VICTORIA’S HANDSTAND CLINIC IS AT 10AM TODAY. all skill levels welcome! she will go through the all the progressions and give you skill work to do to get those handstand holds and walks 8am endurance Waterfall-is style workout. teams of 5- all teammates except the person on “rest” will start at 3…2…1 go. 45 Minute...Read More
AMRAP 7 Minutes 400m Run50′ Bear Crawl:30 Handstand Hold50′ Spiderman Lunge:30 Dead hang from Pull Up BarEvery :90 for 9 Minutes2 Big Kips + Kip w/ look over bar (get hips close to bar and eyes over bar)+ 1-2 Bar Muscle Ups All three drills in the same interval. Big Kips are performed as singles....Read More
TO get moving start with 400m Run20 good mornings with barbell20 kip swings Then- together- EMPTY BAR15 snatch grip high pulls from power position 15 Power Position power snatch15 Hang Position power snatch from mid thigh StrengthEvery :30 for 12 Minutes (24 sets)1 Hang Power Snatch from mid-thighSTRENGTH/SKILLStimulus: Technique/Heavy Rest: As PrescribedCoach Focus: Coaches should...Read More
2 Rounds10 Scap Push Ups 10 Box Step Downs 10 Scap Pull Ups ThenAMRAP 5 Minutes5 Ground to Overhead with Plate 10 Ring Rows100m Run with PlateSKill/Strength*this says 12 fast pull ups so most of us will be using a band today on pull upswe are more worried about fast strict pull ups looking great...Read More
12 Single KB RDL 12 Russian KBS2:00 Row (slightly faster than 3 minute pace) 10 Single KB RDL10 Russian KBS1:00 Row (slightly faster than 2 minute pace) 8 Single KB RDL8 Russian KBSEveryone’s favorite dayRow 5k*other option is to run 5k or ski 5k. Optional strength is Bench press- 3 sets for max reps of...Read More
Sunday Funday Teams of 2Wod 1- 8 minutes to establish a max of the following3 touch and go cleans (can be power or squat or a combo of the 2) has to be touch and goScore is both partners total added up. Wod 2- split work as evenly as possible 40 thrusters, 135/95 6 legless...Read More
Teams of 2 running. you go i go… if you absolutely do not want to run (you should be running though unless injured) you can do this on a rower200 M (partner 1 goes, then partner 2 goes)200 m400 m400m 80080400 400200 Enjoy! 9amWarm upUntil 60/48 Calories are Completed Alternating Movements with a partner 10/8...Read More
Coach led Positional Barbell work warm upStrength- These “waves” as they are called are tough. Don’t miss themSquat Clean and Split Jerk 3 reps @ 67.5%2 reps @ 72.5%1 rep @ 77.5%–3 reps @ 72.5%2 reps @ 77.5%1 rep @ 82.5%–3 reps @ 77.5%2 reps @ 82.5%1 rep @ 87.5% Pick 1 of the following...Read More
Steady 10 Minutes8 Spiderman Lunges6 Box Jump Overs, step down8 Wallballs (lighter than workout) 400m Row/Ski/Run or 800m BikeGoal is 10 continuous minutes of movement, increasing Machine Pace each round. All athletes should be sweaty and breathing by the end of the warm upNo strength today. Longer workout AMRAP 20 Minutes10 Wallballs 20/14lbs 8 Box...Read More