Enjoy your Holiday Weekend! Gym will be closed Saturday and Sunday. See you Monday!

The gym closes for the weekend at 4pm today. No night classes.
Enjoy your holiday!

Warm up-
Barbell specific
3 Rounds
Minute 1 – 10 snatch grip high pulls
Minute 2- 5 Hang power snatch- Plus overhead squats
Minute 3 -5 Full snatches from the shin

15 minutes to work on this complex
1 power snatch from the floor
1 Squat snatch from the hang
1 over head squat
Use this as a heavier session if you are experienced in this lift OR if you are newer to this use this as a lighter technique session. go through your movements, don’t worry about weight. If you are struggling to move well with light weight, there is no need to add weight.

Wod (Option 1)
Amanda .45
Ring Muscle Ups (sub bar muscle ups if you have the weight, but ring is rx)
Full Snatches 135/95
(16 minute time cap)
**if you can get some bar muscle ups, get those, then switch to chest to bar pull ups when you start to slow down. You can even do a few bar muscle ups per round then switch to pull ups.

Wod (Option 2)
16 minute amrap
8 Pull ups
8 ring or bench dips
8 Power Snatches 115/85 or 20 DB snatches

Ready for some cardio!
Warm up-
3 rounds
Run 200
10 Jumping lunges
8 strict pull ups
6 Push ups

Bodyweight Chipper
Run 600M
20 toes to bar
30 burpees
Run 600m
100 Doubles or 300 singles
Run 600m
30 Burpees
20 toes to bar

If you have time left at the end of class.
try this
3 Rounds (not for time, easy pace)
30 sit ups
40 plank with reach (20 reaches each hand)

Warm up-
3 Rounds
10 Lunges
10 squats
5 wall balls

*Wod first again today. this would be a good day to partner up and let someone count for you… from 6 feet away of course. We can run two heats

150 wall balls for time
-If you you have the mobility to get below parallel on your squats, that is the goal. We would rather have 150 great reps at slower time than 150 half reps at a faster time.
Manageable sets to start. If you can do 100 unbroken, go for it! Then just hold on for the rest of the wod! If you can go 150 try for it!
If 20-40 is your max reps for wall balls start breaking BEFORE you are at failure. Watch the clock for your rest. 5-10 seconds rest before your next set.

Brutal judge no reps this guy on 141……. a few of you can go unbroken in the gym. I know you can.

Extra Strength if you want to after the wod

5 sets of bench press or floor press. Don’t share benches. Db’s or Barbell

Warm up
Barbell Specific Warm up
2 Rounds
Minute 1- 10 clean high pulls
Minute 2- 6 Power cleans+6 front squats
Minute 3- 6 Hang squat cleans
Minute 4- 5 Push jerks+3 Split jerks
You can add a little bit of weight each round but start with an empty bar

Strength- 25 Minutes on the clock to
Find your one rep max of
**You are welcome to work on this complex the entire hour if you want to! We haven’t had an all weightlifting day since we have been back.
The Misfits Clean Complex
1-Power Clean
1-Push Jerk
1-Front squat
1 Hang squat clean
1 Split jerk
*** All without putting the bar down

**Will start the clock at :40 after for whoever wants to do this wod. Be ready to go if you are doing it.
12 Minute Amrap
100m Farmer Carry (2 Dumbbells or KB) 50/35
100m Overhead carry (1 Dumbbell or KB, switch arms halfway)

1 286 287 288 289 290 539