Wednesday 10/26 Warm Up 8 Cal Ski10 PVC Pipe Pass Throughs10 Banded Pull Aparts *Barbell Review for Snatch* :15 Strength Every 1:30 Minutes for 12 Minutes (8 sets)2 Tempo Pull Squat SnatchesDrop and rest between repsSTART no heavier than 50 Percent of your1RM Squat Snatch. Add weight is movement is flawless. :30 REVIEW L-Sits on...Read More
Tuesday 10/25 Warm Up 50-foot Duck Walk THEN 2 Rounds 5 Beat Swings (kips) with tight hollow and arches 5 LIGHT DB Squats 5 Scap Push Ups 5 Tempo Pull Ring Rows (3 seconds up, 3 seconds down) 5 LIGHT DB Squats :15 Strength FRONT SQUATS 3 SETS 1 Big Set of Front Squats Each...Read More
A $25 Rogue Gift Card will be given away in every class todayWarm Up 50-foot Crab Walk 20 Spiderman Lunges 20 A-frame Toe Touches 50-foot Bear Crawl :10 Skill Arch and Hollow Positions :30 hollow hold with feet tucked in and arms reaching forward toward feet:30 sec hollow hold bringing knees toward chest arms still...Read More
Sunday FundayWod 110 Minutes split how you want 6 pull ups12 push ups18 SquatsWod 2-14 Minutes 30 Wall Balls30 Burpees 200 M farmer carry 2 dbs or kbs. 50ish/35ishBoth partner go on the farmer carry walk, one partner carries both weights, switch as you wantWod 3-6 MInutes to find 1 reps max of1 clean1 front...Read More
Endurance… this is about 40 minutes of work with not rest… that falls into the steady state cardio. control your paceTeams of 4Each team starts with 5 minuntes of alternating sandbag cleansThen go into a 30 minute waterfall amrap of RunRowBike SKiThen cash out it is 5 mintues of sandbag cleans **each teammate starts on...Read More
Friday 10/21 1000m RowTHEN2 Rounds25′ Walking Lunge 10 Empty Bar Push JerkShort coach led split jerk progressions then*BUILD UP TO 70% OF SPLIT JERK FOR WOD :20 WODAMRAP 24 Minutes200m DB Run 50/35lbs* THIS IS WITH ONE DB!1 Split Jerk 75%+ **Rest 1:00Jerks can be from the rack. try to add a little weight each round...Read More
Thursday 10/20 WARM UP1 round25 feet high knees 25 feet but kicks25 feet inch worms WITH HOLLOW HOLD at top of push upThen:30 hollow hold with feet tucked in and arms reaching forward toward feet:30 sec hollow hold bringing knees toward chest arms still extended:30 sec hollow hold with legs extended straight up:30 sec hollow...Read More
Tuesday 10/18 WARM UPathletes foam roll out during WB brief. 3 Rounds200m Run8 DB Squat Clean Thrusters :10 STRENGTHREVIEWING THE TEMPO PULL SQUAT SNATCH 5 second pull from the bottom. Cover positional work before starting to load the barbell. Really addressing athletes getting their heels back to the ground after their pull. StrengthEvery 2 Minutes...Read More
Monday 10/17 WARM UPEvery 1:30 for 6:005 Burpees10 LIGHT DB Front Squats:15 Bike Sprint:10 STRENGTHCoach LEAD AS A CLASS2×5Empty Bar Back Squats, Hold one second at the bottom THEN30 MINUTES FOR THE FOLLOWINGBack Squats4×6Set 1: Light-Moderate, 50-60%Set 2: Moderate – HeavySet 3: AHAP (~75-85%)Set 4: Moderate Weight (aka end on a good-looking set) *Squat Tips*Expansion...Read More