Snatch Warm up. yup. we are snatching twice this week
Snatch progression warm up then the following emom.

You wont be working near your maxes but we want you to start with weight and add weight as you go. add weight for each different position.
EMOM 12 Minutes
Minute 0-4 : 3 Power Position Snatch
Minute 4-8 : 2 Hang Snatch
Minute 8-12 : 1 Below Knee Snatch

16 Minutes Every other minute on the minute (8 Rounds)

7 Toes To Bar or 7 knee raises or 10 sit ups
12 Wall balls 20/14
With the remainder of the 2 minutes do burpee box step overs 24/20
*only jump if you are 100 percent sure you are going to make your jump, jump or step up is rx. Don’t risk falling on box jumps
*score is burpee box step/jump overs

If you don’t finish the toes to bar and wall balls in 2 minutes, take the next 2 minutes off so you can make it the next round

Scaling would be a lighter wall ball and scaling back the toes to bar to a different movement above. Do a practice round of this because we can also scale by reducing reps.

Warm up
2 Minutes of couch stretch per leg then
2:00 of Couch Stretch per side
2 Then Rounds
10 Burpees
20 Double Unders
10 Jump Squats (can use an empty bar, be careful)

20 Minutes to find a new 5 rep max back squat.
Will you do it? Its been just over a week since your last attempt. Are you more prepared than last time? There’s one way to find out! warm up light with a few high rep sets, then go for it. We wouldn’t expect huge changes in a week physically, this is going to be a mental game.

Weight Vest Wednesday
4 Rounds for time
Run 400m
21 air squats
14 Push ups
7 Pull ups

Accessory work
12 Minutes EMOM (3 rounds)
Minute 1- 6 bent over rows with a KB each arm
Minutes 2- 15 sit ups
Minute 3- 5 single arm kettle clean and push press (see video)

Warm up
Run 600m
25 Good Mornings
20 empty bar deadlifts
15 Push Ups

Tempo Deadlifts at a heavier weight that you used last week.
Will let you warm up then we are going to do this as an EOMOM for 10 minutes
2 Tempo Deadlifts
Aim for 2-3 second lift with a 3-4 second negative

Wod- This wod is going to take 21 minutes with the rests
AMRAP 5 Minutes x 3
30/26 Calories bike or row
25 Wallballs 20/14lbs to 10′ Target
Max dballs over your shoulder AHAP in remaining time
Rest 3:00

For this wod we want everyone to get to the dball section each round so that will mean scaling will be adjusting your calories on the row or bike and using a lighter wall ball if you have to break the rx weight up into more than two sets. Be sure to test your 30/22 cal time before we start so we can adjust before you start the wod.

Warm up
8 minute alternating emom
6 dumbbell burpee step up
4 strict pull ups plus 4 toes to bar or pull up variation and knee raises.

Snatch day!
Go through warm up progressions as class for 5 minutes then
2-2-2-2-2 of moderately heavy snatch from the floor. we have been practicing positional work and complexes for weeks. Time to put it together for some heavy doubles.

Wod For Time
20 Devil’s Press 50/35
30 Box Jump Overs 24/20 (Please step over if you are not comfortable jumping)
40 DB Thrusters 50/35

This should be a shorter wod so scale appropriately. Pick weights that allow for big continuous sets.

Accessory outside or inside depending on time. be aware of the next class starting and clear the floor if its time to clear the floor.
Every 90 seconds for 5 rounds complete
4 bar muscle ups
10 toes to bar
*working on bar muscle ups or pull ups? complete 4-8 kips swings or kip swings while snapping your hips towards the bar and 10 toes to bar or knee raises

10 minutes EMOM
Even minutes 10 burpees
odd mintues max distance lunges.

Partner Dumbbell Wod
Each Partner will have 1 DB so you arent sharing things.
Wod 1 (you go I go relay)
9 Minutes (outside)
3 Burpees
8 single DB push press or jerk (4 each arm)
Run 150

Wod 2
9 Minutes (you go i go)
100 single DB walking lunge
10 airsquats with DB

Wod 3 for time
120 Single arm alt db snatches (split how you want)
100 Sit ups
80 Burpees
60 pull ups
40 pushups
20 single DB man makers

1 267 268 269 270 271 540