Warm up- Row 1000M OR bike 6 Minutes Or run a mile Then 50 Partner wall balls.. for fun. Pick someone you don’t know well to partner with… Not your bro’s. throw the ball to each other. Stay at the chalk board for explanation of the wod and strength.. which is overhead squats… which we...Read More
Warm Up 800m first 400m slow, then race somebody back to the gym Meet at the chalkboard after to go over the wod. If you finish too early, do your run over with a friend or stretch After wod explanation do 4 rounds 10 Strict pull ups 20 pass throughs Grab a bar- Quick...Read More
Warm Up- 5 Minutes bike or row —stretch while you are waiting for others to finish 40 Air squats together at the the front of the room… lets fix these movement patterns. Squat therapy. Fast review of wall balls.. still seeing some unique versions of wall balls. Strength- Find a squat rack, pair up, two...Read More
Wod- Murph . . . . . . April fools! Team wod. Teams of 2 You will have 10 minutes to warm up before class Then wod 1-6 minutes Establish one rep max of this complex 1 clean 1 Hang Clean 1 Front squat 1 Shoulder to overhead Wod 2- 14 Minutes 20 wall balls...Read More
8amEndurance- 6×400 repeats on the post office road with 90 second rest 6×200 on the post office road (I’ll put a cone out) on the post office road 6×100 repeats, same road 9am Mobility 10 am partner wod yayyyyyyy the open is over, we can put barbells back, toes to bar, and pull ups back...Read More
Don’t skip because it’s Friday and running! Attack your weaknesses, don’t avoid them. The guilt of skipping a workout feels worse than the actual workout. Warm Up- Run With a med ball.. and a partner 4×10 sets of Push ups (have someone put a plate on your back and try weighted push ups 50 Air...Read More
Warm up 500 M Row 40 Good morning with med ball of empty bar Squat Clean Review Emom- Everyone squats today 0-2 Minutes 5 Power position Squat clean 2-4 Minutes 5 Hang Position Squat clean 4-6 Minutes 5 Squat cleans Leave your bar out for deadlifts DeadLift 5 @ 40%, 5 @ 50%, 3@ 60%,...Read More
Warm up- 5 Minute bike or row THEN Bring Sally Up as a class with perfect air squats Grab a bar- Review EMOM- Lets fix those movements! 0-2 mintues Review proper front squat technique with and empty bar 5 Perfect reps a minutes 2-4 minutes Review over head squats 5 perfect reps per minute 4-6...Read More
Warm Up 4 Rounds 5 Strict pull ups (or whatever progression you are working on) 10 Push Ups 15 Squats Grab an empty bar- review all three overhead movements as a group. If the bar is out in front of your ears at the top position of any press that is “NO REP.” Back off...Read More
The Open is over. Back to regular programming. More time on the pull up bars and more time Squatting, Deadlifting, and pressing! Warm Up- 5 Minutes of slow bike or row- 20 Air Squats 20 Overhead Squats with a PVC Strength Grab a bar- Find a squat rack- Pair up with someone you can squat...Read More