12pm Beginner workout today!!! as well as the regular workouts.. bring a buddy in at 12.


8am Team Endurance
Wod 1- 18 Minutes
Partner 1- run 400
Partner 2- Bike for cals
Score is your cals
*Pace yourself on the bike.. 18 minutes is long time.. even if your splitting the work

Wod 2- Row for cals with a partner
16 minutes- Switch every minute

9am Mobility

10 Am Partner Chipper!!!-
have equipment ready lined up down the floor so you can move from station to station
100 Wall Balls
100 Slam balls
100 Rower Cals
100 Dumbbell snatches
100 situps
100 KB Swings
100 Bike Cals
100 Walking lunges with your slam ball


Warm up
5 Minute bike
30 Weighted push ups
30 Pull ups

Strength Is Deadlifts
5×40% 5×50% 3×60%
5×75% 5x%80
Then As Many Reps As Possible at 85%
*Remember these percentage are based off 90 percent of your 1 rep max. The sheet will make it simple, put your sheet in the book when you are done

Wod “Aaron”
5 Rounds For time
7 deadlifts 275/200
7 Bar Muscle Ups (sub 10 Chest to bars, 10 Pull ups, 10 jumping pull ups, 10 ring rows
12 Push ups

Warm up
800 M run
40 Overhead squats with pvc
Grab and empty bar
Review the snatch TOGETHER
15 From the Power Postion
15 From the Hang
15 From the Shin or with 10 pound plates

Strength is Bench Press
5×40% 5×50% 3×60%
5×75% 5x%80
Then As Many Reps As Possible at 85%
*Remember these percentage are based off 90 percent of your 1 rep max. The sheet will make it simple, put your sheet in the book when you are done

Wod 1- 5 Minute Amrap
21 Power snatches 95/65
Run 200

REST 3 Minutes

Wod 2- 5 Minute Amrap
15 Power snatches
Run 200

Rest 3 Minutes

Wod 3- 5 minute Amrap
9 Power snatches
run 200M

Warm up
Teams of 3 Row 1500, split how you want
Grab a bar
Review the squat clean
0-2 Minutes 7 Power Position Squat cleans
2-4 MInutes 6 Hang from the knee squat cleans
4-6 Minutes 5 from the floor (shins ) Squat Clean

20 Minutes to establish 3 rep max HANG SQUAT CLEAN
Percentages would look something like this
40%,50%,60%,70%,80%,90%, 100+

Wod 1
5 Minute Amrap… all out
6 Hand stand push ups
6 Power Cleans  (from the floor each time) 225/155

Rest 3 Minutes
5 Minutes Amrap
6 Front Squats 185/135
10 Ring dips

10 Minute partner bike, Its a race if you want it to be….. switch every minute
Shoulder warm up EMOM With an empty bar
0-2 Minutes 10 Strcit Press
2-4 Minutes Push Press
4-8 Minutes Push Jerk

Strict Press
5×40% 5×50% 3×60%
5×75% 5x%80
Then As Many Reps As Possible at 85%
*Remember these percentage are based off 90 percent of your 1 rep max. The sheet will make it simple, put your sheet in the book when you are done

4 Rounds For Time
10 Shoulder to Overhead 155/105
10 Burpees Over your bar
10 Toes to Bar

1 445 446 447 448 449 539