Friday 9/16
Warm Up
2 Min Ski
10 Empty Bar Strict Press (Squeezing quads, guts and butts, barbell stays close to body)
10 Kip Swings (feet together, push down on the bar in hollow. Keep weight “even” shoulders behind the
bar = feet in front and vice versa)
5 Knees to Bar
5 Hips to Bar (Hip drive up, Push down on bar)
Muscle Up / Banded Muscle Up / Pull Ups
:15 Strength

4 Rounds
Max Rep Strict Press @75-85%
Rest 2:00
Brace core before lifting bar from rack
Elbows at 5 o’clock at set up
Step back and PRESS fast

:35 WOD
For Time, Partition anyway
40 BMU
100 Burpees
Target Score: Sub 10 min
15 Minute Cap
Example: 20 rounds of 2 bar muscle ups and 5 burpees
10 rounds of 4 bar muscle ups and 10 burpees
:55 Cool Down
Shoulder Stretch on Bench

Warm Up
AMRAP 6 Minutes
30 Singles/Double Unders
8 Light Weight BD Thrusters (STAND WITH SPEED)
THEN Grab a Barbell for a COACH LEAD Review
5 Clean Pull (power position)
5 Clean High Pull (power position, elbows high and outside like a scarecrow)
3 Clean (power position, create a bend in the knee by pushing them out, vertical torso, shoulders over
the bar or slightly behind the bar)
3 Hang Clean (long arms, hinge at the hips, his and shoulders rise at the same time)
Squat Clean (floor/shin, think long arms, pushing your feet in to the ground then legs driving through the
Image your body as a battery. Use the momentum from the floor up. Fill your battery by completing
your lift.
:15 Strength
Every 1:30 Minutes for 15 Minutes (10
2 Tempo Pull Squat Cleans (5 SECOND PULL)
Drop and reset between reps
Start no heavier than 50% of your 1RM
and only add weight if your movement is

:35 WOD
For Time
Dumbbell Thrusters 50s/35s
x3 Double Unders (30-45-60-75)
Target Score: 7-11 min
15 Min Cap

Feel: Gas
Pacing: Reach
Target Score: 7-11 Minutes
Firebreather Score: Sub-7 Minutes

  • DB Thruster: Should not exceed 4 sets in any of the 4 rounds. Early on athletes
    should be encouraged to hang onto a bigger set. Scale the weight of the DB
    before reducing reps
  • Double Under: Should not exceed 1:15 to complete the Double Unders. Reduce to
    1-2x Double Unders or replace with 3x single unders

:55 Cool Down
Downward Dog (heels down)
Double Flat Needle

Wednesday 9/14
Warm Up
250M Row
10 Shoulder Swimmers
10 Scap Pull-Ups
THEN Coach Lead Review
6-8 Bench Dips (Allowing the shoulder to drop lower than the elbows)
:30 Support Hold on Rings
6-8 Ring Dips (banded, toe/leg drive assisted, jumping)
:15 Skill
4 Rounds
1:00 Max sets of 3-5 Ring Dips
Rest 2:00
For Athletes unable to ring dip:
Paralette Dips
Bench Dips
Push Ups

:35 Snatch Review
5 Snatch grab high pull (power position)
5 Snatches (power position)
5 Hang Snatch
5 Snatch (shin)
*Engage shoulders and lats! Pull each end of the bar away from each other. *

:40 WOD
6 Power Snatches 95/65lbs
12 Body Weight Walking Lunge Steps
Power Snatches: One Set
Lunges: 30 seconds
Target Score: 5+ Rounds

Feel: Cardio
Pacing: Sustain
Target Score: 5+ Rounds
Firebreather Score: 8+ Rounds (faster than EMOM pace)

  • Power Snatch: Should always remain 1 set. Scale weight to ensure 1 set. For
    athletes with issues pulling from the floor, scale to hang power snatches. If
    overhead movements perform an issue, perform a power clean.
  • Lunges: Should not exceed :30 to complete 12 lunges. Reduce lunges only if
    absolutely necessary (brand new athletes/deconditioned athletes)
    Coach Focus: The stimulus of today’s workout must be communicated to your
    athletes correctly. Athletes need to have a barbell weight they will always be able
    to perform in 1 set without much hesitation to start each round. The goal is a back
    and forth, where your athletes output is determined by how quickly they transition
    back and forth between movements. If you (the coach) are in doubt, scale the
    weight back and allow an athlete to notch more rounds vs. fewer.

:55 Cool Down
Twisted Cross
Childs Pose

Tuesday 9/13
Warm Up
4 Min Row, Increasing speed every minute

Then Coach Lead Barbell Warm Up
10 Ground to knee deadlifts
10 Knee to hip deadlifts
10 Deadlifts

:10 Strength
Build to a Heavy Deadlift Single around 85-95%
3×3 @ 87.5-92.5% 1RM
Rest 3-4 minutes between sets
Within ~1:00 after each set, perform 3 seated box jumps
for maximal power. Sit on a box at approximately parallel
and jump to a taller box for maximal explosiveness.
All reps are performed as “singles”.

:40 Skill
Every 2 Minutes for 5 Sets, perform 1 smooth set of:

  • Strict Banded Pull Ups (10-15 reps)
  • Push Ups (10-25 reps)
  • 25 Ab mat or 10 GHD Sit Ups
  • 1:00 Weakest Machine

    :55 Cool Down
    Knees to Chest
    Cat Cow
    Figure Four

Monday 9/12
Warm Up
12 Spider Man Lunges
20 Leg Swings
12 Lunge with Twist
2 Rounds
25 Doubles/ Singles
100m Run
10 Burpees
:15 Skill
Core Tabata
8 Rounds (4 min total)
20 seconds of work with 10 seconds of rest, alternating movements each round.
Hollow Hold

:25 WOD
On a 30 min clock
Every 5 Minutes Perform:
400m Run
30/25 Cal Bike
Every 5 Minutes Perform:
30/25 Cal Bike
400m Run
Target Score – 4 min per round


  • Run: Reduce distance if the run will take more than 2:30 in any round
  • AirBike: Should not exceed 1:45 to complete in any round. Row 400m
    or 20 Burpees if AirBike logistics are an issue.
    Coach Focus: The goal for today’s 6 intervals is for your athlete to push
    each round without sacrificing later rounds due to poor pacing. Each
    round should allow for a minimum of 1 minute of rest, where most
    athletes will have between :60 and :90 of rest per round. If class logistics
    are an issue, consider having 1/2 the class start running first, and the
    other half biking first. One note about the flip-flop for larger classes is
    that coaches will need to be very aware of the partners, ensuring that the
    will complete each movement of the round in approximately the same
    amount of time.

:55 Cool Down

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