Are you sore…. I am so sore. It really make you realize how much harder you push in class compared to on your own. We have samples of CBD muscle rub at the gym from the local family owned business

We have an 8am endurance outside.
The outside rig area is open gym from 8am to 11am. you can also take all bikes and rowers outside.
Inside classes are listed on the ap

8am endurance.
Lets bring it back with………………
8×400 with 90 seconds rest together on the post office road. Bring your water jugs

9am open gym. sign up on the ap

No team wods yet although with limited numbers of people inside we could start them.. with separate equipment for each team members, BUT not tomorrow
10am Wod
For time
CrossFit Fundraiser Wod 3
See if you can beat your time.
50 DB deadlifts
50 Abmat sit ups
50 box step ups
50 single arm thrusters!

Warm up!
Step 1- Wash/sanitize your hands
Step 2- There will be a 10 minute body weight warm up posted outside. Start the warmup at the top of the hour, The Coach will come out and get you at 10 after.
Step 3 go to your station and wipe your equipment down even though the class before you will have just wiped it down.
Step 4- Coach will be at the front of the room explaining the workout, we are not meeting at the whiteboard to avoid gathering too close.
*if you have an outdoor spot reserved just step into the gym, paying attention to social distancing and after the short brief you can head outside to your spot.

A break from the barbell

Strength skill EMOM
12 Minutes (3 Rounds)
Minute 1- 15 Dumbbell tricep extensions
Minute 2- 12 Weighted sits ups with your dumbbell
Minute 3- 12 Push ups
Minute 4- 40 Doubles, 40 singles, or 40 seconds of double under attempts

Wod- CrossFit quarantine Wod 1
10 Minutes Amrap
10 Squats
9 Db Snatches right arm
10 push ups
9 Db snatches left arm

Warm up!
Step 1- Wash/sanitize your hands
Step 2- There will be a 10 minute body weight warm up posted outside. Start the warmup at the top of the hour, The Coach will come out and get you at 10 after.
Step 3 go to your station and wipe your equipment down even though the class before you will have just wiped it down.
Step 4- Coach will be at the front of the room explaining the workout, we are not meeting at the whiteboard to avoid gathering too close.
*if you have an outdoor spot reserved just step into the gym, paying attention to social distancing and after the short brief you can head outside to your spot.

Barbell Strict press- 5 sets of 5.
Remember we are easing back into barbell work. go light

5 Rounds
15 KB Swings
5 pull ups
400 m run

Remember we are easing back into pull ups as well. Trust us!

Scaled version

3 or 4 rounds

Welcome Back Wednesday!

Warm up!
Step 1- Wash/sanitize your hands
Step 2- There will be a 10 minute body weight warm up posted outside. Start the warmup at the top of the hour, The Coach will come out and get you at 10 after.
Step 3 go to your station and wipe your equipment down even though the class before you will have just wiped it down.
Step 4- Coach will be at the front of the room explaining the workout, we are not meeting at the whiteboard to avoid gathering too close.
*if you have an outdoor spot reserved just step into the gym, paying attention to social distancing and after the short brief you can head outside to your spot.

Back squats
5 sets of 5 at 60 percent of your OLD max. Yes this will be light, but many of you haven’t squatted for 8 weeks.

Wod- Starting simple.
10 minute Amrap
10 Power Cleans 96/65
10 push press 95/65

Wipe down your equipment and clear the room before the next class comes in. You are welcome to stay and socialize 6 feet apart in the outdoor area.

*skill work and extra work can be done outside. Clients who have registered for class take priority on the rig and platforms outside but there is plenty of other things to do if the rig is full. Sleds, hammers, tires, running, sandbags. Pick something and start moving. Take an abmat out there and do some running and core work.

**We are opening Wednesday. You are more than welcome to continue working out from home until you are comfortable coming in, just contact us so we can accommodate that and continue our check ins.
**You need to download the Zen Planner ap to reserve your classes. No exceptions. There are 10 spots inside and 6 outside. If you show up without registering and all 16 registered spots are full you are out of luck. Currently you can register 5 days in advance but that will most likely switch to 3 days in advance from the feedback we are getting from other gyms. Although you might have the best intentions of showing up 5 days in a row, life happens, it’s better to plan a little shorter term.
**IF YOU REGISTER FOR CLASS AND CAN NOT MAKE IT TO CLASS YOU NEED TO CANCEL YOUR RESERVATION IN ZENPLANNER SO THE SPOT IS OPEN FOR SOMEONE ELSE. Don’t save spots just to save them and then “no show.” That is an inconsiderate action.
**The extra precautions we have in place take a couple extra minutes but make a big difference in keeping everyone safe and healthy. If you are unable or unwilling to adhere to the new guidelines you are making the choice not to attend classes.

Warm up!
3 rounds
Run 200 (try to speed up every round)
10 Push ups
10 Squats

Wod 1 Death by burpees
Minute 1 perform 1 burpees
Minutes 2 perform 2 burpees
Minute 3- 3 burpees
Minute 4- 4 burpees
*keep adding a burpee every minute until you can’t complete the total in that minute. Then you are done.
*Yes you will have about 58 seconds rest the first minute. enjoy it.. by the time you get to the 5th minute and 5 burpees that time really starts to fly by.

You get the idea? These death by workouts are very boring the first 5 minutes, but then kick you right in the teeth. I think i’ve seen a few scores of 17 or 18 on this. That’s a lot of burpees. 17+16+15+14….

Core finisher
3 Rounds not for time
1 minute plank
20 russian twists
20 sit ups

1 286 287 288 289 290 531