Endurance Test 5k run. solo. you are on your own this week. no partners, your friends just became your biggest competition
9am and 10am Chipper wod time capped 80 Cals 70 wall balls 60 lunges 50 ALT db snatches 40 doubles 30 DB push press (15 each arm) 20 burpees 10 single db devil Press
Strength 5×5 bench press… what??? Yes we are benching today Or get one more session of 5×5 squats in at or around 90 percent… MONDAY IS THE LAST DAY OF THE CYCLE. YOUR FINAL 1 set of 5 max
Wod AMRAP 10 Minutes 4 Bar Facing Burpees 2 Power Cleans 185/125lbs 2 Muscle Ups
**Muscle up sub 4 pull ups, 4 dips (no bands on the dips on the rings if you are using rings, jump up and let yourself down slow or do bench dips
Extra Work 12 Minutes every other minute 10 Toes to bar or knee raises even minutes 5-10 pull ups odd minutes
Warm up 2 Rounds 7 of each movement in the strength section AND 7 strict press to get those shoulders ready for the HSPU or variation. We will give you time to get some weight on your bar for the first movement of the strength.
EMOM 12 – adding weight each movement, this is not for a 1 rep max, moderately heavy weights. Really hard work, with a pretty short rest. Minutes 1-4: 3 Power Position Squat Clean Minutes 5-8: 2 Above Knee Squat Clean Minutes 9-12: 1 Below Knee Squat Clean (just off the ground)
EMOM for 16 minutes, rotating movements 1: 12 Pistols or 24 air squats 2:10 burpees 3: 8 strict HSPU or sub kipping HSPU or dB press 4: Max Distance 10m Shuttle Runs *** Score is your reps of shuttle runs, every 10m is a rep
Want to get warmed up for those pistols. This is a good video!
2 rounds 10 Good morning with an empty bar 6 box step ups with your bar (or not bar) 6 empty bar deadlifts 50 singles ..yup.. single unders
Strenght EOMOM 10 minutes 4 REPS (adding one) should be the same weight or take a step back this week and clean up your technique
Wod 21-15-9 **You can always sub step ups for box jumps!!!! Still RX Box Jumps 24/20 Double DB snatch 50/35
Extra- Every 90 seconds for 12 minutes 8 handstand push ups or deficit hspu OR if you are working on those 6 attempts max handstand hold on wall or max static plate hold overhead OR Max hold on a seated db hold overhead
Back squat warm up Find a new 5 rep max back squat. Just a few sessions of this left. Can you keep going up. If you get stuck stay at your same number and try again. If your squats are getting worse technique wise this session is a good time to focus on that. Don’t give up depth because you are adding weight. Depth of squats should be below parallel and not change no matter weight or rep count
Wod 6 x 500m row with approximately 1 to 1 work to rest ratio This is harder than it looks **Score is SLOWEST 500m interval so push every round There are 9 rowers partner up with someone who rows about as fast as you. We will have spray bottles and towels by each rower so you can spray handles and hands before each row.
Bike 30 Seconds Rest 3 Minutes for 6 rounds. Score is lowest total cals on the bike.