Warm up
8:00 minute EMOM, Alternating Movements a
Minute 1: 12/9 Calorie Row
Minute 2: 8 Scapular Pull-Ups + 8 Bar Kip Swings
Minute 3: 12/9 Calorie Bike
Minute 4: 10 Alternating Deep Lunge Mountain Climbers

Strength/Skill- We will find pull up option that works for each individual on this. If you have been off for a while you do not want to be attempting 60 pull ups

10 Minute EMOM
5 to 7 Chest to bar pull ups
or whatever option/rep scheme is appropriate for today
Scaling Options:

  • If scaling is necessary, opt for strict banded pull-ups or toenail spot
  • These variations help in maintaining a similar stimulus, focusing on
    strength and control. The banded pull-ups offer assistance, while
    toenail spot pull-ups allow for a slight push with the feet, reducing the
  • Regardless of whether you’re performing the standard movement or a
    scaled version, prioritize good form. This includes controlled
    movements, proper body alignment, and avoiding excessive kipping
    or swinging.


21/17 Calorie Row
21 Line Facing Burpees Max Calorie Echo Bike
-4:00 Rest-
15/12 Calorie Row
21 Line Facing Burpees Max Calorie Echo Bike
-4:00 Rest-
9/7 Calorie Row
21 Line Facing Burpees Max Calorie Echo Bike

Goal: 20/14+ Echo Bike Calories Each Set
Primary Objective: Complete each Buy-In work component in under 3:00 minutes
Secondary Objective: Complete each set of 21 Line Facing Burpees in 90 seconds or

The calories on the Row increase during each set of these intervals so the goal will be
to continually increase the calories on the Echo Bike. The focus for this workout is to
keep the burpees at a strong steady clip with the goal of completing them in under 90
seconds each round. Stay low, breathe, and move with purpose before getting onto
the bike to hit some hard efforts here. Each round should end with a near all effort
pace to really drive the heart rate up.

Scaling would be take 3 cals of the row and 3 reps off the burpees to start. You can take more off those numbers if you are not finishing the work in 3 minutes.

2 Sets, For Quality:
5 Yoga Push-Ups
10/10 Single Arm Single Leg Romanian Deadlift
:10 Second Ring Support Hold + :10 Second Ring Dip Hold
10 Banded Glute Bridge Marches
5/5 Goblet Crossover Step-Ups

Strength: Bench Press
Every 6:00 minutes for 18:00 minutes, Complete
5 reps
3 reps
1 rep
Set 1: 75-77-80%
Set 2: 77-80-82%
Set 3: 80-82-85%
Percentages are all based on your 1-rep max Bench Press

*For the Bench Press, concentrate on engaging your lats and mid-back. This can be
achieved by visualizing ‘breaking the bar’ and actively pulling it down towards you.
Initiate the movement through your shoulders and mid-back, rather than relying solely
on your chest or pecs as the primary drivers
*being a 9 minute amrap is next we want you to take time to warm up to your deadlift weight.

Handstand Push-Ups (or inverted box push ups, or double DB press)
Deadlifts, 225/155
Step-Down Box Jumps 24/20”

Goal: Be in or have completed the round of 15 reps
Primary Objective: Achieve the most amount of reps
Secondary Objective: Keep each movement unbroken

If you’re looking for CrossFit done right, Train Harder is your place. Our strength cycle starts this week with back squats. We will work in waves (5,3,1 see below) on this lift today and 3 others during this cycle. Workouts will be good old fashioned CrossFit workouts. Simple and effective. Skill work days are built into this cycle as well.

8:00 minutes, For Quality
1:00 minute Machine of Choice (Easy pace)
5/5 World’s Greatest Stretch
10 Medball Cleans
3-5 + 1 Pogo Jump to Vertical Jump
10 Scapular Pull-Ups

Strength: Back Squats
Every 6:00 minutes for 18:00 minutes, Complete
5 reps
3 reps
1 rep
Set 1: 75-77-80% (0 to 6 min)
Set 2: 77-80-82% (6 to 12 minutes)
Set 3: 80-82-85% (12 to 18 Minutes)
Percentages are all based on your 1-rep max Back Squat.

Point of performance
When performing the back squat, begin by positioning your feet shoulder-width apart
with your toes slightly turned out, establishing a stable base. Place the barbell across
your upper back, avoiding resting it on your neck, and choose between a high or low bar
position based on your comfort and squatting style. Grip the bar just outside your
shoulders, keeping your wrists straight.
Before lifting the bar out of the rack, take a deep breath, brace your core, and stand up
straight with your shoulders back, ensuring the bar is securely resting on your back.
Initiate the squat by pushing your hips back and bending your knees simultaneously,
aiming to lower yourself until your hip crease is below the knee joint.
Keep your knees in line with your toes and prevent them from collapsing inward. It’s
important to maintain a chest-up, back-straight posture throughout the squat, with a
neutral spine to avoid rounding or overextending.
During the ascent, drive up through your heels, keeping the bar path straight, and fully
extend your hips and knees at the top, exhaling as you overcome the hardest part of the

3 Rounds for Time
12 Burpee Pull-Ups
24 Wall Balls 20/14lb, (9/6kg)
48 Double Unders
*if you have your pull ups we want the bar just within reach of your fingertips so you have to do a burpee and basically a full pull up using a little help from your jump if you want,
if you don’t have your pull ups yet, or many pull ups, use the open standard of the bar about 6 inches above your head. If you have to stack a lot of plates to get that, do your 12 burpees first then your 12 jumping pull ups after

*pick the appropriate weight and movements to finish under the time cap or you will be missing the intended stimulus of the workout.
Time Domain: 8:00-11:00 minutes
Time Cap: 15 minutes
Primary Objective: Complete each movement in under 1:00 minute
Secondary Objective: Aim to complete each movement unbroken

Sunday Funday. teams of 2, bring something to protect your leg if you are planning on rope climbing

Amrap 8 minute
P1 Run 4×50 shuttle sprint
P2 Run 4×50 shuttle sprint
Then both partners split 6 rope climbs or 12 rope pulls from floor

Wod 2- split how you want
Amrap 9
10 ring rows, pull ups, or bar muscle or a combo of those
10 Ring rows, pull ups or BMU
add 3 to the STOH each time

WOD 3- split how you want
10 Minutes amrap
10 Double db box step overs
12 DB hang squat clean

Looks like some rain so we will keep endurance inside tomorrow.
Teams of 3, 35 Minute Amrap
50 Bike Cals
50 Sandbag Cleans
50 ski cals
50 Sandbag cleans
50 Row cals
50 Sandbag cleans

9am CrossFit
Buy in
P1- works on 2000m row
p2- holds double KB in the front rack
*switch off when needed. No rowing unless someone is holding the kbs
Straight into 50 synchro burpees over your bar
30 synchro hang power cleans
Suprise! There is a cash out that wasnt in the picture
Another 2000 m row while the other person is holding double KB front rack

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