We will leave 2 lanes open in the back of the gym for Open attempts. Please try to have a judge ready to go beforehand.
-there is no open gym Monday through Wednesday from 11-2. Gym will be closed up

Coaches choice warm up

Then in teams of 2
Wod 1- 12 Minutes
20 Cals
30 Push ups
30 air squats

Wod 2- 10 Minutes
20 Alt Db snatches
20 Lunges in place with a db
20 Toes to bar
**AT 5 Minutes switch to alt db HANG clean and jerk

Wod 3-
Both partners have 7 minutes to establish a one rep max of
2 hang cleans
2 front squats

Teams of 4 (were going to try to have most of the equipment outside)
35 Minutes Amrap
P1-8 sled pushes (down and back is 2)
P2-sandbag cleans over yoke
P3 Row for cals
P4 ski for cals
Switch partners when the sled person is done. sled goes to sandbag, sandbag goes to row, row goes to ski, ski goes to sled.

9am crossfit
Partner workout

Teams of 2- split how you want
For Time
48/38 Bike Erg
30 Sandbag Squats (150/100) or 30 Front Squats (185/125)
48/38 Bike Erg
24 Sandbag Squats (150/100) or 24 Front Squats (185/125)
48/38 Bike Erg or 800m Run
18 Sandbag Squats (150/100) or 18 Front Squats (185/125)

Optional pump session
3 rounds
15 reps of DB bench press
10 reps each arm of DB curls
20 reps of banded tricep extension on the rig

Go to games.crossfit.com for tomorrows workout.


3:00 Machine of choice


Alt. EMOM 6 Minutes
1- 10 Empty bar clean and press
2- 15 Wall Balls Unbroken
3- Shuttle runs*

*start slow with a focus on technique, build in speed
each round

 ~ : 10 STRENGTH

Coaches will start a 10 minute clock. Athletes will warm up to 70% of the 1RM Power Clean+Jerk, or the lighter of the two lifts.

~ :20 EMOM 10 Minutes

1 Power Clean + Split Jerk @ 70-85% 1RM
Begin at 70%. Build as desired, not exceeding 85%.
Final set is performed at 70% Based on Power Clean+Jerk, or the lighter of the
two lifts.

:40 WOD

AMRAP 3 minutes x 2

7 Shuttle Runs
10 Front Squats 95/65lbs

Rest 1:00 between AMRAPs.

1 shuttle = 25′ out and back

Restart with Shuttle Runs on the second AMRAP.

Score is rounds + reps from the 2nd AMRAP ONLY.

Pacing: Sustain

Target Score: Minimum 2 rounds per AMRAP


– Shuttle Runs: Should not exceed 1:00 at any point, Scale with 15/10 Calorie C2

Machine in the instance of injury

– Front Squats: Should allow for unbroken sets every round. Can be modified to a

DB Front Squat, Goblet Squat or Air Squat if needed


2:00 Banded 7’S

3 Rounds
200 M Run
6 Push Ups
5 Burpees

*Wall Walk Review

Scaling Options for being inverted (Strict DB Press)

:25 WOD

With a Partner
AMRAP 8 Minutes
P1: 15/12 Bike Cals
P 2: Max Wall Walks (while P1 works)

Switch when P1 completes Cals.


AMRAP 8 Minutes

P1: 15/12 Bike Cals
P2: Max Burpee to Target (6 inches above the athlete’s max reach)

Switch when P1 completes Cals.

These WOD are meant to keep you moving with minimal rest. Find a pace that is sustainable for both AMRAPS.

Score is wall walks for first wod, burpees for second


– Wall Walks: Can me scaled to strict DB Press using a moderate weight that does not require extended periods of rest.

– Burpee to Target: Burpee without the target.

1 86 87 88 89 90 532