Sunday Funday at 10am partner wod Let’s take it outside Chipper WOD. Finish is any order. Must finish one movement before starting another. 30 minute cap 100 sit ups 100 air squats 50 KB swings 50 slam balls 50 tire flips 5o cal row 40 bike cals 40 burpees outside 40 dumbell bicep curls ...Read More
Warm up- fun fact 1000m row Strength: find your 3 rep max high hang power clean Wod: 15 minute AMRAP 10 deadlifts 225/155 10 handstand push-ups 200 m runRead More
Strength Bench press 5 sets of 7 ****do as many strict pull ups or ring rows as possible between sets Wod 16 minute amrap 10 pull ups 10 wall balls 200 meter runRead More
Strength- Back Squat- Restarting our strength cycle- 4 sets of 10 at 60-70 percent of 1 rep max. Warm up to this! Do sets with an empty bar.. slowly add weight then do your 4 sets at the correct percent Wod good old fashioned Crossfit 13 Minute Amrap Power Clean/ Jerk 135/95 and Burpee over...Read More
Warm up and go over dumbbell snatch and standards. Partner up with others registered for the open if you’re doing the open. Be sure to write the time of each round of burpees finished. Workout 17.1 For time: 10 dumbbell snatches 15 burpee box jump-overs 20 dumbbell snatches 15 burpee box jump-overs 30 dumbbell snatches...Read More
Cardioish day! Warm up with slow 800m run. Strength Strict press Heavy sets of 2 Wod 1- saves your hands version of Helen- 3 rounds Run 400m 21 Kettle bell swings 12 Hand Release Push ups WOD 2— Fully recover from Wod 1 then test your 1000m row time. don’t hold back ...Read More
Strength- work on clean and jerk. 20-30 minutes. Build to max if you want. Get your reps in! WOD For Time: 30-24-18-12 (or run 800m,600m,400m,200m) Cal. Assault Bike (or row) Power Snatch (75/55) Read More
Going to try and save your hands from ripping this week. The open starts Thursday. Warm up together. Partner row. 1500m. Whenever you switch spots give a fun fact about yourself! If you don’t have one I’ll be sure to make one up for you. Strength- back squat Sets is heavy 3’s. Build to a...Read More