2:00 Glute Activation Steps + Air Squats
2 Rounds
10 A-frame Toe Touches
200m Run
14 Wallballs

Back Squat
Set 1: lighter warm up set
Set 2: Moderate-heavy
Set 3: AHAP – 10RM territory
*a 10 rep max (territory) should really take it out of you. you should feel pretty wiped out after that. If you are new or not comfortable hitting a 10 rep max, its ok to an extra set of 10 at a lighter weight then a couple sets of heavier 5. People generally tweak something or pull something when they are not comfortable with what they are doing, they get nervous about it, then everything falls apart

*** wall space is not a crisis! 5 minutes wod, run two heats, and count for each other.
AMRAP 5 Minutes
Run 400m
then, AMRAP in remaining time of:
8 Thrusters 95/65lbs
2 Wall Walks Score is total reps of Thrusters + Wall Walks

Feel: Gas

Pacing: Reach

Target Score: 30+ Reps

Firebreather Score: 50+ Reps


  • Run: Should not exceed 2:00 or the distance should be reduced. If using a machine 1K/.9K Bike, 500m Row/Ski should be used only in the instance of injury.
  • Thrusters: Should allow for unbroken sets. Reduce weight, not reps
  • Wall Walks: Should not exceed :30 to complete the 2 walks, or reduce to 1 walk.

Coach Focus: The 400m run buy-in ensures that all athletes are breathing heavy as they get to the barbell. Barbell reps should allow for quick, unbroken sets of thrusters, so coaches need to ensure athletes barbell weights are appropriate. Then, when athletes get to the wall walk they should have their steps dialed in so they are not wasting time with unnecessary time under tension and/or extra steps in and out from the wall. Coaches check out the tip attached below on how to help athletes dial in their wall walk steps.

Additional Notes/Resources: Wall Walk Efficiency – Same Number of Steps Every Time!

Straight Through
Run 400m
10 Inch Worms
20 Plank Transitions
10 S-Arm Devil’s Press Run 400m

**if you can not or do not want to go upside down, don’t skip class!!! we can do overhead holds

Upside-down Test
6 Minute cap
For Time, Choose 1 based on ability level:
Option 1- 300′ HS Walk
Option 2: 150′ HS Walk
Option 3- 50′ HS Walk
Option 4- accumulate as much time as possible (in the 6 minute window) of a handstand hold against the wall
Option 6.. so many options- if you are down to 1 mat for handstand pushups. go for max reps of handstand push ups in 4 minutes
Option 5- accumulate as much time as possible (in the 6 minutes) with a barbell locked out overhead

All levels are performed in 25′ sections, with 5 foot intervals. if you fall get up and start at your last 5 foot mark. Can you turn around???

7 Rounds
50 Double Unders
5 Devil’s Press 50s/35s
8 Toes to Bar

Feel: Muscle Overload

Pacing: Sustain

Target Score: 10-16 Minutes

Firebreather Score: Sub-9 Minutes 


  • Double Unders: Should not exceed :45 in any round, reduce reps or scale to single unders
  • DP: Should never exceed :45 to complete, scale weight before reps
  • Toes to Bar: Ideally 1 set but can turn into 2 sets, but not 3.

Coach Focus: The muscular overload stimulus should cue both coaches and athletes that at some point in today’s 7 round workout that athletes will get stopped by localized muscular fatigue. But, with that in mind, athletes should not 2:15 to complete any of their 7 rounds.

1:00 each leg couch stretch

Every 1:30 For 6:00
3 Wall Walks
10 Jumping Lunges
10 bike sprint

Coach Focus: Today’s session starts a 5 week progression that is centered on the idea of rep accumulation making athletes stronger. Each week athletes will perform 2-3 sets of “high rep” deadlifts with the goal of proving to athletes that time under tension is an incredibly effective way to improve strength. Coaches should be hyper focused on helping athletes understand how to return to set up correctly and then return the bar correctly for the next rep. Take extra time to review the mechanics of the deadlift set up

Additional Notes/Resources: Perfecting the Deadlift Set Up Position and Deadlift Tips – Proper Loading on the Descent

Set 1: lighter warm up set
Set 2: Moderate-heavy
Set 3: AHAP

AMRAP 9 Minutes
50′ Single DB Front Rack Lunge 70/50lbs
10 Pull Ups


3-5 Sets for Quality

– 10-20 Ring Rows for speed/pump
– 10-20 Alternating Leg V-Ups
– :30 Copenhagen Hold per leg

The girls!

running clock. get after it

Grace, Helen, Karen

Split the work however you want, start the entire workout with an 800m partner (we’ll us the old 800 mark) straight into

Grace 30 Clean and Jerks for time split how you want

Helen, 3 rounds (split the work evenly but run together)

400 meter Run (Run together) (2×200)

42 Kettlebell Swings 53/35

24 Pull-Ups

Then Karen 150 wall balls

8am Endurance
teams of 4 waterfall
10 rounds each, 1 minute each station

We will posting 2 of the wod wars wods so get your teams here to practice.

Warm up, yes a saturday warm up
3 Rounds
10 hang snatches- (empty bar or add weight each round if you want)
10 front squats
10 Hand cleans

Wod 1- Teams of 3
For Time/Calories – 9 Minute Running Clock

  • Hang Snatch 
  • Bar Over Burpee
  • Athlete 1: 12-9-6 
  • Athlete 2: 9-6-3 
  • Athlete 3: 7-4-2 

*Score 1 is time or total reps at 9 min cap*

The Catch

  • Rower Calories: Each team will have a rower for the duration of the workout. Teammates can alternate on/off the rower at any time throughout the 9 min event.

*Score 2 is total calories on the rower at the 9 minute mark *

Take a 5 Minutes break then
Wod 2

7 Min Cap

  • Athlete 1: Max Complex – 1 Clean (From Ground) + 2 Hang Cleans + 1 Front Squat
  • Athlete 2: Max Complex – 1 Clean (From Ground) + 1 Hang Clean + 1 Front Squat
  • Athlete 3: Max Complex – 1 Clean (From Ground) + 1 Hang Clean

*Score is total weight between all teammates*

Team Flow

Teams may start with Athlete 1’s starting weight on the bar. At the call of 3-2-1 go! Athlete 1 will work to establish his/her heaviest lift at the given complex. Once complete, Athlete 2 will work to establish his/her heaviest lift at the given complex. Once complete, Athlete 3 will work to establish his/her heaviest lift at the given complex.

1 151 152 153 154 155 533