20 Lunge and Reach
20 Box Step Ups
AMRAP 6 Minutes
Run 100m
10 Wall Balls
Run 100m
10 push ups
Bench Press
4 sets of 8, builing to close to an 8 rep max
5 Rounds
Run 400m
20 wall balls 20/14
20 Lunge and Reach
20 Box Step Ups
AMRAP 6 Minutes
Run 100m
10 Wall Balls
Run 100m
10 push ups
Bench Press
4 sets of 8, builing to close to an 8 rep max
5 Rounds
Run 400m
20 wall balls 20/14
1:00 Banded Pull Apart (Palms up and down)
1:00 each leg, roll out calves
Every Minute for 9 Minutes (3 sets each)
1: Max Double Unders/Practice
2: Handstand/Handstand Walk Practice
3: 10 Air Squats + Squat Hold on last rep
Every Minutes for 8 Minutes
3 Power Cleans, starting at 60% of 1RM and building Athletes may go touch and go or singles, work weaknesses
3 Rounds
100 Double Unders
25′ Handstand Walk
5 Power Cleans 225/155lbs
25′ Handstand Walk
HS Walk Sub = 2 Wall Walks
Feel: Gas
Pacing: Sustain
Target Score: 9-13 Minutes
Firebreather Score: Sub-8 Minutes
Coach Focus: Everything about today’s MetCon is gassy so it is critical that coaches work with their athletes to find “their version” to ensure the stimulus is met. Each round should take between 3 and 4:30 to complete and should never have your athletes standing around for a significant portion of time.
:30 Dead Hang
1:00 PVC PassThroughs
1:00 Banded Air Squats
AMRAP 5 Minutes
10 Empty Bar Front Squats
10 Empty Bar Hang Power Snatches
10/7 Calorie Bike 10 Hanging Knee Raises
Every 2 Minutes for 16 Minutes
2 Pause Front Squats Build in weight across sets.
Last 3 sets should be AHAP
4 rounds for time
20 Alt Db snatches 50/35
15 Toes to bar or knee raises or sit ups
If you can go unbroken with 70/50 for db snatches go for it.
Every 3 Minutes for 15 Minutes 200/175m Row
2:00 pigeon stretch / Side
2 Rounds
10 Gymnastics Kips
12 Burpees
14 Jumping Lunges
Push Press 10-8-6-4-2
*Between sets (including after the 2) perform 5 Chest to bar pull ups, or chin above bar pull ups
6 Rounds
100′ Walking Lunge
Max Burpees to target in 1:00 (time your own 1 minute)
Rest 1:00
Score is total burpees
Feel: Cardio
Pacing: Reach
Target Score: 60+ Burpees
Firebreather Score: 120+ Burpees
Coach Focus: This entire workout should not exceed 20 minutes, with the goal of getting athletes a bit tired before pushing as hard as they can on burpees each time. For your newer or less fit athletes the step up burpee may allow them to be more consistent for all 6 rounds. However, if an athlete is fit, they should be told to sell their soul each time.
2 Minutes of Glute Activation Steps*
Every :30 perform 4 Air Squats
EMOM 6:00 (:30 of work)
Row Calories Inchworms + Push Ups
Find a 1RM Deadlift
This is your High CNS (central nervous system) test for the upcoming phase. The goal with the upcoming deadlift phase will be to pull today’s 1RM for a new 3RM in 6 weeks.
Stimulus: Heavy
Rest: As needed
Coach Focus: We are looking to establish a 1RM Deadlift which will be the high CNS lift for the next phase. We recommend that coaches give athletes a blue print for building to a 1RM. An example of this would be:
2×10 at 20-30%
2×5 at 50%
2×3 at 60-70%
1×1 at 80%
1×1 at 85% and then continue to build with singles
Additional Notes/Resources: Perfecting the Deadlift Set Up Position
4 Rounds
1 Legless Rope Climb
3 UB Hang Squat Cleans AHAP*
90 Double Unders
Rest 2:00
Feel: Gas
Pacing: Sustain
Target Score: Sub-3 minute each round
Firebreather Score: Sub-2 minutes each round
Coach Focus: Everything about today’s workout is meant to be gassy and managing a high heart rate will be extremely difficult for your athletes, but this is by design. Athletes pace in each round will be dictated by their confidence with each movement but they should not exceed 3:00 in any of the 4 rounds.