Meet at Keystone Park for a workout at 8am
17926 Gunn Hwy, Odessa, FL 33556

Workout will be a lot of bodyweight things and some kettlebells.

we might try to play some pickleball if the courts are open after.

Watch here and our Member Facebook page please. We will not be having class if it’s storming outside. Here is the link to the members page

Warm Up

3 Rounds

100 M Row

8 Light DB Strict Press

10 Light DB Front Squats

:15 Strength


DB Push Press

Allow for unbroken rep on the Push Press. This will be followed by heavy DB Thrusters in the WOD.

:35 AMRAP 15 Minutes

250/200 M Row

10 DB Thrusters 50/35s

100 M Farmers Carry 50/35s

Rest 1 Minute Between Rounds

Target Score: 4+ Rounds

DB Thrusters: Weight should allow for 2 sets when fresh, 3 sets max. Scale weight before reps.

Farmers Carry: No scale for distance. Carry should be unbroken. Decrease carry weight to preserve stimulus.

Warm Up

AMRAP 6 Minutes
5 Broad Jumps
10 Unbroken Wallballs
3 Inch Worms + Push Up

:15 WOD
BUY IN 50 Burpees
200 M Run
10 KB Swings 50/35
200 M Run
20 KB Swings
200 M Run
30 KB Swings
200 M Run
40 KB Swings
CASH OUT  50 Burpees

KB: weight should allow for large sets even under fatigue.
Burpees: No sub, gotta do em! =(
Shoot to finish this WOD in under 20 minutes.

:45 Skill POST WOD

Hollow Hold Progressions
:45 holds in each progression
Reach to Heels
Tuck Knees to Chest
Leg Ext.


For 10 Minutes

:30 Plank Hold

:30 seconds REST

Warm Up
AMRAP 5 Minutes
25 ft High Knees
10 Air Squats w/ med ball
1 sled push (25 feet)
>>Clean Progressions prior to strength

 :15 Strength
EMOM 8 Minutes
Clean Complex 1 Power Clean + 1 Hang Squat Clean at 70% of Hang Clean

:30 WOD

For time
Med Ball Cleans 20/14

*One sled push down and back between rounds, 25 feet down and back*

Sled push weight should be moderately heavy to allow an unbroken push down and then an unbroken push back.

Time Cap: 20 Minutes


3 Rounds

200 M Run

10 Empty Bar Good Mornings



EMOM 10 Min
6 Sumo Deadlift High Pull with KB

Weight should be challenging but remain unbroken.

Wide stance, narrow grip, knees tracking over toes, extend legs/hips before shrug, arms straight in shrug, bar stays close to body, heels down, elbows pull high and outside


5 Rounds
10 Dumbbell Deadlifts (2×50/35)
100ft Single Arm Dumbbell Overhead/Single Arm or single arm Dumbbell Front Rack Walk (at 50ft/switch arms)
10 Dumbbell Deadlifts (2×50/35)

20 min cap

Target Score – 15 minutes

This workout is going to test your athletes’ grip and overhead stability through a grueling 5 sets.

Deadlifts: Should be unbroken. Only one head of each dumbbell needs to make contact with the floor (front of the dumbbells). Remind athletes to narrow their stance up a little to accommodate the dumbbells.

 Carry: Athletes will have one dumbbell locked out overhead while the other sits in the front rack position.  (at 50ft/switch arms)

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