2 Rounds
1:00 Air Bike
1:00 Walking Lunges 200m Run
10 A-frame Toe Touches

Conditioning Re-Test from 5-20
Every 4 Minutes for 28 Minutes (7 rounds)
Ski Bike or row 15/13 cals
Run 200m  with 50/30 pound slam ball
Rest remainder of each interval
*score is slowest interval
If the clock catches you, take 1 round off and count it as mulligan, but remember and avoid that for the retest

Bench Press
5×5 @ 70-80% 1RM

Twisted Cross 1:00/Side Then
AMRAP 5:00
Row 500m
4 Wall Walks
Max Rep Burpees in time remaining

Find a 1RM Push Press
Push Press Tips video

Burpee Box Jump Over 24/20″
Thruster 95/65lbs

Stimulus: Heavy Rest: As Needed
Coach Focus: A less frequently tested lift, the Push Press is a great expression of power and pressing strength. The last 5 weeks of work was all about dialing in your athlete’s efficiency in core-to-extremity pressing. Crank up the tunes and get big weight overhead!

Feel: Gas
Pacing: Reach for some, Sustain for many Target Score: 7-15 Minutes
Firebreather Score: Sub-7 Minutes
BBJO: Scale box height to keep athletes jumping if possible, reduce
height of box as low as a bar facing burpee before reducing reps.
Thruster: athletes should have the capacity to confidently perform 20
unbroken reps when fresh with their chosen weight. Ideally the set of 27 does not exceed 4 sets, with the rounds of 9 and 18 being 1-2 sets.
Coach Focus: 54 reps of BBJO and Thrusters should check the gassy box for all athletes. Time domain is sub-15 minutes. Coaches should help their athletes understand how to use their hips on the thruster to save their upper bodies. Coach should also help their athletes dial in their BBJO footwork to save conserve energy.

*1 min foam roll ankles/quads
*1 min glute activation (all for directions)
-Then- 2 rounds of warming up full ROM
* 10 Cossack squats
*5 tempo goblet squats (moderate weight) 3 seconds down, explosive drive up
*6 calf raises with toes elevated on a plate. Hold one second at the top before starting descent to starting position

do small warm up sets of 3-4 back squats until a moderate weight. Dropping down to 2 per set at about 75-80% and then start singles.

Find your 1 rep max back squat – this is our next focus lift
Warm up your back squat with several rounds of 3 to 5 reps of lighter weights making small jumps, when you get into heavier weights only do 1 or 2 reps until you find that 1 rep

AMRAP 6 Minutes
10 Power Snatches 75/55lbs
8 Pistols

Stimulus: Heavy Rest: As Needed
Coach Focus: Our high CNS lift is the fan favorite Back Squat! As a friendly reminder, we want your athletes squatting below parallel not to parallel. Hold your athletes to a high standard when it comes to depth.

Feel: Cardio/Gas Pacing: Reach
Target Score: 4+ Rounds Firebreather Score: 8+ Rounds
Power Snatch: Should ideally be 1 set at all times, but if an athlete is moving
fast they may require 2. Overall, bar should be very light. Scale weight before reps. If an athlete cannot go overhead due to injury, scale to power clean
Pistols: Preserve ROM at all costs today. Scale by having athletes squat to a
band or a box. Deconditioned athletes can perform lunges, step ups, or air squats. See video in “Additional Notes/Resources” for pistol scaling.
Coach Focus: Conditioning is a quick back-and-forth between Power Snatch and Pistols. Power Snatch should ideally be 1 set and the pistols should never exceed :30 of work`. Coaches should allow athletes to take the time they need to warm up their pistols before starting. We want to avoid your athlete’s pistols “getting better” as they work through the workout because this means they did not warm up enough.

We are going to have a little fun today. Mile time trial. Please show up if you are saying “Im not doing that” we will find something for you to do. If you can’t run an entire mile, you can walk/run it. Just get a base mile time established. It’s a great marker of overall fitness.

Part of great mile time is being really warm before you start. NOBODY goes into this cold. If you aren’t warming up with some running, you aren’t doing this.

Warm up
100m butt kicks, 100m high knees
400m slow run
then 600 meters of running slow, sprinting 10 seconds, back to slow and keep repeating until 600 complete
then 400 meter where the first 200 is slow and the last is at what you think your mile pace is going to be.

Then its 3,2,1 go time for the mile.

Afterwards its open gym and/or

Every :75 for 8 Sets, alternating:
– 16 Banded Strict Pull Ups
– 16 Push Ups
Pull Ups: Use a band that allows for FAST reps. Athletes may start with a lighter band and increase band thickness as needed.
Push Ups. Use a band if needed to allow perfect form and fast reps. Athletes who can confidently hit 4 sets of 15 fast reps may add a deficit.

Barbell warm up with Coach

Big Day!
Find your 1 rep max squat clean and jerk!

Stimulus: Heavy Rest: As needed
Coach Focus: It’s finally here. Crank up the tunes and give your athletes 30+ minutes to hit a new PR. Be sure to tag @trainhardercrossfit and @teammisfitgyms on insta with all heavy lifts!


Choose Your Skill Day
Pick 1 of the following skills and practice as an EMOM for 10 minutes.
– 5-30′ HS Walk
– :05-:10 L-Sit Hold
– 1-3 Strict Muscle Ups
– 1-2 Rope Climbs
– 5-40 Double Unders
– :20 Squat Hold (mobility focus)

15 Rounds
1:00 Bike for Distance Rest :30
THIS IS NOT A SPRINT PACE. Moderately quick but this IS NOT the 10 second spring wod we did and some of us lost our lunch on

Feel: Cardio Stimulus: Sustain

Coach Focus: The goal for today’s extra piece is to allow athletes the opportunity to improve their biking speed through bite-sized chunks that allow for deliberate focus. Coaches should instruct athletes that their goal is to remain consistent once they have established their pace.
Additional Notes: N/A

1 135 136 137 138 139 533