Warm up 10 Minutes of moving. Run, walk, push ups, practice doubles, or anything you want as long as your moving.
So many 5’s Chipper 500 Meter run (make your best guess, go about 150 feet past your 400m run turn around) 55 Burpees 55 Alt Db snatch (Barbell version is 25 power snatches) 55 Doubles or singles 55 lunges 55 Push ups 55 air squats 55 Sit ups 500 M Run
Warm up 5 Rounds Run 100 8 overhead squats with a pvc or broom stick 8 pass throughs
Strength 5 sets of 10 overhead squats for QUALITY. Light weight Empty barbell or light dumbbell. If you are still working on depth with single arm DB overhead squats or struggle with the movement switch to overhead lunges. 5 each leg 5 sets.. nice and slow
Wod 1- Barbell Version
8 Minutes Amrap 8 push press. 95/65 8 Bent over rows (pull ups if you have a pull up bar) 8 Front Rack lunges (4 each leg)
Rest 4 Minutes
Wod 2 8 Minutes amarp 8 Deadlifts 95/65 8 Push ups 8 Lunges with no weight
______________________________________________________________________________ Dumbbell version 8 minutes Amrap 8 Push press (4 each if you have single DB) 8 Bent over rows (4 each arm if you a single DB) 8 Lunges with your dumbbell
Rest 4 minutes
Wod 2 – 8 Minute Amrap 8 dumbbell deadlifts) (4 each side if you only have 1 DB) 8 push ups 8 no weight lunges
Sunday Funday Basic body weight stuff. Get out, get moving. Some awesome workouts lined up next week. Today is not a race. its about move for 20 minutes and a steady pace and getting on with your day.
Warm Up. 3 Rounds 200 M Run 10 Lunges 10 push ups
Wod- 20 Minutes Amrap 200M Run 15 No push up burpees 20 Squats 30 Lunges
DUMBBELL VERSION 18 minutes EMOM (6 rounds of each movement) Dumbbell version Minute 1- goblet squats Minute 2-weight lunges Minutes 3- bulgarian split squat weighted or unweighted
At 18 minutes go straight into 30 single arm (alternating) devil presses
**Treat this like a tabata, work 40 seconds each minute and allow yourself 20 seconds rest between movement
BARBELL VERSION 18 minutes EMOM (6 rounds of each movement) Minute 1- empty bar fron squats Minute 2- empty bar front rack lunges Minutes 3- bulgarian split squat weighted or unweighted
**Treat this like a tabata, work 40 seconds each minute and allow yourself 20 seconds rest between movement
At 18 minutes go straight into 20 rounds 1 burpee 1 power snatch 95/65