Warm Up
20 Slow Cossack Squats (10/ Side)
3 Rounds
10 Jumping Lunges
6 Empty Bar Front Squats
:20 Bike sprint

:10 Review
Using a 5 Second Pull
Set Up (Barbell above base of toes, toes slightly turned out, shoulders over bar, weight mid foot in set up)
Mid Shin
Hang (shave thighs with bar, knees scoop back under bar to reach power position)
Power Position (torso moves vertically, knees bent, straight arms)
*Think explosive jump/leg drive, “triple extension”
*Athletes will need to actively pull to get under weight
*Elbows/bar in front rack position by the time feet hit the floor from the jump

:20 Strength
Every 2 Minutes for 14 Minutes (7 sets)
3 Tempo Pull Squat Cleans
Drop and reset between reps
Start no heavier than 50% of your 1RM and
only add weight if your movement is flawless.

:40 WOD
For Time
10 Front Squats 165/115lbs
20 Power Cleans 165/115lbs
30 Lateral Burpees Over the Bar
Target Score: Sub 8 Minutes
-Same weight for FS and PC
:55 Cool Down
Seated Straddle

Warm Up
1st- say Happy Birthday to Coach Ashley
AMRAP 8 Minutes
200m Row
10 Band Pull Aparts
:15 Handstand Hold
8 Empty Bar Push Press

:10 Review
Protect your neck! Chin stays in neutral. Meaning you should see the rig in each rep.
If an athlete throws his/her head out and looks at the floor beneath them in their handstand or HSPU this is a safety concern. This will cause loss of midline, causing them to fall away from the wall.
Don’t lose your ribcage. Ribs should stay “tucked”.
Athletes should be close enough to the wall to where they can remain compact but still be able to create a tripod with head and hands, head loading closer to the wall.
Opening fully with the knees at top of kip followed by hip opening.
Your bum bum should not be on the wall at the top of your handstands. “Squeeze your butt, squeeze you gut”

:15 Strength
Every Minute for 10 Minute
1 “Fast” Set of HSPU
Every Minute for 10 Minute
1-2 HSPU Negatives (3 seconds down)
Every Minute for 10 Minute
:15 Handstand Hold

:30 Review 2:
Shoulder to overhead options
push presspush jerk
-Feet hip to shoulder width
-Dip and push knees out
-Stable front rack
-Vertical drive up

:40 WOD
AMRAP 10 Minutes
200m Row
10 Shoulder to Overhead 95/65lbs
-STOH: Should always be a fast, unbroken sets of 10
Target Score: As close to EMOM as possible
:55 Cool Down
Lying Quad Stretch and

Overhead Bench Stretch

Wednesday 8/31
Warm Up
2 min Banded glute activation (all 4 ways)
3 Rounds
8 Goblet Lunge Steps
200m Ski

:10 Review
Shoulders over wrist
Straight arms, ARMS ARE STRAPS deadlifts are not ¼ bicep curls at the top of the lift
Barbell should move up and down (no sideways rainbows)

Weight mid to back foot
Aggressively squeeze glutes as bar passes the knees and keep bar close to body (this helps to avoid “the scoop”/ finishing with bent knees)
Let’s Focus on >>>> Taking the slack out of the bar! We don’t need to jerk weight from the floor. This often creates or encourages the rounding of the back.
Hands on the bar, shoulder blades back and down, creating a flat back and neutral spine, pull chest away from the bar without driving through the legs.
Once this has been achieved then the lift may start.

:15 Strength
Build to a Heavy Deadlift Single between
3×4 @ 82.5-87.5% 1RM
Rest 3-4 minutes between sets
Within ~1:00 after each set, perform 5 medball bearhug jump squats maximal power.
-All reps are performed as “singles”.
Deadlift to standing, return the bar to the ground under control, and then release your grip on the bar
before beginning the next rep.

:45 WOD
Choose one of the following:
Every 2 Minutes for 5 Sets, perform 1 smooth
set of:

Strict Banded Pull Ups (10-15 reps)

Push Ups (10-25 reps)

25 Ab mat or 8-10 GHD Sit Ups

1:00 Weakest Machine

:55 Cool Down
Piriformis Stretch and Figure Four

Warm Up
3 Rounds
200m Run
8 Unweighted Box Step Ups (May use light weight if weight is wanted)
3 Empty Bar Snatch Grip High Pulls (Scarecrow, using lats the keep bar close to body, elbows high)

Then :10 after snatch review
3 Tall Muscle Snatch (straight legs, going through a high pull / elbows do not drop, squeeze shoulders up
and back in turn over, punch up w/ active shoulders at the top of lift)
1 Pause OHS (2 seconds at the bottom)
3 Snatch from Power Position (Shoulder behind bar, vertical torso, push knees out to bend, Triple
1 Pause OHS
3 Hang Snatches (Hinge hips back, shoulders over bar, reinforce close bar/ brush thighs with bar, passing
through POW POS)
1 Pause OHS
3 Snatches

Workout :30
AMRAP 20 Minutes
300m Run
10 DB Box Step Ups 50s/35s to 20’ Box
3 Snatches 60-70% of 1 RM (Power or Squat)
Target Score: 5 Rounds

:55 Cool Down
Pigeon Pose
Childs Pose

Warm Up
AMRAP 6 Minutes
8 Ring Rows
6 Burpees to target
4 S-Arm Devils Press
200m Run
:10 Strength
Bench Press
Rest 2-3 Minutes
At 65-70% of 1RM

Athletes may want to warm up their MU after progressions
:30 dead hang in HOLLOW
5 Kip swings
5 Knees to Rig
5 Hips to rig
*Warm up BMU OR / THEN
hose doing RMU will transition to rings. Rings the sternum, Fast turn over at the top, Elbows tracing
body, pushing rings “in to pockets”.
Those unsure if they need to BMU or RMU will need to warm up BMU first.

:35 WOD
For Time
9 Burpee Muscle Ups
15 Devils Presses 50s/35s
300m Famers Carry 50s/35s
Sub 10 Minutes
15 Min Time Cap
Modification: Burpee RMU or Burpee BMU or Burpee Pull Ups (could be jumping PU, can stack plates to
assist with jump) or Burpee Ring row (last resort)

Cool down with the twisted cross stretch!

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