Wod 1- Teams of 2
7 Minutes- Split how you want
15 Kb swings
20 Burpees

10 Minutes Amraps You go I go
10 Db snatches 50/35
10 Airsquats
At 5 minutes switch to
10 Alt Single Arm Hang Clean and Jerk 70/50
10 Air squats

Wod 3- Teams of 2
Barbell Ladder
:45 Seconds per lift, :15 transition
Weights TBD

8am Endurance
Little longer time domains today with a longer rest. these are not sprints but you can push the pace since you a get a 2 minutes rest every 4 minutes
Teams of 3- 40 min as many cals as possible
Partner 1- row 2 minutes
Partner 2 bike 2 minutes
Partner 3 rest
switch spots every 2 minutes
Row goes to bike
Bike goes to rest
rest goes to row

9am crossfit
Teams of 2

Teams of 2- split as evenly as possible- 35 minute cap
2000/1750m Row or ski
200 Wall Balls (20/14) (scale weight if needed)
2000/1750m Row or ski
100 Dumbbell Box Step Ups (24/20)(50s/35s) (can use single DB to scale)
2000/1750m Row or ski
**If there are enough machines you can alternate machines. COMMUNICATE! don’t just jump on an open machine because it’s open. some might have been planning to use it.

Options for scaling
150 Wall balls (scale number and weight)
75 step ups

Friday 1/13
Warm Up
3 Min Bike (:30 moderate, :30 fast)
-Barbell Progressions-
Clean High Pull (Power Position)
Clean (Power position)
Hang Clean
Clean (from the shin)
Strict Press
Push Press
Push Jerk
Split Jerk
Hollow Hold Progressions – holding each step :30 seconds
Kip Swings
Pull Ups
C2B Pull Ups

:25 WOD
For Time with a partner, split anyhow:
100 Clean and Jerks 135/95lbs
100 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
100 Power Snatches 135/95lbs
40 Ring Muscle Ups
One athlete works at at time.
30 minute cap
Feel: Gas
Pacing: Sustain
Target Score: All teams get some muscle up reps
Firebreather Score: Complete the workout in under 30 minutes
– Clean and Jerks: Should not exceed 8 minutes to complete, (13 reps per
– Chest to Bar: Should not exceed 8 Minutes to complete, (13 reps per
– Snatches: Should not exceed 8 minutes to complete, (13 reps per
– Muscle Ups: Should have approximate 6 minutes to accumulate reps.
Scale with most difficult pulling gymnastic movement including bar
muscle ups. If athletes will be doing chest to bar pull ups in this section
of the workout, they should be doing an “easier” movement instead of
chest to bar as the second movement

Thursday 1/12
Warm Up
2 Rounds
50 Single Unders or 50 Double Unders
8 DB Squat Clean Thrusters
200m Row

: 15 Strength
In Teams of 3:
AMRAP 4 Minutes x 3
1 Split Jerk
Rest 1:00 between AMRAPs
Rx: 185/125, 225/155lbs, 245/165lbs
Intermediate: 135/95lbs, 165/115lbs,
Scaled: Weights to be decided by athletes/coaches
Teams rotate 1 athlete at a time. The score is total reps completed.

:40 WOD
For Time
25 Double DB Power Cleans 50s/35s
75 Double Unders
35 DB Shoulder to OH 50s/35s
75 Double Unders
25 Double DB Power Cleans 50s/35s
Feel: Muscle Overload
Pacing: Sustain
Target score: 6-8 minutes
Time cap: 10 minutes
– DB Power Clean: Should not exceed 3 sets. Reduce DB weight before
– Double Unders: :60 Practice for everyone who is developing or doesn’t
have double unders just yet.
– S2OH: Should not exceed 4 Sets. Reduce DB weight before Reps.
1:00 Foam roll calf
Couch Stretch

Wednesday 1/11
Warm Up
AMRAP 7 Minutes
Row 15/12 Calories
5 Shuttle Runs
Rest :30

:15 Skill
Teams of 2 – EMOM 10 min
Yoke carry with partner. One partner works while the other rests. Switching every minute.
Yoke carry is 50 feet out and back.

n:30 WOD
AMRAP 3 Minutes x 6
40/32 Calorie Row
Max Shuttle Runs in remaining time
Rest 2:00
1 shuttle = 25′ out and back. If you are
halfway through a shuttle run at the
end of an interval, complete the
shuttle run and count it.
Score is total shuttle runs.
Feel: Cardio
Pacing: SustainTarget Score: 5+ shuttle runs per round
Firebreather: 8+ shuttle runs per round
– Row: Air bike/C2 Bike calories: 35/26. Should not exceed 2:30 to complete the
prescribed calories.
– Shuttle Run: Max Calories on a machine different from the buy-in machine

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