
800m JogThen10-8-6Single Leg RDLs each Side Tempo Ring Rows (controlled pull and descent) Strength Deadlift3×12Set 1: lighter warm up setSet 2: Moderate-heavy Set 3: AHAP, similar or heavier than last week’s final set weight.WodFor Time9-12-18Dumbbell Thrusters 50s/35sBike Calories or ski cals, no row today Feel: Muscle Overload Pacing: Reach Target Score: 5-8 Minutes Firebreather Score:...
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With a Partner:Complete 100 Calorie Row/SkiPartner 1 – Rows 10 CalsPartner 2 – Max Good For Yous (2 lunges + 1 squat) *Partners alternate until 100 Calories are completedNo strength today. you will be doing enough squats in the wod AMRAP 25 Minutes with a Partner80 Calorie Row/Ski30 Front Squats @ 50% 1RM Clean60 Calorie...
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Some old school Tampa Bay Games wods TEAMS OF 26 Minute Amrap 40 Deadlifts (Elite 315/205) (RX 225/155) (Int/Mas 185/135) (Novice 135/95)40 Wall Balls (Elite/RX 30/20) (All others 20/14) Target Height: 10/940 Dumbbell Power Cleans (Elite 70/50) (RX/INT/Mas 50/35) (Novice 35/25)40 Box Jumps (Elite/RX 30/24) (All others 24/20)40 Dumbbell Thrusters In the Tampa Bay Games...
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We need some running in our lives Teams of 4- 40 Minute amrap 2 scores (rounds and calories) waterfall style-ishPartner 1 starts with a 400m runPartner 2 starts on RowerPartner 3 starts bikePartner 4 starts with a restAt 3….2….1… the 3 working partner start (4th person is lucky, they get to start late)Switching is not...
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All regular classes today WITH THE EXCEPTION of the 6pm. From 6 to 8pm we will be practicing Wod Wars Wods, you dont have to be registered to jump in and do the Wod Wars workouts. Ankle Prep:2 Rounds10 Ankle Pumps per leg (click for video)20 Box Step Ups-Then-20 Box Jump Overs300m Row15 Burpees Over...
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2:00 Pigeon Stretch/ SideThen3 Rounds12 S-Arm DB Squat Cleans 50/35lbs12 S-Arm DB Push Press 6 Ring RowsGrab a barbell and put no more than 10 pound plates on it or leave it empty. This part will be done as class. Simple and effective teaching today. you do not need to know every single inch of...
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2:00 Glute Activation Steps + Air SquatsThen2 Rounds10 A-frame Toe Touches200m Run 14 WallballsBack Squat3×10Set 1: lighter warm up setSet 2: Moderate-heavy Set 3: AHAP – 10RM territory*a 10 rep max (territory) should really take it out of you. you should feel pretty wiped out after that. If you are new or not comfortable hitting...
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Straight ThroughRun 400m10 Inch Worms20 Plank Transitions10 S-Arm Devil’s Press Run 400m**if you can not or do not want to go upside down, don’t skip class!!! we can do overhead holdsUpside-down Test 6 Minute capFor Time, Choose 1 based on ability level:Option 1- 300′ HS WalkOption 2: 150′ HS WalkOption 3- 50′ HS WalkOption 4-...
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1:00 each leg couch stretch-Then- Every 1:30 For 6:003 Wall Walks10 Jumping Lunges 10 bike sprint StrengthCoach Focus: Today’s session starts a 5 week progression that is centered on the idea of rep accumulation making athletes stronger. Each week athletes will perform 2-3 sets of “high rep” deadlifts with the goal of proving to athletes...
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The girls! running clock. get after it Grace, Helen, Karen Split the work however you want, start the entire workout with an 800m partner (we’ll us the old 800 mark) straight into Grace 30 Clean and Jerks for time split how you want -then- Helen, 3 rounds (split the work evenly but run together) 400...
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