Warm up-
3 Rounds
200 M run
20 Weighted good morning
20 Walking lunge steps
10 Light Deadlifts (you’ll be using the same bar for the strength)

Strength, Review the deficit deadlift! Points of performance. This strength should take you almost the whole hour, but if not there is great sprint Wod Below!

Deficit deadlift 3-3-3-3-3 reps

Stand on extra plates to increase range of motion beyond that allowed by your normal deadlift setup.

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CrossFit WOD 180122 Tips With Rory McKernan
• Read: The Deadlift
The Deadlift

This is a heavy day with a twist on the standard deadlift. Experiment to find a deficit that increases range of motion but allows you to lift heavy with excellent mechanics. Beginners should ignore the deficit and refine deadlift mechanics from the floor.

Beginner Option
Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3 reps



14 Minutes
10 Slam Balls as heavy as possible
10 Front rack lunges 155/105 with a barbell (if you cant do this with a barbell do this with dumbbells
Sprint 100 Meters

Warm Up
800 Meter Run
30 Pass Throughs
30 Overhead Squats with pvc

Snatch- Power position only (you can add weight and use this as warm for what follows.
Coach Led
Perform 20 power snatches from the power position
Perform 15 Power Snatches from Power Position+Overhead squat
Perform 7 FULL snatches from the power position

On a running clock build up to a heavy set of 3 snatches (full or power) from the power position.
14 Minutes to do this


Does this workout look familiar….. We did it 20 days ago. Do you feel better! Was something easier? Did your time improve. Its about the little differences. 20 days isn’t long. Would you have done better if you had made it the gym more? Are you over training.. under training? Eating poorly? Whats different compared to just 20 days ago. Have you been working on Handstands?

3 rounds for time of:
21-cal. row
12 handstand push-ups
3 rope climbs, 15-ft. rope

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Post time to comments.

CrossFit WOD 180120 Tips With Rory McKernan
The Kipping Handstand Push-Up

Modify the exercises as needed so you can push yourself throughout the workout. For today, choose easier movement options so you can keep moving during the workout and practice more complex versions during your warm-up or cool-down.

Intermediate Option
3 rounds for time of:
21-cal. row
9 handstand push-ups
2 rope climbs, 15-ft. rope

Beginner Option
3 rounds for time of:
15-cal. row
12 push-ups
3 rope climbs, lying to standing

Warm up-
As a class starting on the hour! If you are there early please row, stretch, double under practice, pull ups , run, bike…. or anything you need to work on.
30 Squat Therapy squats with a 2 second hold at the bottome, then head to the rack and find an empty bar

Strength- as these weights get heavier, we will allow more time!
12 Minutes to complete your 20 Rep Back Squat (Keep in the 12 minutes time cap, the class is NOT waiting for you)
Strength- 20 rep back squat day. Use your sheets, add 5 pounds onto last time!

Meet at the board, go over dumbbell snatches and burpees using “The Open” standards. This wod is a Sprint. Wod 2 is at the bottom of the page.



21-15-9 reps for time of:
Dumbbell snatches
Burpees, jumping over the dumbbell

Men: 50-lb. dumbbell
Women: 35-lb. dumbbell

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CrossFit WOD 180119 Tips With Tia-Clair Toomey
The Dumbbell Power Snatch

Use this workout as a chance to practice for the Open. Each Open workout will offer specific weights and movement standards that allow everyone from teenagers to masters to participate. Pick the option that is appropriate for you. Follow the standards explained in the live announcement of 18.Zero.

Scaled Option (Ages 16-54)
21-15-9 reps for time of:
Dumbbell snatches
Burpees, stepping over the dumbbell

Men: 35-lb. dumbbell
Women: 20-lb. dumbbell

Scaled Option (Teenagers 14-15 and Masters 55+)
21-15-9 reps for time of:
Dumbbell snatches
Burpees, stepping over the dumbbell

Men: 20-lb. dumbbell
Women: 10-lb. dumbbell

***********************************************Extra work******************************************
5 rounds
1 sled push
20 Doubles
14 pistols (7 each leg) or 28 air squats

Warm Up-
5 Minutes to bike, stretch or row
5 after the hour, meet at the board, go over the wod

Strength/Skill Emom Start with an Empty Bar, you can add weight as your getting warm.
0-2 Minutes 10 Power Position Power Cleans
2-4 Minutes 8 Hang position Power Cleans
4-6 Minutes 8 Power cleans from the shin
6-8 minutes- 10 reps of dip drive press (push press)

8-21 Minutes Build up to a max of this complex (CLOCK IS RUNNING 13 Minutes to find this)
1 Power clean + 3 Push Press


21-15-9 reps for time of:
Push presses
Power cleans

Men: 135 lb.
Women: 95 lb.

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CrossFit WOD 180118 Tips With Rory McKernan
The Push Press
The Power Clean

This is a quick, moderately heavy weightlifting workout. Reduce the load to a weight that allows you to push the pace and challenge your metabolic capacity. Beginners can also reduce the reps in order to maintain intensity.

Intermediate Option
21-15-9 reps for time of:
Push presses
Power cleans

Men: 115 lb.
Women: 75 lb.

Beginner Option
12-9-6 reps for time of:
Push presses
Power cleans

Men: 95 lb.
Women: 65 lb.

Sunday Funday-

Teams Of 2-
Wod 1-
12 Minute Amrap- split the work however you want
16 Burpees
32 Wall Balls
Run 200M together

Wod 2- 8 Minutes
Complete as many rounds as possible of “DT” splitting work however you want.
12 Deadlifts 155/105
9 Hang Cleans
6 Push Press

Wod 3
10 minutes max bike cals, switch whenever you want

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