Warm up-
50 Pass throughs
25 empty bar presses

Strength- Push Jerk from the rack
Heavy sets of the 3

Wouldnt be a bad idea to pair up with someone on this workout so we dont have to have a million bars.. count reps for your buddy…

AMRAP 5 Minutes
50 Wall Ball Buy-In
12 Deadlifts (185/135)
12 Bar Facing Burpees
Rest 5:00
AMRAP Minutes
35 Wall Ball Buy-In
9 Deadlifts (225/155)
9 Bar Facing Burpees
Rest 5:00
AMRAP 5 Minutes
20 Wall Ball Buy-In
6 Deadlifts (275/185)
6 Bar Facing Burpees

Warm Up
4 rounds
5 pulls ups
10 push ups
15 squats

Bench press
5 sets of 5

18 Minute Amrap a little rest from the weights…. this is a long time to be doing this. pace yourself

8 HandStand Push Ups
10 pulls ups
16 Pistols (8 each leg)
40 Double unders

18 minute Amrap
8 hand release push ups
10 ring rows
30 air squat
30 double unders (50 singles)

Warm Up-
50 airsquats
40 Calories on a rower
25 push ups
Go in any order

Back Squats
two sets of empty bar warm up
two sets of gradually increasing weights that are still light.. you are still warming up
first working set
5,5,5,5,5 – No percentages, keep adding weight, get comfortable with being uncomfortable.

21 Snatches (squat) 95/65
4 rope climbs (9 rope pulls)
15 Snatches 95/65
3 rope climbs (7 rope pulls)
9 Snatches 95/65
2 Rope climbs (6 rope pulls)
-Immediately after this work perform 25 back squats with the bar you were using… it will be a light weight for back squats but its going to burn at the end of this wod

Sub for full snatches is to power snatch, then add and overhead squat, if you cant overhead squat then just power snatch
sub for rope climbs is rope pulls

The grind begins. Lets get back to normal. Weather will cooling off soon, hurricanes are gone. Hurricane food should all be eaten up by now.

Warm up
800 Meter Sand Bag run with a partner

Clean and Jerk Work
5 sets of triples, gradually work up. Sets of three means this
Do 1  SQUAT clean and jerk drop the bar, reset, do another, reset and do another,
Rest a couple minutes then go again
This should take 20-30 minutes. Not 5 minutes and not 45 minutes.

Wod- Start as a class so be ready.
16 Minute Amrap
9 Power Cleans 185/135
9 Burpees over your bar
Run 200

We are open from 8-11am. There are classes and open gym at that time
Classes are
8AM endurance- we are running 400’s tomorrow. need to get ready for the 2nd Annual Bill Turkey Sandwich 5k
9am Mobility with Amanda
10am Chipper wod saturday 30 minute cap
partner wod
100 Kb Swings
100 Double Unders
100 Walking lunges with your KB
100 Wall Balls
100 Tire Flips
100 Slam Balls if you make it that far

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