridges Empty Barbell
5 Pull-Ups Or Ring Rows
10 Push-Ups

Think of today as three workouts. try to get to that accessory work

Tempo Back Squat
1 Sec. Up > 1 Sec. Pause at Top > 3 Sec. Down > 3 Sec. Hold at Bottom
Rest as needed between sets.
Use 60-65%

Death By Favorite Calorie Machine!
1 Calorie in the first 1 min
2 Calories in the second 1 min
3 Calories in the third 1 min
…Continuing this for as long as you are able.
–Coaches Notes–
If you haven’t done a “Death By…” set up, try and think of it as an ascending EMOM. On 3,2,1, go you’ll do 1 Calorie and then rest the remainder of the that minute. When the 1st minute hits you’ll do 2 Calories then rest, so on and so forth adding 1 calorie every minute until you can no longer hit that number of calorie within that minute. Guys you should be aiming for +/-18 rounds, ladies aim for +/-13 rounds.
*** Towards the end you wont have time to reset your machine. Do that CrossFit math in your head!

**Accessory Work**
Russian Twist
40-50 Reps
hold onto a Slamball, DB, or KB.

Part 2
100 banded curls
100 banded tricep pull downs

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