1:00 4 Way Glute Activation
2 Rounds
:30 Bike
10 Air Squats (with band)
:30 Bike
10 Cossack Squats
:30 Bike
6 Tempo Goblet Squats (light, 3 seconds down, normal drive up)

Back Squat
Rest 3-5 minutes
between sets

Set 1: 90%
Sets 2-4: 90-95%
Set 5: 90%

All % based on 5RM.

EXTRA…Wanna get shredded or what?
3 Rounds
20 Abmat Situps
30 Sec Plank
30 Flutter Kicks (each side)

16 days til the open

Row 500
8 Burpee Pull Ups/Ring Rows
8 Hang Muscle Cleans
6 Burpee Pull Ups/Ring Rows
6 Hang Power Cleans (At Power Position)
4 Burpee Pull Ups/Ring Rows
4 Hang Power Cleans (at Knee)

Every :90 for 15:00 (10 sets)
1 Hang Power Clean, Below the Knee
Start in the neighborhood of 70% of your 1RM Power Clean and increase weight each set, aiming to finish with a new 1RM or very heavy single.

:35 WOD

3 Rounds
15 Hang Power Cleans 115/80lbs
2 Wall Walks
15 Bar Facing Burpees

Target Score: 6-8 Minutes

– Hang power Clean: Scale to a weight that allows for 15 reps unbroken

when fresh, if front rack mobility is an issue use DBs.

– Wall Walks: See the open scaled wall walk standard

– BFB: Do em! There is no out today!

3 Rounds
1:00 Machine (:10 sprint :50 sustain pace)
20 Seated Light DB Strict Press
3 Inch Worms with Push Up

:30 Holds in Hollow Progressions and Arch

EMOM 10 Minutes
1 Perfect, repeatable set of Toes to Bar or
Kipping Knee Raises

:35 WOD
AMRAP 16 Minutes in Teams of 3:
P1: Max Rep Rope Climbs
P2: 6 S-DB/KB Suitcase Carry Shuttles 70/50lbs (or heavier)
P3: Rest

Score is total Rope Climbs.

*First 3 shuttles are performed carrying the DB in one hand, last 3 shuttles are performed carrying the DB in the other hand.

Athletes rotate when P2 completes their shuttles. 1 shuttle = 25′ out and back.


Target Score: 1-3 rope climbs per athlete, per round

EXTRA Mobility

1 min seal pose 1 min bicep stretch on wall 1 min tricep lacrosse ball smash (each side)


– Rope Climbs: Climb as high as possible, 5 Rope Pull Ups or 5 Strict Pull Ups.

– Suitcase Carry: Choose a KB/DB that is challenging (but unbroken) but allows for the proper body position.

Monday 1/30


Alt. EMOM 9 Minutes
1- 50ft Bear Crawl
2- 50ft Duck Walk
3- 14/10 Calorie Air Bike or 18/15 calorie Row

Handstand Walk Skill Warm Up
1x :20 HS Hold
1x :20 HS Hold + Weight Shift (lift hand off floor or shoulder taps)
3x Kick Up + Walk into Wall (wall walks)


2:00 to practice HS Walking or HSW scale.

:30 WOD
AMRAP 18 Minutes
20/15 Calorie Air Bike|
25′ HS Walk
20 S-DB or KB Squat 35/25lbs
25′ HS Walk

For scoring, 5′ = 1 rep. DB or KB may be squatted
with anyhow.

Nice steady pace for this WOD.
Target Score: 4-5 rounds


– Air Bike: 1:1 Calorie Machine

– HS Walk: :20 HS Hold, 2 Wall Walks

– DB/KB Squats: Should not exceed 2 sets. Reduce the weight before the reps. Modify with

Air Squats if you are very new. This is a single DB or KB that should be very light for

the athlete.

Sunday Funday
Would you like to know the workouts?
Show up and Coach Jordon will have them written on the board!

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