Friday 3/17


Warm Up

3 Rounds
6 Cal Ski
6 Push Ups

:15 WOD
6 Rounds For Time
20 Ab Mat Sit Ups
8 Devils Press 50/35
10 Cal Ski

**if you havent done 120 sit ups in a while scale that number to 10-15

Time Cap: 20 Minutes
Devils Press: Decrease weight before reps. Devils Press should be done in 2-3 sets max.

:45 Bent Over Lateral Raises

4 X 10

While standing, bend over to a 45-80 degree angle of the torso with a dumbbell in each hand. Posterior chain when setting up for this movement to create a stable base and avoid placing all stress on the low back.

Lift the dumbbells out to the side, ensuring that you don’t go above the level of the shoulder with the hands.

 Keep the arms extended (but not locked out) during the entirety of the rep and imagine the arms being pulled up by the elbows rather than the hands to help place emphasis on the rear delts.

Standing Alternating DB Shoulder Press


From a standing position, raise a dumbbell in each hand to the shoulders.

Press overhead to full lockout.

Leaving one dumbbell extended overhead, lower the other dumbbell to the shoulder and press overhead.

Thursday 3/16

Warm Up

2 Rounds

100 M Run

5 Cat/Cows

3 A Frame Toe Touches

10 Air Squats

:10 Strength

3×12 Front Squats

Based on ~60%  of 1RM. Bar will come from the ground.

:30 AMRAP 20 Minutes

Teams of 2

100 Foot Sandbag Carry 100/75 (50 feet down and back)

100 Foot Yoke Carry

100 Foot Sandbag Carry

6 Sandbag Cleans

Athletes will carry their sandbag 100 feet to the Yoke. Athletes will drop the sandbag and proceed to carry their yoke 100 feet (down and back to sandbag). Picking up their sandbags athletes will carry them another 100 feet to the starting line. Completing 6 Sandbag Cleans over the shoulder to complete one round.


4 sets

6 Russian Swings (Heavy)
8 Alternating Double DB Step Back Lunges (Front Rack)
Good mornings with a KB

Warm Up

3 Rounds

8 Cal Row

10 Plate ground to overhead

10 Good Mornings

:15 WOD
2 sets 27-21-15 (21-16-12 for women)
Calorie Row
DBall Slams

Rest 3:00 between sets.- (the female reps apply only to the calories)

:40 OHHHH My Hammies!
Post WOD Accessory
KB RDLS (Try these with a single or two KB)

> Set up with feet hip width apart.

Shoulders retract back and down.

Knees bent slightly.

Hinge from the hip and maintain tension in the hamstrings.

Engage your lats! **Think** about squeezing a newspaper under your arms.

*Focusing on the posterior chain each rep. Squeeze belly button to spine.*

Single Leg Calf Raise

4 x 15-20 (each side)

While standing, elevate foot so that you can pass below parallel to the floor with your heel.

Drive through the big toe at extension.

Tuesday  3/14

Warm Up
AMRAP 6 Minutes
100 M Run
6 Burpees
8 Empty Bar Bench Press

Start of a bench cycle this week!
Find a 1RM or Heavy Single

:35 WOD
P1: 400 M Run
P2: Burpee

Switch when P1 is done with run
Keeping Score? Score is total Burpees!

NO MORNING CLASSES since we are outside and it’s supposed to storm.
There should be afternoon classes. At home workout below.

Warm Up

3 Rounds
10 Box STEP DOWNS (5 each leg)
2-inch worms + push up
5 Scap pull ups
5 Kip Swings

:15 Skill
Hollow Hold Progressions
:45 hold in each position
reach + knees tucked,
Reach + knees tucked + legs extended
Reach + knees tucked + legs extended+ hollow

:30 WOD
5 Rounds
1 Minute: Max Calorie Bike
1 Minute: Max single DB Box Step Ups (24”/20”) 50/35lb
1 Minute:  Max of (Rounds 1, 3, and 5 Pull Ups; Rounds 2 and 4: TTB)

At home version
5 Rounds
1 Minutes max burpees
1 Minute alternating lunges
1 Minute sit ups (db rows, 5 each side and alt. if you have a db)

Rest 1:00 between rounds

Shoot for the same number of reps and calories each round.

*If rig space is an issue athletes can start at different movements.


Box Step Ups: Decrease height before weight. Pick a weight that you can move consistently through each round.

Pull Ups: Jump Pull Ups, Ring Row

TTB: Hanging Knee Raises or Leg Raises

1 83 84 85 86 87 532