Pigeon Stretch 2:00/ SideThen3 Rounds10 Box Step Ups with Light DB10 Alternating DB Hang DB Snatch 10 PVC OH Squats4 Sets3 Shallow Kips (tight & fast)3 Big Kips (Elevation is the goal)1-3 bar Muscle Ups Rest as needed betweenOn a 9 Minute Clock:60 Single Dumbbell Box Step Ups 50/35lbs, 24/20”Then,AMRAP in remaining time:6 Overhead Squats...Read More
Hip Openers, 2:004-way Banded Glute Activation, 2:00,then:15-12-9Calorie MachineJump Squats Hollow RocksBack Squat5×5 @ 95% 5RM from test weekAll sets are at the same weight.Rest 2-4 minutes between sets. The goal for the entire phase is to add roughly 2.5% or 5-10lbs to the bar every week. As the percentages get heavier, focus on maintaining good...Read More
1:00 PVC Pass Throughs1:00 Dead Hang From Pull Up BarThen5 RoundsRun 100m1 Wall Walk5 Empty Bar Hang Squat Snatches* *Rounds 3&4, Use Light Weight on BarStrength, build up to your squat snatch weightWod5 RoundsRun 300m10 HSPU5 Squat Snatches @ 65-75%10 HSPURest 2:00 *Squat snatches may be touch and go or singles Feel: Muscular OverloadPacing: SustainTarget...Read More
3:00 C2 MachineThen2 Rounds25′ Lunge with Overhead Reach25′ Duck Walk 25′ Burpee Broad Jump Strength Every 2 Minutes for 14 Minutes 3 Split Jerk w/ pause in the dip and in the catchWodAMRAP 12 Minutes3 Bar Muscle Ups6 DB Hang Squat Cleans 50s/35s 25′ HS Walk Feel: Cardio/Gas Pacing: Sustain Target Score: Complete 6 Rounds...Read More
Teams of 2Wod 1- 10 Minutes Split how you want, both partners working at 1 timeMax reps wall ballsMax cals row Wod 2- 10 MinutesSplit how you want, one partner working at a time16 Hang clean and jerks 135/9510 Burpees 16 Pull upsWod 36 Minutes max cals on echo bike split how you wantRead More
8ameach team of 3 has a rower, a bike and ski erg. This will be a long slow grind. 13 Minutes at each machine for calories. all 3 partners working at the same time, switch machines every 13 minutes. Don’t reset machines, score is total cals on all 3 machines after 39 minutes 9amIn Teams...Read More
Pigeon Stretch 2:00 each sideThenAMRAP 4:0020 Light DB Clusters (to the floor)Max Distance machine in remaining timeThen,4-way Banded Glute Activation, StrengthBack Squat5×5 @ 92.5% 5RM from test weekAll sets are at the same weight.Rest 2-4 minutes between sets. The goal for the entire phase is to add roughly 2.5% or 5-10lbs to the bar every...Read More
20 Banded Good Mornings20 Banded Pull ApartsThen3 RoundsRow 150m10 Hang Squat Clean & Split Jerks*5 Strict Pull UpsTake the next 15 minutes to work on your clean and split jerkthen Wod With a partner, alternating full rounds*AMRAP 30 MinutesRow 300m2 Squat Clean and Split Jerk @ 70-80% 1RM1 Rope Climb*The first 15 minutes are performed...Read More
5 Rounds50 Single Unders15 PVC Overhead Squats *Rounds 3-5, Athletes may switch to Double Unders and Empty Bar OHSFor speed:Overhead Squat20-20-20 Rest a couple minutes between rounds The goal is to choose a weight for each set that allows you to move it continuously with minimal stopping, not a 20RM. AMRAP 2 Minutes x 4200′...Read More