8am Endurance – 200,200,400,400,800,800,400,400,200

9am Mobility

10am Partner Chipper
30 minute cap
100 Wall Balls
90 KB Swings
80 Burpees
70 air squats
60 Cal rower
50 Cal Bike
40 Snatches 95/65
30 ski erg cal
20 Clean and jerk 135/95
10 Man makers

Warm Up
5 Rounds
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 squats

Front Squat
7,7,5,5,3,3 add weight each time

16 Minutes
10 Deadlifts 225/95
25 doubles (Have to practice, open is coming)
Run 200m

Warm up-
800 meter sandbag run with a buddy
40 1 armed OHS with a light dumbbell

Snatch emom 10 minutes
3 power snatches or 3 full snatches or any combo.. every rep from the ground

16 Minutes
20 Slam balls
20 Sit ups
1 Heavy Farmer Carry to the end of the concrete (a heavy dumbbell or KB in each hand)

Warm Up-
Partner Bike
10 minutes switch every minute

Push press- Dip and Drive

16 Minutes
5 Power cleans 185,135
1 Sled push
1 rope climb
(Add 2 Power Cleans every round)
Round 1=5
Round 2=7
Round 3=9
Round 4=11
and on and on and on……

Warm up
4 rounds
10 push ups
10 pull ups
10 squats
10 cals

10 Minutes emom
1 power clean, 2 front squats, 1 shoulder to overhead

6 Rounds
10 Front rack lunges IN PLACE with barbell 155/105 (if the barbell isnt working out, use Dumbbell, if thats not working hold dumbbells at your side
25 Double unders
100ft walk with a plate over your head (50 feet down, 50 feet back)

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