Once Through:
30/20 Calorie Row
20 Single Leg RDLs w/light DB or KB (10/side)
30/20 Calorie Bike
6 Turkish Get Ups *with kb you have out

Start with wod today- team up with people about as fast as you. if you are short people add a rest interval when a person would be working if you had 5 people.
AMRAP 20 Minutes
Teams of 5, rotating full rounds
6 Burpees
50′ Sled Push

Optional finisher

Optional Midline Finisher, to be done after conditioning:
Tabata Ab-mat Sit Ups
Tabata is 8 rounds of :20 of work followed by
:10 of rest

or Bench press 4 sets of 10 at about 70 percent

1:00 Band Pull Aparts Then,
4 Rounds
6 Tempo Push Ups (3-seconds down, fast up)
8 KB Swings
200m Run

Push Press 5-3-3-1-1
Rest 2-3 minutes between sets
Start around 70% and add weight each set

Benchmark “Helen”
3 Rounds
Run 400m
21 KB Swings 53/35lbs
12 Pull Ups

Feel: Cardio/Gas Pacing: Reach/Sustain
Target Score: Sub-12 Minutes
Firebreather Score: Sub-7:30 Minutes

–  Note that we only recommend scaling athletes for benchmarks if there is a safety concern or
movement that an athlete cannot do for whatever reason. Otherwise, this is a good benchmark to get athletes performing as close to RX as possible so they can re-test in the future to show improvement.
–  Run: Should not exceed 2:30 to complete. Scale to 1.2/1K AirBike if running is not possible due to
injury. Avoid rowing (grip & pull) as a scale
–  KB Swing: Should not exceed 2 sets. Reduce weight before reducing reps.
–  Pull Ups: Should not exceed 2 sets. Banded Pull Ups, Jumping Pull Ups and Ring Rows are all good
Coach Focus: This classic CrossFit benchmark is still a highly effective test for everyone. Coaches should instruct athletes to push the run each round vs. using the run as a recovery from KB Swings and Pull  Ups. Pushing the run is how athlete can get the most “bang for their buck”.  Athletes who have the ability to safely perform 36 pull ups should be allowed to do this benchmark as prescribed so they have data points for future re-testing, but coaches should be mindful of timing in class.

You shouldnt need extra work today but if you insist take some DB’s outside and try this one. If its too much volume drop the set of 27 and start at 21, scale by weight as well
For Time 27-21-15-9
DB Shoulder to OH 50s/35s
DB Squat Clean 50s/35s

400m Warm-up weight DB Farmer’s Carry (Unbroken Challenge)
20 Spiderman Lunges
20 PVC Overhead Squats
Grab and empty bar and wait for coach to lead you through 10 reps of tempo power snath

EMOM 15 Minutes
1 Tempo Pull Power Snatch

For Time
20 DB Front Rack Lunges 50s/35s
200m DB Farmer’s Carry 50s/35s
20 DB Front Rack Lunges 50s/35s
200m DB Farmer’s Carry 50s/35s
20 DB Front Rack Lunges 50s/35s

Stimulus: Technique Rest: As Prescribed
Coach Focus: Tempo = technique. Coaches should use the slower pulling speed to teach their athletes how to move around the barbell correctly. We recommend coaches leading their athletes through 5-10 coach-led tempo reps to dial in their speed and the correct “check points” throughout the lift.

Feel: Muscle Overload Pacing: Reach
Target Score: 5-10 Minutes Firebreather Score: Sub 5 Minutes
–  Lunges: Should allow for first 20 reps unbroken, but later rounds may be 2-3
sets. Scale weight, not reps unless except for people just starting out in crossfit
–  Famers Carry: Should not exceed 2:30 in either set. Scale weight, not distance.
–  Athletes should use the same pair of DBs for both movements.
Coach Focus: Your athletes should be able to perform at minimum their first set of lunges unbroken. Athletes should also be encouraged to “jog” with their DBs, not just walk. Metcon will take between 5-10 minutes, but should not exceed 10 minutes for anyone.
Additional Notes/Resources: N/A

Competitor extra
10 Rounds of 4 unbroken muscle ups

Stimulus: Stamina Rest: As Needed
Target Score: Sub-10 Minutes Firebreather Score: Sub-5 Minutes
–  Muscle Ups: For athletes with muscle ups, but not 4 consistently, pick a number
between 1-3 that allows for repeated sets. For athletes without muscle ups today, focus on low ring transitions and practice 1-4 reps each time
Coach Focus: The goal for today is to refine your athletes turnover, so we recommend all athletes start on low rings before progression to higher rings. Efficiency in the kip, turnover and dip is what will allow athletes to remain consistent for all 10 sets. Once an athlete starts, hold them to their number that they picked even if it means the 10 sets are not finished in 10 minutes.
Additional Notes: Low Ring Muscle Up Skill Work

Sunday Funday – teams of 2

Wod 1- Partner Karen
150 wall balls for time split how you want-
*we will wait a few minutes before starting the next wod so we can all start together

Wod 2 (10 Minutes cap)
20 Rounds for time, alternating rounds
3 Clean and Jerks 135/95
3 burpees over your bar.

*again we will wait so we can all start wod 3 together

Wod 3
9 minutes for max cals
3 minutes per team per machine

Bike, row, ski.

VICTORIA’S HANDSTAND CLINIC IS AT 10AM TODAY. all skill levels welcome! she will go through the all the progressions and give you skill work to do to get those handstand holds and walks

8am endurance
Waterfall-is style workout. teams of 5- all teammates except the person on “rest” will start at 3…2…1 go.
45 Minute amrap
Run 400m

At 3.2.1 go 4 of the teammates will start at a station. When the runner comes back is when you switch spots. so runner goes to bike, bike goes to ski, ski goes to row and row goes to rest. Score is meters if you are keeping track, dont forget to mark your runs. 1 mile equals 1600 m on the bike


Warm up-
3 rounds
5 burpees to a 6″ targe
10 ring rows
5 empty bar cleans (add weight each round

Wod 1
4 rounds for time
Run 400
10 Burpee pull ups

4 Rounds for time
10 Hang power cleans 185/135 (should be 2 sets, or maybe 3 in the last rounds)
10 Deadlifts 185/135 (supposed to be light and use the same bar)
10 burpees over your bar

1 137 138 139 140 141 533