Metcon Tuesday. Morning classes lets try to do this all outside!

Warm up
3 Rounds
10 no push up burpees
15 squats
200m run

Wod 1-
10 Minutes Amrap
10 Cal bike or row
15 Kb swings 70/55
200 M Run

Rest 5 Minutes

Wod 2
50 Cal Row or bike
50 push press right arm with KB or DB
50 Cal row or bike
50 push press left arm with kb or DB

Warm up
3 Rounds
200 M Run
20 Jumping Jacks
15 Air Squats

Wod first today!

40 Cal row or bike
30 Med or D-ball squat cleans 50/30
20 Box step over with the ball
40 HSPU or Dumbbell press
*this is high volume and going to be tough with spacing. Do DB presses if 40 HSPU fairly quickly isn’t happening
20 Box step overs with the ball
30 med or dball squat cleans
40 Cal Row or Bike

20 Minute cap

*this is similar to the rogue invitational wod, but it’s not the same. bike or rower is rx. kipping hspu are rx.

If there is extra time in class
3 rounds
Sled Push with weight 100m
over head walk with plate 100m
50m lunges with weight

Keep up on the social distancing. 6 people can use the outside rig tomorrow for wod 1. Wod 2 will be completely outside

Wod 1
12 Minute Amrap-
10 single arm Dumbbell clean and jerk (5 each arm)
8 push ups
6 Pull ups
Run 200m

Rest 5-
Wod 2 for time
400 M Farmer Carry
40 Alt DB snatches
30 Burpees
400 M Farmer Carry
40 Alt DB snatches
30 Burpees

Optional 3rd Wod posted at gym

Please continue to sign up for class. We have to limit occupancy to meet social distancing guidelines. If the inside area is full please utilize the outside area.

Gym can be used for open gym from 8am to 10am. Be sure to reserve your spot. There will also be regular classes at
8am Endurance
9 am Crossfit
10am Crossfit

8am endurance tomorrow.
Lets build off the running we did last week.
Timed running. not a set distance. Run for 30 minutes.
Nice pace, keep water with you or by the building, stay hydrated

9am and 10 am wod
Wod 1
12 Minute Amrap (155/105)
12 Deadlifts
9 Hang cleans
6 Push jerks
Run 200m

5 minute break

Wod 2
12 Minute Amrap
10 Thrusters 95/65
10 Burpees over your bar

Warm up
3 Rounds
10 kip swings
10 push ups
10 Squats
200 m run

Tempo Front squats 70 to 80 percent of 1rm
3 seconds down, 2 second hold. shoot up from the bottom


Wod (2 wods)
6 Minute Amrap
14 wall balls
8 burpees

Rest 4 Minutes

6 Minutes Amrap
14 Burpees
8 wall balls

*you’re going to have to move on the burpees to get some reps in. Wall balls should be unbroken. Wod is made to work on burpee speed. Just keep MOVING!

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