7 Muscle Snatches, empty bar
100m Run
7 Power Position Power Snatches
100m Run
7 Power Position Squat Snatches
100m Run
7 At-the-knee Squat Squat Snatches
100m Run
7 Squat Snatches

Find 1 Rep max snatch
Then, 2-5 sets of 2 @ 70% 1RM Drop and reset between reps
*this should take over 30 minutes so lets get right into it.

AMRAP 2 Minutes x 3
10 Deadlifts 155/110lbs
2 Muscle Ups
Rest 2:00 between AMRAPs.
Continue where you left off each AMRAP

Scaling: – Bar muscle ups, Jumping Muscle Ups or Burpee Pull Ups for Muscle Ups.

We should have time for this… if its close on time we will set rowers up outside. The goal of this rowing piece is to hit negative splits to practice pacing. That means your last row should be faster than your first. you are more than welcome to pair up with someone and go “you go, i go” Not concerned about the exact 3 minutes for rest. concerned about full recovery.

3 Rounds Row 1,000m Rest 3:00
R1: 2k pace + :04-:06
R2: 2k pace + :02-:04
R3: within :01-:02 of PR 2k
Paces are per 500m (e.g an athlete with an 8:00 2k would row R1 at between a 2:04-2:06/500m split).

2 Rounds
12 Scap Pull Ups
8 Gymnastics Kips
15 squats with an empty bar

Find a 1 rep max backsquat
Warm up with a bigger set of lighter weight and then start loading that bar up. heavy singles. USE SPOTTERS. Don’t be shy to ask for a spotter on each side of your bar. If you aren’t comfortable doing this, find a heavy 3 rep.

**Conditioning test**
“Marty McThigh”
AMRAP 13 Minutes
16/12 Calorie Bike or row (use the same machine for your retest in 7 weeks)
16 Power Cleans 135/100lbs
12 Toes to Bar
*Scaling: – Toes to bar should never take more than 1:00, otherwise scale to knee raises.
Stay long in your toes to bar. See Video below

Do this today after class or anytime this week whether its inside or outside. we are retesting
Gymnastics Test
3 Max Sets of Strict Pull Ups
Rest 3:00 between attempts
*This will look different for people. This will be retested. Make note of your reps. If you use a band be sure to use the same band we retest

New cycle starts today. we will be retesting a lot of these workouts in 7 weeks

Warm up
3 rounds
5 pull ups
5 toes to bar
10 Empty bar front squats

Quick little strength/skill as the wod will take a long time
3 sets of 12 (6 each leg)
Back Rack reverse lunges AHAP

“Optimus Climb” – For Time
Run 400m
21 Front Squats 95/70lbs
1 Rope Climbs
Rest 3:00
Run 400m
15 Front Squats 135/100lbs
2 Rope Climbs
Rest 3:00
Run 400m
9 Front Squats 185/130lbs
3 Rope Climbs
Rest 3:00
Run 400m
6 Front Squats 205/135lbs
4 Rope Climbs
Rest 3:00
Run 400m
3 Front Squats 225/160lbs
5 Rope Climbs

*sub for rope climb is rope pulls from the floor times 3
*sub for weights will be based of the individual but we want you to add weight each round

Smaller athletes can shoot to get ahead early because things will get out of hand quickly after round 2. Be smart about how you choose to attack the run and front squats – will it pay off to run a little faster if you know you’ll need multiple sets to front squat anyway? Or do you ease off the gas just a little so you don’t have to pick the bar up again? Oh, and don’t forget to use your legs on those rope climbs

Teams of 2
Wod 1- 8 Minutes
8 cals
8 alt db snatches
*switch after 1 one partner completes a round… no pressure

Wod 2-
9 Minutes
9 Air squats
9 push ups
*switch every Round- no pressure

Wod 3
10 Minutes
10 DB push press (5 each hand)
10 Pull ups
*switch every round, pick the progression of pull ups you can get through the fastest. If that is using a band or or ring rows. Do that. Idea is to keep moving.

Partner Endurance 8am
Every calorie is a point…… every 400m run is a point.
Teams of 2
15 Minute of bike cals, switch when you want
rest 3 Minutes
15 Minutes of rowing
rest 3 minutes
15 minutes of running 400m intervals

Everyone start with the bike if possible. If not possible work it out or draw straws.

9am and 10am
A little different set up on Wod 1 today. Two options for that

Option 1 for Wod 1
9-7-5 reps, for time of:
Squat Snatch, 135/95 lbs

Option 2 for wod 1
Snatch at light and manageable weight
Toes to bar or knee raises
push ups

Rest 5 minutes
wod 2
15-12-9 reps, for time of:
Clean & Jerk, 135/95 lbs
Chest-to-bar Pull-up

Rest 5 Minutes
21-15-9 reps, for time of:
Clean, 135/95 lbs
Ring Dip

1 259 260 261 262 263 540