All regular class times today.
The weightlifting portion of the workout for the 4,5,6pm classes will be done in the weightlifting area as Train Harder Barbell is hosting their own family friendly version of Friday Night Lights. Do the wod, do your lift then hang around for food and movie. Movie starts at 7pm

Warm up.
4 rounds
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 squats
(you’ll be seeing this a lot, Murph Prep and Midnight Murph Prep)

Wod First today!
Grab your equipment and warm up to your work out weight
Bar comes off the ground today for this one

12 Min Amrap
5 Front squats 135/95
10 Burpees over your bar
30 Doubles
200 M run

Take roughly 5 minutes to recover, doesnt have to be exact as long as you finish your lift by the end of class then go into your strength for the day
Morning classes will do this on the CrossFit floor, night classes back in the weight lifting area.
**If you have a team for wod wars, work as a team. Team workouts listed below

If you do not have team just do the second complex which is
5 minutes to establish a 1rm of
1 Clean + 1 Hang Clean + 1 Front Squat

If you have a team do you part of the complex
Teams of 3
7 Minute Team Total Max Complex
Athlete 1: 1 Clean + 2 Hang Cleans + 1 Front SquatAthlete
2: 1 Clean + 1 Hang Clean + 1 Front SquatAthlete
3: 1 Clean + 1 Hang Clean

Coed Duos:
5 Minute Team Total Max Complex
Athlete 1: 1 Clean + 2 Hang Cleans + 1 Front Squat
Athlete 2: 1 Clean + 1 Hang Clean + 1 Front Squat

1:00 on a Machine
2:00 Banded Glute activation
3 Steady Rounds
25’ Duck Walk
3 Explosive Broad Jumps
10-8-6 Squat Jumps/Back Squats/Heavier Back Squats (stay light, but add weight in all 3 rounds of the warm up)
*start with empty bar for jump squats round 1
1 Wall Walk

6 Rounds
8 Wall Walks
5 Back Squats @ 70%+
Rest 3:00 Bar taken from a rack.

Feel: Muscle Overload

Pacing: Sustain

Target Score: Each round should not exceed 3 Minutes to complete. 35 minute time cap should allow all athletes to complete all 5 rounds.

Firebreather Score: Each round should not exceed 2:30 to complete.


  • Wall Walks: Should not exceed 2 minutes of complete. A slight reduction in reps will likely be necessary for many, or have them performed the Open scaled standard.
  • Back Squat: Start at 70% and only increase if squat form remains consistent. Back squats are intended to be 1 set of 5, but if an athlete needs to re-rack it so that they don’t fail/for safety, that’s ok.

Coach Focus: The goal with todays session is to use the Wall Walks to fatigue the athlete’s midline to see how well they squat when fatigued. Coaches should spend time ahead of the workout dialing in their wall walk technique so they stay consistent from start to finish. Then, when athletes get to the squat, we are looking for 5 difficult squats. We want your athletes to increase their weight across the 6 rounds as long as form stays consistent. Time will be tight today, so get athlete moving quickly.

Kettle bell set at top rated gym near me

We are hard at work preparing the content for this page. Check back soon!

2 Minutes Banded Glute Activation Steps + 5 Squats every 10 Steps
Every 2 Minutes for 8 Minutes
8/6 Calorie Assault Air Bike
8 KB Sumo Deadlift High Pulls
Steady Cossack Squats in remaining time

Sumo Deadlift 4-4-3-3-2-2-2 AHAP
*May sub out traditional deadlift
*keep in mind a true “as heavy as possible” deadlift session could take upwards of an entire hour. We’re not exactly looking for a two rep max today, keep it heavy, but keep it safe.

AMRAP 12 Minutes
10 Cals (NO mix and match today, stick with one and post the machine in your notes)
8 Toes to Bar
6 Hang Power Cleans 185/135

This clean is moderate or even light for some in the gym. For some its not a weight they are at yet and they’ll go lighter. thats the beauty of crossfit. we all get to push each other not matter where we are at. Use the rx weight if you can keep a majority of the rounds unbroken for 6 reps.
If you can’t, pick a weight thats going to be a fight for 6 unbroken reps.

On a 6 Minute Clock
500m Ski/Row
30 Jumping Lunges
20 Scap Pull Ups
Max Freestanding or Supported HS Hold in Remaining Time

Every :90 for 9 Minutes 2 Split Jerk w/ 3-sec. Pause in the Catch

In Teams of 2, splitting work evenly

AMRAP 4 Minutes x 2
2 Legless Rope Climb
30/24 Calorie Ski
Max Rep Clean and Jerks 135/95lbs
REst 2:00
*figure out your strategy on clean and jerks, fast singles or doubles. Partner up with someone who can cycle the same weight and barbell as fast as you

Feel: Muscle Overload/Gas

Pacing: Reach

Target Score: 50+ Clean and Jerks

Firebreather Score: 80+ Clean and Jerks


  • Legless Climbs: Climb as high as possible legless and then lock in feet, normal Rope Climbs, or 4 strict pull ups per climb are excellent scales. Scale to banded pull ups if necessary, but keep the reps strict.
  • Ski: 1:1 other C2 Machines or Assault Bike. Should not exceed :75 to complete their calorie number
  • Clean and Jerk: Athletes should never have to hesitate to pick the bar up because it’s too heavy. We are looking for Grace-speed clean and jerks.

Coach Notes: Athletes perform this workout you-go, I-go where they are splitting the work in half. Goal is for each team to have 2:00 in both rounds to accumulate clean and jerk reps. Athletes can elect to trade singles or touch and go sets. Coaches should push athletes to pick the style they are less comfortable with, so they improve their weaknesses.

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