2 Rounds
3 Inchworms + Pushup
10 Kip Swings
:30s HS Hold
AMRAP 6 Minutes
10 Burpees
20 Kettlebell Swings
30 Double Unders/:30 Practice

In team of 3
12 Min amrap
rotate through one of the following movements, not spending more than 30 to 40 seconds on it, then switching out
– Handstand walk to a set distance
-wall walks
-Handstand hold
-Double DB presses

AMRAP 15 Minutes
10 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
20 KB Swings 53/35lbs
60 Double Unders or no more than 1:15 of attempts or sub out 10-14 cals (something that takes you a minute) on a bike. Not subbing 120 singles for doubles today.

Feel: Muscle Overload/Gas

Pacing: Sustain

Target Score: 7+ Rounds

Firebreather Score: 9+ Rounds


  • Chest to Bar: Should be 1-2 Sets. If an athlete cannot perform 5 chest to bar pull ups consistently, scale to chin over bar, or banded or ring rows
  • KB Swing: Should be 1-2 Sets. Reduce loading before reps. If overhead injury is an issue, scale to Russian KB Swings
  • Double Unders: Should not exceed :60 in any round.

Coach Focus: Today’s workout will have a varying feel based upon your athlete’s fitness level. Your fittest athlete will likely receive more gas-feeling stimulus, whereas your average/normal members will get stopped due to forearm pump/fatigue. All athletes should have aversion that should allow them to perform 1 round approximately every 2 minutes.

2:00/Side Pigeon Stretch
1:00/Side Twisted Cross
Alternating EMOM 6:00
1. 7 Box Jumps
2. 10 Banded good mornings

Deadlift 2×15
**You will do more than 2 sets, 1 light set of 15 then several sets of less than 15 reps as you build to final set of 15 which we want you to push to be heavier than your set of 12 last week
**Coach Focus: With one fewer set working sets coaches may be inclined to think that this session will go faster, but on the contrary, this session may take longer that other sessions. Same goal as the prior week, meaning athletes try to lift as much, or more than, their previous session

AMRAP 14 Minutes
10 Box Jump Overs 24/20″
25′ Single DB OH Lunge 50/35lbs
1 Rope Climb
25′ Single DB OH Lunge 50/35lbs

Feel: Cardio

Pacing: Sustain

Target Score: 4-7+ Rounds

Firebreather Score: 9+ Rounds


  • BJO: Reduce height of box before reps. If an athlete cannot jump, modify to 10/8 calorie Machine, avoid rowing if possible.
  • Lunge: Should remain in unbroken 25’ sections. Reduce the loading before changing the movement. If overhead positioning is an issue, modify to a single DB front rack lunge.
  • Rope Climb: Should not exceed :30 to complete in any round. Modify to climb from supine or 5 strict pull ups per round.

Coach Focus: We are looking for a merry-go-round style workout which means that coaches need to give all athletes a version that allows them to stay moving for the entire duration. If logistics are an issue, consider having some of your athletes starting on the lunge and some on the rope climb to create a stagger that will allow a larger class to start in unison.

1:00 Leg Swings (Side to side)
1:00 LegSwings (Front to back)|
Every 2:00 for 8:00
10 Cal Row/100m Run*
10 Banded Good Mornings
*Alternate every round

6 Rounds- nice heavy dose of cardio today
Row 250/225m (or ski, no bike)
Run 200m
Rest 3:00

Feel: Cardio

Pacing: Reach

Target Score: Each round should not exceed 3:00 of work at absolute longest, but closer to 2:30 or less (not including rest)

Firebreather Score: Sub-2 minutes each round


  • Refer to workout cell for movement modifications

Coach Focus: Today’s workout is going to be around 12-15 minutes of exercise (working time) for all athletes. With athletes having more time to rest than they will e working, that should clue coaches and athletes into the idea that we want them really pushing the pace on both elements for all 6 rounds, but not one that ruins their intensity is subsequent rounds (e.g. by fulling sprinting round 1). The 3:00 rest should be used to record round times, rehydrate and potentially flush (via walking) so that athletes are better prepared for their following round.

Extra work options
Extra-core finisher
50 sit ups or weighted sit ups on abmat
50 russian twists
50 sit ups


For 12-15 Minutes, build to a complex of the following:

1 Hang Power Snatch
1 Hang Squat Snatch Done without dropping the bar.
Athletes may choose where the hang position is (above, at, below the knee)

100m Run
12 Medball Bear Hug Squats
50m Sled Push
100m Run
12 Medball Squat Cleans
50m Sled Push
100m Run
12 Wall Balls
50m Sled Push

Review the tempo pull power clean

Then Every 90 seconds for 15 Minutes
2 tempo pull cleans heavier than last time we did this. (april 7th)

Wod- we are going to adjust the sled distance so we can do this on the turf and keep the time domain within 30 to 40 seconds per sled push.

Teams of 3
AMRAP 12 minutes
Wallballs, AHAP
100m Empty Sled Sprint

On go, athlete 1 begins max wallballs while athlete 2 sled pushes 100m, and while athlete 3 waits for their turn. Once the sled pusher returns, athletes rotate in the order shown.

Athletes who can repeat sets of 20+ wallballs with the standard 20/14lb ball should use a slightly heavier ball. Score is total wallballs.

Feel: Gas

Pacing: Reach

Target Score: athletes have a ball weight that allows them to wallball for the entire time their parters are pushing the sled.  Scores will vary based on sleds.

Firebreather Score: athletes have a ball weight that is heavier than the standard 20/14lbs and that allows them to wallball for the entire time their parters are pushing the sled. Scores will vary based on sleds.


  • Wallball: Athlete will be performing :30 to :40 second sets of wall balls (15-20 reps) at a time. Goal is to stay in 1 unbroken set each round
  • Sled: Should take roughly :30.
  • Sled push alternatives:, 100m Sandbag run 150/100lbs, 100m Farmer’s carry run 70s/50, or 12/9 Calorie AAB or higher damper C2 Bike (6+).

Coach Focus: We are looking for two athletes to be in perpetual motion from start to finish. Most athletes will elect to grab their standard wallball, but if an athlete is proficient in this movement they should use a ball that is heavier than normal. Each athlete should spend 2/3rds (~8min/ea) moving.

Closed for Easter. Spend some time with the family, get outside, and enjoy the day!

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