Saturday September 10th

Teams of 2- another non stop 36 minutes of work wod. getting our run on and machines
12 minute per machine (bike, ski, row)
Partner 1-Run 200m
Partner 2-machine for calories
*switch when partner 1 gets back

Warm Up
Alt. EMOM 8 Minutes
1- 5 Burpees + :15 Handstand Hold
2- 5 Burpees + :15 Sandbag Bear Hug Hold
3- :30 Dead Hang into 5 Gymnastic Kips
4- :45 Machine/Shuttle Runs

CrossFit Workout 9am
EMOM 30 Minutes, rotating (6 rounds of each)
15 Deficit HSPU 2/1″ (or Hspu or db push press)
8 Sandbag Cleans 150/100lbs
8 chest to bar pull ups
Max Calorie Machine
Score is total cals.
If you dont finish the work for the HSPU, sandbag clean, and chestbars… your cals dont count for that round.. (but do them anyway)


Feel: Gas
Pacing: Sustain
Target Score: Each section should not exceed :50 of work (except for calories/
shuttle runs). 15/12 Calories per round is the target for calories. If running shuttles,
score will be slightly less.
Firebreather Score: Each section should not exceed :50 of work (except for
calories/shuttle runs). 20/16 Calories per round is the target for calories. If
running shuttles, score will be slightly less.

DHSPU: Should not exceed :45, reps may be reduce to as few as 5, but most will
benefit from a removal of the deficit vs. reducing reps. go to db presses if not going upside down

SB Cleans: Should not exceed :50 to complete, if on the fence, use a lighter bag
and move the reps faster.

Pull ups- Should not exceed 2 sets. Reduce repetitions or scale to the most
difficult pulling gymnastic movement available.

Rest: RX IT!
Coach Focus: The station style workout should allow up to 5 athletes to share one
“set” of equipment, making class logistics easier. EMOMs are an extremely
effective tool, but they are a double-edged sword that can either make workouts
too easy or too hard if not calibrated properly. All non-calorie/running stations are
about being