Warm up
3 rounds
Run 200m
20 jumping jacks
10 squats with a 1 second hold at the bottom

Warm up to heavier a set of 3 to 5 back squats then go
3-3-3-3-3 5 sets of 3. we are getting back into the swing of things. time to add a little bit of weight on the heavier side of things

Kettlebell swings
push ups
Goblet squats with your KB

Warm Up

3 rounds
20 Jumping jacks
10 push ups
10 squats

*fitness with a single dumbbell 70/50

Wod 1- 8 Minute amrap
10 push press (5 one arm, 5 other arm
8 Pull ups
6 Burpees

Rest 4 minutes
Wod 2- 8 minute Amrap
10 single arm thrusters (5 one arm, 5 the other arm)
10 DB snatches (5 one arm, 5 the other arm)

Rest 4 minutes
Wod 3
5 Minutes max reps of single DB alternating man makers!

8 am- lets try this again
Mile time trial

Open gym inside and outside from 6:30am to 11am

Wod 10am
Run, 400 m
15 Back Squats 225/155 lbs
Run 400 m
12 Back Squats 225/155 lbs
Run,400 m
9 Back Squats, 225/155 lbs

Other Equipment Conversions: Replace each 400 m of running with 25 cals on the Assault Bike. 500 m on the Concept 2 Rower,
500 m on the Concept 2 Ski Erg,


Run a mile or row 2000m.

Score is total time

Back to back metcons today. will be adjusted for rainy weather.

Warm up-
Check the board!
A lot of rough wods this week, we are going to end the week with all bodyweight workous

Wod 1-
7 Minutes EMOM
10 Burpees over your bar, scaling is a lower numbers

Rest 3 Minutes
Wod 2
7 Minute EMOM
5 sit ups
10 Push ups
15 Squats
*scaling is lower the number of reps or knee push ups

Rest 3 Minutes
*this will be the one that you can keep track of your score on in zenplanner
Wod 3- 10 Minute AMRAP
Mash up
10 Sit ups
10 Burpees over your bar
10 Squats
10 Push ups

3 rounds
5 good morning with a Bar
5 High pull with a bar
5 hang cleans

Do a few hang cleans, squat or power, to warm up to a starting weight. Coach will start a clock, you have 15 minutes to go for a two rep max hang clean. any lifts after 15 minutes don’t count for your score.

A good old fashioned crossfit.com workout.

21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:

Wall-ball shots

♀ 20-lb. ball ♂ 30-lb. ball

1 291 292 293 294 295 539