Tuesday 1/10
Warm Up
On a 7 Minute Clock
Run 400m
30 Jumping Lunges
20 “½ American” KBS
Max Freestanding HS Hold in Remaining Time
:15 Skill

Alternating EMOM
12 Minutes
Even minutes
1 Repeatable set of Kipping or Strict HSPU

odd minutes
1 Repeatable set of Pike HSPU
Athletes who can perform both strict and
kipping HSPU may choose based on
weaknesses, 3 rep minimum.
Athletes who cannot yet perform kipping
HSPU with their hands/head on the same
plane perform pike HSPU.
Athletes not going upside down, do DB presses

:35 WOD
AMRAP 11 Minutes15 Bar Facing Burpees
15 Deadlifts 185/125lbs
12 Bar Facing Burpees
12 Deadlifts 185/125lbs
9 Bar Facing Burpees
9 Deadlifts 185/125lbs
Feel: Gas
Pacing: Sustain
Target Score: 2-3 rounds
– BFB: Allow a step-over for scaled athletes, other than that sorry you gotta do
em ̄ \_(ツ)_/ ̄
– Deadlift: The lighter bar to allow for bigger and more consistent sets. Athletes may
intentionally break up sets as a strategy, but when fresh athletes should
confidently be able to move their weight for a set of 20+. Barbell should not
exceed 50% of the athlete’s 1RM.
:55 Cool Down
1:00 Childs Pose
1:00 Foam roll back
1:00 Foam roll la

Monday 1/9
Warm Up
2:00 of 4-way Banded Glute
Then 3 Steady Rounds
12 DB Front Rack Lateral Squats
10 Hip Extensions (or glute bridges if
GHDs are unavailable)
12 Jump Squats
10 Ring Rows

:15 Strength
Find a 5RM Back Squat
*build up slow, putting 225 on the bar to warm up for a 275 5 rep max is not slow.
*you dont have to do sets of building up. do sets of 2 or 3 until you are ready to go for it

:40 Skill Work
**Coaches to cover hollow hold progressions and pull up progressions prior to skill work**
Alt movements every minute
Strict Pull Ups
:30 Hollow Holds
Substitute any pulling movement (ring rows, bent over rows, etc).
If pulling is not safe due to an injury, a weighted push up or 5:00 Max rep
pushups would work well

Coaches Choice warm up

The in teams of 2
Wod 1
10 Minutes amrap- you go i go
5 pull ups
7 push ups
9 Squats

Wod 2
“Heave and Ho” from the Barbell Beatdown

Ski Cals (One partner always working on the Ski)

50 foot Yoke carry (156lbs all divisions) 

6 Sandbags over the yoke (will be set to a standard height)

50 foot Yoke carry to startling line

Allowing each partner to alternate full rounds for 12 minutes

Wod 3
12 minutes for each partner to establish a one rep max clean. No weights can be loaded until 3…2…..1… go

36 minutes of work
Teams of 2 (pick one machine you like and one you dont, it does not matter which machine you get on first. we need to run more, don’t you agree?
18 minutes on one machine.
Partner is on the machine
Partner 2 is running 400m (lets make this 2-200’s so we dont have to run through the grass)
At 18 minutes switch machines and do it over again

9am CrossFit
Coaches choice warm up

25 Minutes amrap
P1-5 power clean and jerk (at roughly 70 percent of your 1 rep max- fast single is what we are looking for
P2- 5 power clean and jerk at 70 percent
15 synchronized air squats
P1-10 burpees (dont work over 45 seconds on these
p2-10 burpees
15 synchronized air squats


4 Minutes of bike or row.. switching from 30 seconds moderate pace to 30 seconds quicker pace.

2 Rounds
10 push ups
30 second hang from the bar in a hollow
10 Empty Bar Front squats
30 second hollow on the floor

Strength :10 to :30
You will have 10 minutes to build to your first weight of your working sets. Challenge yourself today with a heavier working weight percent. Push 75 percent of 1rm and above range.
Every 2:00 for 5 sets
5 Front Squats

:30 to 55- workout prep, workout, and clean up

14 Minute Amrap
200M Run
2 rope climbs
8 alt single arm devil press 70/50
50 Double unders

possible Scaling options
200m run
1 rope climb or 4 pulls from the ground
8 alt single arm devil press at lighter weight
1:00 of double attempts, single single double, or 100 singles.

1 95 96 97 98 99 532