Surprise everyone… the ghost of Opens past is here this week. We will be repeating workouts from previous CrossFit opens. Know the difference between training and competing. Use these as TRAINING and when the real open comes around.. then it’s time to compete. We will be doing strength portions of the day before these...Read More
15 minute warm up and build bars and get all equipment out for your team- make sure you have all your equipment before you start- wod is simple- Teams of 3 30 Minute Amrap- one team member working at a time (trust me, you wont get a lot of rest) This starts with a 1000m...Read More
8am endurance 1 mile- rest 4 minutes 2×800- rest 2 minutes (after 2nd 800 slowly slowly slowly jog to Byrd Street, when you get there start—— 4×400 with 90 seconds rest between 9am-mobility 10am bootcamp Read More
Strength- power clean and jerk- Sets of heavy 2’s. Perform one power clean and jerk, drop the bar, reset quickly and do another power clean and jerk. 2,2,2,2,2,2 Rest longer between sets of 2, this is not a max, this is 80 percent or less of your max, no misses. great form. Wod, 40/30 bike...Read More
Strength- Power Snatch complex. 2 power snatch, 1 hang power snatch. (perform two power snatches from the floor, then one power snatch from the high hang (above the knee) 10 minute EMOM- do the above complex every minute on the minute for 10 minutes Wod- “Jerry” For time: Run 1 mile Row 2K Run 1...Read More
Strength- Bench press- 3,3,3,3,3+Superset with max strict pull ups in between (sub max time hang above the bar, or max ring rows Wod 14 minutes 1000 Meter Row buy in- with remaining time do this Amrap 6 cleans 185/135 (this clean weight should be pretty close to a touch and go weight.. or very very...Read More
Holiday parties will be starting.. shopping will be happening.. busy busy busy??? Everyone else is too. Make the gym a priority. All your hard work from the past months can be ruined these next 4 weeks. Schedule the gym in. The mall will still be there. Amazon will still be online… there will be a...Read More