Friday is the cut off day to sign up for the 6 week inter-gym challenge. The scoring system makes this a level playing for everyone! Its going to come down to who shows up consistently, keeps their nutrition in check, and puts in their best effort for every workout. Click HERE for details. Super duper...Read More
Friday is the cut off day to sign up for the 6 week inter-gym challenge. The scoring system makes this a level playing for everyone! Its going to come down to who shows up consistently, keeps their nutrition in check, and puts in their best effort for every workout. Click HERE for details. Warm up-...Read More
Friday is the cut off day to sign up for the 6 week inter-gym challenge. The scoring system makes this a level playing for everyone! Its going to come down to who shows up consistently, keeps their nutrition in check, and puts in their best effort for every workout. Click HERE for details. Monday Warm...Read More
Warm up 40 one handed overhead Kettlebell squats 1000 Meter Row Grab a bar, practice deadlifts DeadLift emom 10 Minutes Emom 3 Deadlifts Wod 21 Deadlifts 225/155 Run 800 5 Ring muscle ups (10 pull ups, 15 ring rows) 15 Deadlifts 225/155 Run 400 5 ring muscle ups(10 pull ups, 15 ring rows) 9 Deadlifts...Read More
Warm Up- Morning classes. DONT MISS TODAY! 5am, 6am, 10am Barbell Brunch with Coach Jordon 9am FIT class *DONT FORGET about Kids Class with Amanda at 5:30. Get the kids off the ipads and into the gym! 4pm ,5pm ,6pmĀ Wod Strength Bench Press, Can be done before or after wod 5,5,5,5,5 Wod Jerry Run...Read More
Warm Up 40 One armed OHS with a Kettlebell or dumbbell Then 3 round 10 Push ups 10 pull ups 20 pass through Shoulder Day! Strength- 10 minutes EMOM- (Bar starts on the floor) 3 push jerks Increase weight as you go Wod- 6 Rounds for Time 10 Handstand push ups (sub dumbbell presses) 10...Read More
Warm Up 40 one armed ohs with kettlebell or dumbbell then 40 push ups 50 sit ups Grab a bar and follow along with Coach led practice hang cleans, warm up to your starting weight for the EMOM 10 minute EMOM 2 Hang Cleans (from the power position 2 front squats Last hang clean can...Read More
Warm Up, Row 500 Practice 5 minutes of double unders 40 One handed overhead squat with a dumbbell or Kettlebell (everday this week) Strength Back Squats- 10,8,6,4,4,4 Work from 60 percent to 85-90 percent Wod- 10 Minute Amrap 10 KB swigins 6 Bar Muscle Ups (Sub 10 pull ups, or 12 ring rows) **if you...Read More
Sunday Funday- Scaling is not a crime. Get to the gym, run a mile slow, get your bar ready and we will start at 10:20 25 Minute Partner Wod-very few people should be going rx on this. Split the work however you want. 60 Deadlifts (135 / 95lb) 30 Burpees 60 Front Squats (135 /...Read More
8am Endurance – 200,200,400,400,800,800,400,400,200 9am Mobility 10am Partner Chipper 30 minute cap 100 Wall Balls 90 KB Swings 80 Burpees 70 air squats 60 Cal rower 50 Cal Bike 40 Snatches 95/65 30 ski erg cal 20 Clean and jerk 135/95 10 Man makersRead More