Warm up… Today your warm up is barbell work! yayyyyyy today is a strength day!
If you are there early bike or row until 5 After
Grab a bar
0-1 Minute 12 power position power snatches
1-3 Minutes 8 Hang position Power snatches
3-5 Minutes 6 hang position squat snatch or hang+power+ohs
Strength 1-
20 Minutes
3,3,3,3,3 Hang snatches (try to squat, you may drop the bar and reset to the hang after every rep) take longer breaks after you complete 3 reps.
Strength 2 Bench Press
AMRAP at %70
If you must…. here is your cardio for the end of class
with a partner…
12 sets of 250m row sprints.. this is all out, 6 rounds each.