Minute 1- 10 Power position snatch grip high pulls
Minute 2- 5 power position power snatch plus 5 overhead squats
Minute 3- 2 Hang from the knee power snatch plus 2 hang full snatch
14 minutes strength emom, every other minute on the minute perfrom this complex. this is not finding a max. this is working with moderate weight fixing technique
1 Power Position power snatch
1 power position full snatch or power plus overhead squat
1 Hang from the knee power snatch
1 hang from the knee full snatch
For time
21 Power snatches 95/65
21 Burpees over bar
Run 800m
15 Power snatches 115/75
15 Burpees over bar
Run 600
9 power snatches 135/95
9 burpees over bar
Run 400