2:00 Hip Openers
1:00 Air Squats with glute band around knees
4:00 row or bike
*Every minute starting at 0:00, perform 3 KB Taters

Back Squat
5×5 @ 85% 5RM from last week.
All sets are at the same weight.
Rest 2-4 minutes between sets.
*See Coach’s notes for athletes who did not do a 5RM last week.

Optional Accessory
EMOM 12 Minutes, rotating (4 each)
:45 Max Tall/Explosive Box Jumps
:45 Max GHD Hip Extensions or good mornings
:45 Max Ring Support Hold

Coach Focus: First week of the Heavy 5×5, Coaches, set the tone. We spent all of the last phase retooling the back squat with positional work and now it’s time to take that skill work and put it to the test. If you’re just joining along with us, the goal is for our squat work to translate into our other movements, so proper technique is critical. Do not allow members to perform a barbell good morning during their back squat.

**For athletes who did not find a 5RM last week, they have 2 options for today:

  1. Find a 5RM, followed by 2 sets of 5 @ 70% of the 5RM they just hit. Next week they would pick up with the rest of the program (don’t have them do today’s work).

Use a recent AND ACCURATE 5, 3, or 1RM to extrapolate to their hypothetical 5RM and use that number for their percentage work. If an athlete has a 1RM, their 5RM would be roughly 85% of their 1RM. If the athlete has a 3RM, their 5RM is likely 90-95% of their 3RM

One class as usual 9am

Pretty straightforward partner wod. Looks easy enough right?

25 Minute Amrap
20 Power cleans 155/125
50 Meter sled push heavy (halfway down the parking lot, other partner pushes it back up)
20 burpees

Happy New Year!
New year, new you? Or same year, same you? The decision is yours.

2 Classes today. 8am, 9am
Hero wod Jerry

Sgt Major Jerry Dwayne Patton, 40, died on 15 October 2008 during High Altitude High Opening (HAHO) training while assigned to Army USSOCOM preparing for deployment to Afghanistan. Jerry is survived by his wife Molly and his sons Chad, Cody, Chase and Connor.

We will not all start at the same time if there are more than 9 people per class.

Run 1 mile
Row 2k
Run 1 mile

Happy New Years Eve
4 Classes today
5am 6am 9am and 10am.
Closing at 11am
11am to about 3 or 4 pm there is a weightlifting meet happening. You are welcome to participate, but it is a structured meet which means it would take more than an hour to get through it. There will not be any room inside for open gym.

Get in here and get your sweat on before the festivities tonight

Fun little partner wod today.

Warm up will be to get your spots ready and to build to your clean weight for the workout

AMRAP 30 Minutes
Partner 1 performs 2 rounds of:
6 Deficit HSPU 4/2″
1 Rope Climb
8/6 Calorie Machine
Partner 2 peforms 2 rounds of:
6 Deficit HSPU 4/2″
1 Rope Climb
8/6 Calorie Machine
Partner 1 performs:
1 Power Clean, AHAP
Partner 2 performs:
1 Power Clean, AHAP

Feel: Cardio/Gas

Pacing: Sustain

Target Score: each 2-round portion takes 2-2.5 minutes or less per athlete

Firebreather Score: each 2-round portion takes 2 minutes or less per athlete


  • HSPU: should always be 1 set. Reduce/remove deficit before scaling reps. If HSPU aren’t feasible yet, scale to a moderately heavy DB Push Press.
  • Rope Climb: Climb from lying supine, climb as high as possible, or scale to strict pull ups (4 reps per rope climb) or ring rows.
  • Machine: Any Machine works, if machines aren’t available, run 100m.

Coach Focus: When executed correctly, the working partner should be working at a quick pace, without a large drop in cadence throughout the 30 minute workout. The power clean stimulus is meant to be very heavy, starting around 80% and increasing from round to round if things are going well. The adrenaline created by lifting in a MetCon can often lead to a new PR. If your athletes are moving well and feeling good, allow them to PR mid-MetCon.

10 Press Ups (Seal stretch, lower chest down to the floor, then press back up.)
25 Thick Banded Good Mornings
20 Russian Kettlebell Swings (Moderate Weight)
20/16 Calorie Row
20 Kettlebell Taters
12/9 Calorie Bike
10 Pause Front Squats with light plates

Front Squat Interval reTest 30 MINUTE CAP
Last tested week of November 15th

For Time
41/33 Calorie Row
19 Front Squats 165/115lbs
20/15 Calorie bike

Rest 4:00
41/33 Calorie Row
14 Front Squats 185/125lbs
20/15 Calorie bike

Rest 4:00
41/33 Calorie Row
9 Front Squats 205/135lbs
20/15 Calorie bike

Bar is taken from the floor. Scaled/Modified Weights: 115/75lbs, 135/95lbs, 165/115lbs

feel: Gas/Muscular Overload

Pacing: Reach
Target Score: Sub-26 Minutes (6 minutes of working time per section), consider a 30 minute cap.
Firebreather Score: Sub-23 Minutes


Row: Should not exceed 2:30 in any round

Front Squat: The final bar should not exceed 75% of the athlete’s 1RM. Each round should not exceed 3 sets to complete the front squats, but should be a good challenge that forces athletes to perform multiple sets.

Bike Should not exceed 2:30 in any round.

Coach Focus: Your athlete should be instructed to push the row buy-in each round with an aggressive, but not reckless pace, that allows them to walk over and get started right away on the front squats. Squat should be completed in 3 sets or less and then athletes should be urged to push the bike at the end of the round. We will be retesting this piece at the end of the phase so remind athletes to record their scores. This test is intended to be a Front Squat under-fatigue sort of test.

Additional Notes/Resources: A 4-5 minute stagger should allow athletes to share rowers/bikes with minimal interference/overlap. A 500m run may be substituted for the rowing and a 400m run for the biking portion if machines are limited.

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