Warm Up
1:00 T-spine mash (Thoracic – upper back and lats)
1:00 PVC OHS Hold
Alternating EMOM 6:00 (2 rounds of each
10 Pause OHS, empty bar or PVC
12 Lateral Bar Burpees
50 Double Unders/Singles

Double Under
Introduce Penguin claps by starting with power jumps (big jumps) and then hands pat the sides of your
hips twice while in the air.
With a rope, listen for the click click of your rope to help find the right rhythm.
Keep those hands near your hips.
Move rope through wrist and forearms.
Singles plus a double can help those learning to connect their double to another jump.
Focusing on jumping with control. Toes pointed down calves engaged.
THINK POGO STICK position NO pikes or donkey leg positioning today.
This skill takes time and is built rep by rep.

Snatch Positional Work
5 Snatch Pulls from Power Position
5 Snatch High Pulls from Power Position
5 Power Snatch from Power Position
5 Power Snatch from Hang
3 Power Snatch from the ground
3 Power Snatch PLUS OHS
3 Full Snatch
Work to WOD weight

On a 25 Minute Clock:
5 Rounds
100 Double Unders (if you didnt do 400 last week, dont jump into 500. this number can be adjusted)
10 Snatches 135/95lbs
then, in the remaining time:
Find a 1RM Hang Squat Snatch
Target Score: 15-20 minutes
Hang Snatch; may be above or below the knee, whichever the athlete prefers.
Allow power snatch only for safety purposes. If shoulder injuries prevent OH,
perform a 1RM Hang Squat Clean

Check out https://www.instagram.com/whiteboard_daily/

30 Steps with Glute Band above knees
3 Rounds (6 Minutes)
:90 Steady Row
:10 Hard Row
:20 Slow Row

Let’s address positional awareness with the following:
-Set Up
-Mid Shin
-Long hang (knees)
-Power Position
THEN do 10 Empty Bar Tempo Pull Squat Cleans (5 second pull)
:15 Strength
Every 2 minutes for 14 minutes (7 sets)
3 Tempo Pull Squat Clean
Drop and reset between reps *
Start no heavier than 50% of your 1RM. May add weight each round if lift is flawless.

:35 WOD
AMRAP 12 Minutes with a partner:
10/8 Calorie Row, each
15/12 Calorie Row, each
20/16 Calorie Row, each
25/20 Calorie Row, each
Target Score: 1 round

Warm Up
2 Rounds
200 m run
8 (light) DB Man makers
10 box jump overs

:10 Review
Ring Dips
10 Push-ups (may use bands above elbows if needed)
2x :10 Ring Support Holds (in a hollow, pushing down on rings, rings close to body, tight core)
3-5 Ring Dip Negatives (From the support position, 3 sec down where rings meet chest, elbows higher
than shoulders)
1 Set of Ring Dip

HSPU-Practice and review
:20 HS Hold (free standing or wall assisted, chin tucked, tight core, shoulders/ wrist stacked)
3-5 HSPU Negatives (From a handstand, 3 seconds to the bottom of the loaded position of the HSPU)
3-5 HSPU (Strict or Kipping) Kipping with controlled downward motion, “upside down squat” soles of
feet towards each other, head and hands make a triangle/tripod in loading position, head loads closer to
wall than hands.
Box HSPU and Seated DB Press can be used for a modification for all movements

Test Wod
The Grind Side

:30 WOD
Gymnastics Test
“The Grind Side”
AMRAP 16 Minutes, climbing the ladder
8 Box Jump Overs 24/20″
2 Ring Dips
8 Box Jump Overs 24/20″
Box Jump Overs should be done with the Open Standard (step down).
Add 2 reps to both the HSPU/ DB Push Press and Ring Dip/Push Ups
each round. Box jump overs do not change in reps.
Target Score: Score: All athletes complete the round of 8 gymnastics movement,
most complete the round of 10.

:55 Cool Down
2 Min Bike

Monday 8/15
Warm Up
6 Inch Worms with a Push Up
20 Thick Banded Good Mornings
-Then 2 Rounds
200 m run SPRINT
10 Plank Toe Taps

:15 Review
*Set Up
Create tension, put your shoulders in your back pocket
Shoulder over wrist
Shoulder higher than hips
Hips higher than knees

:20 Strength
Build to a Heavy Deadlift Single between
3×5 @ 75-80% 1RM
Rest 3-4 minutes between sets
WITHIN 1 MIN of each set, perform 3 seated box jumps (post activation potentiation

All reps are performed as “singles”. Deadlift to standing, return the bar to the ground under control, and then release your grip on the bar before beginning the next rep

Deadlifts will take most of the hour

Choose one of the following and perform as
an E2MOM Capacity building session.
Every 2 Minutes for 5 Sets, perform 1 smooth
set of:

  • Strict Banded Pull Ups (10-15 reps)
  • Push Ups (10-25 reps)
  • Ab mat or GHD Sit Ups (10-25 reps)
  • 1:00 Weakest Machine

:55 Cool Down
2 min Bike cool down
Childs pose

Warm Up
Coaches choice

*wod 1 and 2 are teams of 2, wod 3 is teams of 4

Wod 1- 8 minutes
Split how want
10 Pulls ups
16 Wall Balls

Take 5 minutes to warm up to your DT weight

Wod 2- 12 Minutes of DT split how want
How many rounds can you get
a round of DT is
12 Deadlifts
9 Hang power cleans
6 Shoulder to overhead
RX is 155/105

12 Minutes
SWITCH EVERY 30 seconds
Max bike cals

1 124 125 126 127 128 533