Take care of your hands tonight if you’re planning on doing toes to bar!!

Don’t forget, party of the year happens this Saturday November 19th at 7pm. Escape Brewing.. you can find Escape Brewing on google maps.

Push press 4-3-3-1-1 (find 1rm)

10 rounds
10 Toes To Bar (sub knee raises or sit ups)
15 wall balls 20/14

1RM MisFit Clean Complex
Without dropping the bar perform 1 Power Clean, 1 Push Jerk, 1 Front Squat, 1 Hang Squat Clean, 1 Split Jerk

3 Rounds For Time:
20 Deadlift 245/165lbs
25/20 Calorie Row
30 doubles

Saturday night the 19th is the anniversary party at Escape Brewing! be there!

Strength-Front squat


Power Clean 155/105
Bar facing burpees
Chest to bar pull ups (Sub-pull ups or ring rows

Scale accordingly during wods. If you are standing and looking at the bar during the wod for more than few seconds…. its too heavy. Pick a weight you can keep moving with. A couple longer breaks are fine, but consistency with your pace is key. clean-take a breath or two– clean again- keep that pace.   If you touch and go all 45 reps, you went a little light.


Sunday Funday teams of 2

Wod 1-
12 minutes total- Clock does not stop- 4 minutes at each of these stations- split work however you want- teams will start at different stations because we only have 6 rowers. Experienced teams start with farmer carries.
Row for calories
Wall ball for reps
Farmers Carries for reps- each 100 feet counts as 1 rep

Wod 2-
7 min AMRAP- split the work however you want
21 Thrusters 95/65
21 Burpees

Wod 3-
5 minutes, as many reps as possible.Kettle bell swings

8am Endurance- Mile repeats, pace yourself. Run to rest ratio is 1 to 1. Shoot for 3, if you feel good keep going.
9am Mobility with Tanya – DONT MISS THIS- we all need this class
10am Bootcamp with Cesar- Bootcamp is always full on Saturday- a tough class, great energy.

12pm-2pm- Fundamental of Olympic Lifting. One time class, free to members. work on the snatch and C+J with 4 coaches. individualized attention.

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