
10 Spiderman Lunges w/3 second pause10 Aframe Toe Touches w/1 second pause-Then15 WallBalls3 Wall Walks15 WallBalls2 Wall Walks15 Wallballs1 Wall Walk AMrap 9 minutes Max 15′ HS Walk ShuttlesRest 2:00Resting Longer than :15 constitutes a Rest.Scaling:5-10′ ShuttlesEMOM 1-5 Wall WalksFor Athlete with Inconsistent HS Walking:EMOM 9 Minutes:30 Max HS Walk:30 RestWod12 Rounds12 Walking Lunges8 Push...
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Teams of 3Chris the founder of Wod Wars was kind enough to send over a bunch of past TB games and Wod wars wods so we will be doing these for the next few sundays EVENT 1 of wod wars pastAMRAP 1215 Synchronized Hand Release Push-Ups15 Synchronized Slam Ball Squats (1 Athlete w/ball)50 meter slam...
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Endurance Teams of 3Ready to run some more? one partner working at a time150 Burpees3000 meter row75 Burpees3000m ski50 Burpees1 mile or 800m run together. Time stops when all partners are backDepending on equipment, teams might have to do the run, row ski potions not in the order written. clearly not the end of the...
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Warm up3 Rounds– 1:00 Machine– 15 Air Squats -10 hang snathes-5 overhead squats add weight each roundStrength Every 2 Minutes for 16 Minutes1 Power Snatch1 Hang Squat Snatch1 Squat Snatch Wod20 Rounds for Time6 Dumbbell Front Squats 50s/35s 3 Strict HSPU*take it easy on the weight if you are new. Even no weight is fine....
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2:00 Machine of Choice2:00 of Banded Glute Activation-Then-2 Rounds10 Banded Good Mornings20 A-Frame Toe Touches 10 Calorie Row (Hard)Strength 1×20 deadlift If you are comfortable doing this, and have been hitting your numbers every week we really encourage you to just go for it. It’s really not that often that we would train to go...
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Dare I say “bring a weight vest if you have one” On a 7 Minute ClockRun 400m30 Jumping Lunges20 Empty Bar Push Press Max Freestanding HS Hold in Remaining Time (take as many attempts as you want) sub is max hs hold against wall or max hold db overhead. Strength-N/A Keep in mind we have...
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1:00 Hanging Shoulder Opener:30 Front Rack Elbow Pointers1:00 Max Squat Hold w/Bar in Front Rack-Then-3 Rounds250m row or ski 7 Hang Squat Cleans w/Empty Bar 5 Pause Ring RowsOn a 15 Minute Running Clock1 Low Hang Power Clean (@/below the knee) Rest as needed*shoot for 10 reps in 15 minutes Stimulus: Technique to HeavyRest: As...
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3:00 Moderate C2 Machine10 Scap Push Ups10 Shoulder Swimmers-Then-20 Plate Ground to Overhead20 Burpees to Plate10 Plate Ground to Overhead 10 Burpees Box Jump OversStrength Every :90 for 12 Minutes 5 Strict PressesStimulus: HeavyRest: As PrescribedCoach Focus: 8 sets of strict press with todays work should allow all athletes the opportunity to dial in their...
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Teams of 3Wod 1, 9 minutes (little take on wod wars wod) 2 Scores P1- 12,9,6 95/65P2- 9,6,3P3-7,4,2 Power clean and burpees over bar 95/65First score is time it takes to finish the clean burpee portion of the wod.Second scoreThe entire 9 minutes teammates can switch out on the rower because your second score is...
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8amSimilar to last week only with and 800m run (40 minutes) P1- Run 800P2-Ski for calsP3 Row for calsP4 restAll partners can start at the same time with one partner starting on “rest” When the runner comes back, the go to ski, ski goes to row, row goes to rest, rest goes to run. Easy...
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