8am endurance Teams of 2 for meters. you will be non stop working. 13 minutes at each machine13 min bike (each mile on the bike is 1600 meters) 13 Ski13 rowWhile one person is on the machine the other runs 400m. keep track of your runs. total score is meters including meters ran.9 am partner...Read More
500m Row-Then-3 Rounds10 Single Leg RDLs Empty Bar5 Tempo Empty Bar Strict Press (3-Count Up & Down)-Then- 250m Row Strength/Skill5 sets of 3 deadlifts building to your wod weight. In between sets do one set of 2-5 HSPU “Workout 18.4”Partner up and have someone count for you. open is right around the corner. Might as well...Read More
2:00 T-spine mash on Foam Roller2:00 4-way Banded Glute Activation Steps + 5 Air Squats-Then-AMRAP 5:00*200m Row5 Kip Swings10 OHS with PVC Pipe *Athletes may switch to Pull Ups and Empty Bar OHS after the 2nd round.Strength/skillOn a 12 Minute Running Clock Build to a heavy set of 3 OHSfrom the floor. AMRAP 7 Minutes27...Read More
12-10-8Lunge Steps>Goblet Lunges>DB Front Rack LungesLight DB Strict Press>DB Push Press>DB Push JerksLateral Burpees over DB (every round) (Round 1 > Round 2 > Round 3) Strength/skillEvery 2 Minutes for 8 Minutes1-4 Seated Strict Muscle Ups (Low rings) Use a band as a modification to allow every athlete the ability to practice this drillWodAMRAP 6...Read More
6 Minute C2 Machine0:00-3:00-Forever Pace3:00-5:00-Sustain Pace 5:00-6:00-Reach PaceSplit Jerk Warm Up20 Band Pull Aparts (10 palms up, 10 palms down)10 Plank Shoulder Taps (ASlowAP)10 Strict Presses10 Push Press 5 Empty Bar Split Jerks, Pause in the catchBuild up a little past your 50 percent for the wod, then take weights off and leave on 50...Read More
2:00 Couch Stretch (1:00 per leg)Then3:00 Machine, Increasing intensity each minuteThen40 Single Leg Glute bridges20 Russian Kettlebell Swings 53/35 10 Jump Squats for HeightSecond to last back squat sessionBack Squat5×5 @ 97.5% 5RM from test weekAll sets are at the same weight.Rest 2-4 minutes between sets. This is your last week of percentage work before...Read More
Sunday Funday-split how you want parnters Wod 1- 8 minutes 20 Single arm Alt db snatches 10 Pull upsWod 2- 12 Minutes 200m Dumbbell Farmer’s Carry, 50’s/35’s (walk together switch weight when you want15 Dumbbell Thrusters, 50’s/35’s5 Rounds for time of:500m Row20 Toes-to-bar16 Dumbbell Burpees, 50’s/35’sRead More
EnduranceTeams of 4Waterfall2 Minutes per station (go until every person has gone through 5 times)1- bike2- row3- Ski4 RestAll for cals. score is total off all machines9am classAMRAP 26 Minutes with a partner, alternating movements:8 Toes to Bar8/6 Cals5 Hang Squat Cleans 165/115lbsRead More
4 Minute Machine of Choice, performed as :50 moderate pace, :10 HARDThen4 Rounds8 Empty Bar Power Snatch8 Kip Swings 8 Ring RowsPulling skill work3 Rounds (if you are not to bar muscle up work yet, spend this time practicing the kip)5 jumping into bar kips, as singles3 Kips + Knees up/Press downthenEMOM 3 Minutes 1-3...Read More
1:00 Spiderman Lunges20 Med. Ball Squat Cleans1:00 Lateral Burpees over Bar20 Unbroken Wall Balls 1:00 Aframe Toe TouchesStrength EMOM Until failure:1 Squat Clean Thruster 135/95lbsMen add 10lbs per round. Women add 10lbs per round for the first 3 rounds, then add 5lbs per round.STRENGTH/SKILLStimulus: HeavyRest: As prescribed Coach Focus: The thruster is one of our...Read More