Warm up run 800 5 minutes double under practice 5 minutes of pull up progressions or strict pull ups Strength Power position squat clean Find your max of this complex (new clients work on technique with your coaches) 2 power postition squat clean + push jerk or split jerk Wod 50/60 Calorie bike buy in...Read More
Warm up-Run 800m Bike Tabata- go for calories. Strength Bench Press-10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 Try to add weight every other set. Wod 4 rounds for time 15 deadlifts 225/185 15 Chest to bar pull ups Run 200Read More
Warm up- 5 minutes of double under practice and 5 minutes of pull up progressions or strict pull ups Strength- Back squats DO YOUR WARM UP SETSthen- 3,3,3,3,3 85 to 90 percent. max out next week. Wod- 5 rounds 16 Kettlebell swings 8 burpee box jumps Run 200mRead More
Warm up, row or bike or run for 5-10 minutes. Find your teammate and get your equipment ready for the wod. Teams of 2- 2 minutes per station split the work however you want- Score is total reps of all 5 stations… we will do 3 rounds of this Row for cals Burpees Sit upsClean...Read More
warm up- Row 750 25 perfect hand release push ups Strength-Front squat 5 sets of 5 at 80 percent Wod- 5 rounds for time 5 heavy power cleans 185/135 15 wallballs Run 200 —-then—-clock keeps running 30 tire flips Read More
Warm up- in groups of 2 or 3 take turns doing sled pushes for 10 minutes. We will all start together on the hour (morning classes start at 10 after) If you are there early please stretch, row, or run. Strength- Deadlift 3,3,3,3,3 Heavier than your sets of 5 last week Wod 20 minute amprap...Read More
Warm up- 500m row 1 bike tabata Strength Bench Press- 5 sets of 5 at 80 percent or higher Wod- 17-Minute AMRAP of: 40 Burpees to a 6″ target 20 Snatches, 95/65 30 Burpees to a 6″ target 20 Snatches, 95/65 20 Burpess to a 6″ target 20 Snatches, 95/65 10 Burpees to a 6″...Read More
Warm up 500m row Tabata sit ups tabata hollow holds Strength Cleans from the power postion ( advanced athletes make these squat cleans) 2,2,2,2,2+ workou up to a heavy double WOD 10 min AMRAP 2-4-6-8-10…. Pull Ups Cal Assault Bike – Rest 5 min – 10 min AMRAP 2-4-6-8-10…. Deficit Push Ups (45/25) Cal on...Read More
Strength Back squat- 5×5 all sets at 80 percent or higher. Warm up to 80 percent. Do this right. Don’t “save it for the wod” WOD- 15 minute amrap 20 wall balls 1o KB swings 70/55 Run 400 Don’t use the run as rest. Run fast. Read More
gym is open from 8-11am. Angie is the wod. we can scale it for anyone. Running clocks.. come in, warm up, do the wod. MUST START BY 10:30 no mobility or bootcamp or endurance tomorrow.Read More