Mix in some Tampa Bay games practice- have equipment ready and be warmed up 10:15
6 Minute Amrap

40 Deadlifts (Elite 315/205) (RX 225/155) (Int/Mas 185/135) (Novice 135/95)
40 Wall Balls (Elite/RX 30/20) (All others 20/14) Target Height: 10/9
40 Dumbbell Power Cleans (Elite 70/50) (RX/INT/Mas 50/35) (Novice 35/25)
40 Box Jumps (Elite/RX 30/24) (All others 24/20)
40 Dumbbell Thrusters

In the Tampa Bay Games you are working in pairs of 2 on this wod anyway.

Wod 2- 10 Minutes Amrap- Teams of 2

10 Min AMRAP

Buy In:  500m row

30 Synchronized Dumbbell Snatches (Elite 70/50) (RX, Int, Mas 50/35) (Novice 35/25)

20 Bar Muscle Ups – one athlete works at a time (Int/Mas Pull Up) (Novice Ring Row)

30 Synchronized Burpees

20 Bar Muscle Ups

Wod 3
10 Minute Amrap- Split work however you want
20 Dumbbell squats
20 Dumbell push presses or push jerks
100 feet walking lunge with both dumbbells. one partner carries both, can switch whenever you want!



Running Today!
200m, 200m 200m rest 60 seconds between
800m. Rest 2 Minutes
1 Mile, rest 3 minutes Push it on this mile!
800m rest 2 minute
200m,200m,200m,  rest 60 seconds between

9am Mobility

10am partner wod or teams of 3
800m Run Buy In both run.
Then split
100 Rower Cals on the rower, 50 wall balls
80 cals, 40 wall balls
40 cals, 20 wall balls
80 cals, 40 Wall Balls
100 cals, 50 wall balls
Buy out 800m Run, both run

Feeling like a beast- Do your calories on the bike! It will take almost the whole hour

5 Minute bike
Grab a bar for clean practice

0-2  8 Power Position Power Clean
2-4  8 Hang Position Squat Clean
4-6  6 squat cleans from the floor

20 Minutes to find you max of this this complex
1 squat clean starting from the floor
1 Hang  clean (squat or power)
2 Front squat
*can NOT drop the bar to reset

4 Rounds for time
10 Power cleans 155/105
5 Push Jerk or push press 155/105
Run 200
2/1 Rope climb

Backwards day today, Starting with a wod

Take 10 Minutes to build up to your Deadlift working weight for the wod.

3 rounds for time of:
25 deadlifts
Bike 1,000 meters (.7 miles on the bike)

Men: 225 lb.
Women: 155 lb.

Scroll for scaling options.

CrossFit WOD 180603 Tips With Rory McKernan
The Deadlift

This is a medium-length workout. Try to keep moving with very short breaks. Reduce the deadlift load so you can complete each round in 3 sets or less and still push a good pace on the bike.

Intermediate Option
3 rounds for time of:
25 deadlifts
Bike 1,000 meters (.7 miles on the assault bike or bring a mountain bike if you want and bike 1000m.. its just past the second box, road bike wont work across grass)

Men: 185 lb.
Women: 125 lb.

Beginner Option
3 rounds for time of:
20 deadlifts
Bike 500 meters

Men: 95 lb.
Women: 65 lb.

Use the last 20-25 Minutes of class for Bench Press

5×40%,5×50%,5×60%,5×60%,5×65%,Amrap at 70%

Warm up-
50 Pass Throughs
30 push ups
Then review the shoulder to overhead movements as a class
20 empty bar presses
20 empty push presses at your pace
20 push jerks

Strength: Strict Press DELOAD WEEK. next week we start the last 5,3,1 strength cycle then we are changing it up after that. Still doing strength work, changing it up.
5×40%,5×50%,3×60%,5×60%,5×65% Then AMRAP at %70

Strength 2
5 sets of 3 heavy push jerks

12 Minute Amrap
10 Cals on the assault bike
200 M Run
30 Air squats
40 Double unders (40 singles is the sub.. want to keep you moving)

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