General Warm-Up: (10 minutes)
10:00 EMOM
Minute 1: 45 second Bike
Minute 2: 25ft (7.5m) Walking Inchworm to Hollow
Minute 3: 8 Scapular Pull-Ups + 8 Ring Rows
Minute 4: 45 second Row
Minute 5: 30-40 second Wall Lean March

Specific Warm-Up: (8-10 minutes)
Go over fine tuning movement patterns and skills for the day
Chest to Bar Skill Work
Burpee Practice: Lead with the chest on the way to the floor and lead with the hips when pulling your legs up to your hands focusing on keeping a neutral spine.
Practice Wall Walk Efficiency by piking your hips into a down dog then moving your feet and keeping straight arms as you move towards the wall.
Work on the turn and go with the shuttle run, cleaning up any pauses at the turn and finding a good rhythm for the day.

Primer: (3-4 minutes)
5/4 Cal Bike
3 Burpees to Target
2 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups or Pull-Up Option

Rest 1:00 –
5/4 Cal Row
2 Shuttle Runs
1 Wall Walk

10:00 AMRAP
12/9 Cal Echo Bike or 13/10 Cal Bike Erg
10 Burpees to Target
8 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
Rest 5:00 minutes
10:00 AMRAP
12/9 Calorie Row
6 Shuttle Runs
3 Wall Walks

Level 2:
10:00 AMRAP
12/9 Cal Echo Bike or 13/10 Cal Bike Erg
10 Burpees to Target
8 Pull-Ups

Rest 5:00 minutes

10:00 AMRAP
12/9 Calorie Row
6 Shuttle Runs
3 Wall Walks

Level 1:
10:00 AMRAP
10/7 Cal Echo Bike or 12/9 Cal Bike Erg
10 “No Jump Burpees”
8 Jumping Pull-Ups

Rest 5:00 minutes

10:00 AMRAP
10/8 Calorie Row
5 Shuttle Runs
2 Wall Walks to 30’’ off Wall
Shuttle Run = 25ft / 7.5m out and back

Goal: 4-6 Rounds / 10:00 AMRAP
Score: Rounds & Reps

Stimulus: Cyclical / Bodyweight Conditioning

RPE: 8/10

Primary Objective: Maintain as close to 2:00 rounds as possible

Secondary Objective: Focus on Consistent paces on the machines and push the bodyweight movements
Workout Strategy and Notes:
First AMRAP:
Echo Bike / Bike Erg:
Maintain a consistent RPM rather than sprinting and burning out early.
Control your breathing and transition smoothly to burpees.
Burpees to Target:
Find a steady rhythm and cadence; avoid excessive pauses.
Keep movements fluid—step down if needed to maintain efficiency.
Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups:
Aim for unbroken or two quick sets (5-3, 4-4, etc.)
Use a strong kip and avoid excessive grip fatigue.

Second AMRAP:
Maintain moderate intensity—enough to move quickly but not spike heart rate.
Use controlled, powerful strokes to minimize time spent on the rower.
Shuttle Runs:
Stay light on your feet and control turns to avoid wasted movement.
Breathe intentionally to recover before the wall walks.
Wall Walks:
Maintain a controlled ascent and descent to avoid unnecessary fatigue.
Keep your core engaged to reduce excessive shoulder fatigue later in the workout.

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Preview for the week
Power Clean Cluster Sets
14:00 AMRAP, Triplet: Dumbbell Power Cleans + Push-Ups + Air Squats
2x 10:00 AMRAPs with 5:00 Rest: Cal Bike + Burpees to Target + Chest to Bar Pull-Ups, Cal Row + Shuttle Run + Wall Walks
Snatch Singles
Back Squat Triplets
Thursday: Upper Body Pressing Emphasis
For Time: 17:00-22:00 Chipper Triplet: Double Unders + Toe to Bar + Deadlifts
Sprint Couplet 5:00 – 7:00 minutes: Push Jerk + Box Jump Overs
Split Jerk Heavy Single (Under Fatigue)


Warm up
General Warm-Up (3-5 minutes)
2 Sets: For Quality
10 Cossack Squats
16 Bear Plank Shoulder Taps
10 Alternating Down Dog Toe Touches
16 Glute Bridges w/Pause at the Top

Specific Prep @ Warm-Up Loads (3-5 minutes)
2 Sets: For Quality
10 Air Squats
8 Dual Dumbbell Deadlifts
6 Dual Dumbbell Hang Power Cleans
4 Inchworm Push-Ups

Barbell Primer (3-5 minutes)
Empty Barbell
3 High Hang Muscle Clean
3 High Hang Power Clean
2 Hang Muscle Clean
2 Hang Power Clean
1 Low Hang Muscle Clean
1 Low Hang Power Clean

Add Loads, so that bars are off the Floor

2 Sets
1 Pause Power Clean
1 Slow Power Clean
1 Power Clean
Get to Working Loads on the Barbell (5 minutes)

Weightlifting Means one squat clean, rest 10-15 seconds, one squat clean, rest 10 to 15, one squat clean, rest 10-15, one squat clean rest 10-15….. so its four squat cleans every 3:00 minutes.
Power Clean
Every 3:00 x 4 Sets @ 80-90%
*Rest 10-15s b/t reps% is Based on 1RM Power Clean

For Reps:
14:00 AMRAP
12 Dual Dumbbell Power Cleans
18 Push Ups
24 Air Squats
Dumbbells: 50/35lbs (22.5/15kg)

Level 2:
For Reps:
14:00 AMRAP
10 Dual Dumbbell Power Cleans
14 Push Ups
20 Air Squats
Dumbbells: 35/25lb, 15/12kg

Level 1:
For Reps:
14:00 AMRAP
8 Dual Dumbbell Hang Power Cleans
10 Push Ups
15 Air Squats
Dumbbells: 25/15lb, 12/7kg

Overview / Goals / Stimulus / Objectives

Goal: 6-9 Rounds
Score: Rounds & Reps

Stimulus: Cyclical / Complementary Triplet
RPE: 8/10

Primary Objective: Unbroken Power Cleans
Secondary Objective: Consistent Round Splits Across

Coaches Notes and Strategy:
Today we have a minimal interference workout which should allow you to push each station in relatively large sets here. Look to keep a steady pace from start to finish today, and keep your squat tempo consistent from round to round. The main point of emphasis here is to keep the dumbbell power cleans unbroken and focus on clean reps and range of motion.

PRVN Recovery #6
1:00/1:00 Scorpion Stretch
1:00/1:00 Couch Stretch
1:00/1:00 Extended Arm Lizard Pose
1:00/1:00 Single Leg Forward Fold
1:00 Childs Pose


14 Minute Time Cap – Split how you want with your teammate  
20 Bar Muscle Ups Buy In (30 pull ups intermediate, 30 ring rows scaled)
25/20 Cal Echo Bike
5 Rope Climbs (8 rope pull scaled)
60 Wall Balls
25/20 Cal Bike
5 Rope Climbs
60 Toes To Bar (Knee raises scaled)
25/20 Cal Bike
5 Rope Climbs
60 Db Snatches
20 Bar Muscle up cash out (30 pull ups intermediate, 30 ring rows scaled)

Wod 2
14 Minutes
30 Cal row
25 Bench
20 Cleans

Wod 3
you go i go
8 deadlifts,
8 bar facing burpees

Teams of 3
35 minutes
1 Person Run 400
1 person ski erg
1 Person row
*Switch when the runner gets back

35ish minute cap

For Time
800m Run
50 Wall Balls
800m Run
50/40 Calorie Row
800m Run
50 American Kettlebell Swings
800m Run
50 Burpees
800m Run
50/40 Calorie Echo

Mobility and Body Heat (4 minutes)
400m Run
:30 second Puppy Dog Pose
:20/:20 Scorpion Stretch
:30/:30 Deep Lunge Ankle Mobilization

General (4-6 minutes)
2 Sets:
200m Run
10 Air Squats
10 Down Dog Toe Touch
:20/:20 second Single Leg Glute Bridge Hold
20 Glute Bridges

Specific Barbell Prep (6-8 minutes)
With an Empty Barbell
6 Overhead Squats
6 Front Squats
6 Back Squats

Add Light Load

4 Overhead Squats
4 Front Squats
4 Back Squats

Add Moderate Load

2 Overhead Squats
2 Front Squats
2 Back Squats

Get your bar on a rack and we are starting the 12 minutes 5RM Back squat clock

Back Squat
Take 12:00 minutes to Establish a Heavy 5 Rep for the Day

The goal is to build to around 8 RPE, so leaving some room in the tank for a little more in a couple weeks. Those really feeling it today, push it and get a new 5RM, but we are looking for our peak to come in a couple weeks down the line.

For Time:
400m Run
20 Overhead Squats*** if you are not doing these go front squat 1st, back squat, back squar
400m Run
25 Front Squats
400m Run
30 Back Squats
Barbell: 115/75lb, (52/34kg)

Goal: 11:00 – 15:00
Time Cap: 15:00

RPE: 9/10
Stimulus: Squat Stamina and Running Capacity

Primary Objective: Go Big On Squats
Secondary Objective: Consistent Run Paces

Coaching Notes and Strategy:
400m Runs
Pacing: Run at a moderate pace that allows you to transition immediately into the barbell work.
Focus: Control your breathing and avoid sprinting to prevent early burnout. Use the runs as active recovery for your legs.
20 Overhead Squats
Load: 115/75lb (52/34kg)—a moderate weight that you can manage in 1-2 sets.
Technique Cues:
Focus on mobility: Keep an active shoulder position and upright torso.
Control the descent and maintain even weight distribution over your midfoot.
Break into 2 sets if needed (e.g., 12-8) to preserve your overhead stability.
25 Front Squats
Load: Same as OHS, with a more stable front-rack position.
Pacing: Aim for 2-3 sets (e.g., 15-10 or 10-8-7) with short breaks to preserve leg stamina.
Technique Cues:
Elbows high and core engaged to avoid forward collapse.
Use your legs to drive out of the bottom position while keeping a smooth rhythm.
30 Back Squats
Load: This is a light load that should allow for larger sets, but break as needed (e.g., 15-10-5). Remember that leg fatigue will have built here with these being the final 30 of 75 total squats for the day.
Technique Cues:
Maintain control and depth—keep your chest up and avoid leaning forward.
Breathe at the top of each rep to maintain consistency.
Brace your core to protect your lower back, especially under fatigue.

Level 2:
Barbell: 95/65lb, 43/30kg
Level 1:
For Time:
400m Run
20 Front Squats
400m Run
25 Back Squats
400m Run
30 Goblet Squats

Barbell: 65/45lb, 30/20kg
Kettlebell: 53/35lb, 24/16kg

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