Warm up- A LOT to do today.. don’t be late, do not fall behind
3 Rounds
20 pass throughs
10 wall balls
Run 200
Keep your wall ball out at the front of the room

Grab a bar-quick review of push press
20 Push presses as a class
14  minutes to compete 5 sets of 3 moderate/heavy (85 to 90 percent)  push press
Thats a set every 2 minutes.. let’s keep moving.

5 Minutes review of med ball clean as a class


Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
20 medicine-ball cleans
60 double-unders

Men: 20-lb. ball
Women: 14-lb. ball
Scroll for scaling options.

CrossFit WOD 180112 Tips With David Tittle
The Medicine-Ball Clean
The Double-Under

Scaling this WOD
Adjust the movements and reps so you can keep moving for the duration of the workout. The volume of squats will be high, so choose a ball that is manageable. The volume of double-unders is also high in this conditioning workout. If you can do them, this is a good opportunity to practice large sets while fatigued; if you struggle with double-unders, reduce the reps so you can keep moving and don’t stall on the rope.

Intermediate Option
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
20 medicine-ball cleans
30 double-unders

Men: 14-lb. ball
Women: 10-lb. ball

Beginner Option
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
10 medicine-ball cleans
120 single-unders

Men: 10-lb. ball
Women: 6-lb. ball

Warm up-
5 Minute Bike Plus 30 Squat Therapy squats
Review the points of performance for a deadlift

Strength- 20 rep back squat day. Use your sheets, you should be 10 pounds higher than your starting weight as this is your third session.
Warm up with 40 and 50 perecent for 10 reps.. then attack those 20 reps to give your legs time to rest for this wod.
Watch the video. Scale appropriately please. Please do step ups if your legs are toasted. You can even sub  weighted step ups if you would rather not jump.

****This Wod is relatively short, take time after your squats to build up to your deadlift working weight.

21-15-9 reps for time of:
Box jumps

Men: 315 lb., 30-in. box
Women: 205 lb., 24-in. box

Scroll for scaling options.

CrossFit WOD 180111 Tips With David Tittle
The Deadlift
The Box Jump

Scaling this WOD
This couplet is a sprint. The deadlift should be heavy but nowhere near your max. The box should be high but not so high that you hesitate and/or rest between reps. Pick options that are challenging but don’t slow you down.

Intermediate Option
15-12-9 reps for time of:
Box jumps

Men: 275 lb., 30-in. box
Women: 185 lb., 24-in. box

Beginner Option
21-15-9 reps for time of:
Box jumps

Men: 155 lb., 20-in. box
Women: 105 lb., 16-in. box

Sunday Funday-
Do not pick the same partner as last week.

All named wods… back to back to back.. all the ladies..
800M Run then straight into
Grace (30 Clean and jerks 135/95) Split how want
Then straight into
Double Helen
3 rounds of
Run 400 together
42 Swings
24 pull ups

Then straight into Karen
150 wall ball split how you want

8am Endurance-
Warm up with a nice 800m run
1 Mile- 4 Minute rest
800×2 with a two minute rest
400×4 with a 60 second rest

9am Mobility

10am TEAMS OF 3
800 M run together
150 Wall Balls
150 Slam Balls
800 Meter Run together
150 Kb Swings
150 Weighted Lunges with Dumbells
800 Meter run together
150 Burpees to finish the day

Friday the 13th.. don’t be scared of the Wod.

Warm up-
3 rounds
10 pull ups
10 cal bike


Coach led Snatch progressions.
0-2 Minutes 8 Power Position Power Snatches
2-4 Minutes 8 Hang position Power snatches
4-6 Minutes 5 Snatch from the shin, or snatch from the shin plus overhead squat.

On a 14 Minutes clock build up to 2 of your heaviest hang snatches

Newer athletes drill your form over and over, add your overhead squat. Experienced athletes work up to heavy doubles.


Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:
5 power snatches
10 overhead walking lunges
1 rope climb, 15-ft. rope

Men: 95 lb.
Women: 65 lb.

Scroll for scaling options.

CrossFit WOD 180110 Tips With David Tittle
The Power Snatch
The Rope Climb (Basket)

Scaling this WOD
This is a fast-paced triplet. The barbell should be light enough that you can complete several rounds of snatches and lunges unbroken. Rest as little as possible. Aim for at least 5-6 rounds.

Intermediate Option
Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:
5 power snatches
10 overhead walking lunges
1 rope climb, 12-ft. rope

Men: 75 lb.
Women: 55 lb.

Beginner Option
Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:
5 power snatches
10 walking lunges
1 rope climb, from lying to standing

Men: 45 lb.
Women: 35 lb.

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